Cranford Community College
Hounslow, United Kingdom
About Cranford Community College
Cranford Community College is a mixed, non-selective, non-denominational secondary school with sixth form in Middlesex serving students between the ages of 11-19. The secondary school is situated in Cranford, Hounslow and has approximately 1,420 students on roll. It is a National Teaching School and leads the Cranford Teaching Alliance, consisting of high achieving primary and secondary schools. Cranford Community College is also a Science Learning partnership lead school.
Cranford Community College was opened in 1975 and converted to academy status in 2012. Ofsted identified the secondary school as ‘outstanding’ in 2012.
Executive Headteacher
Kevin Prunty
Values and vision
Cranford Community College wants to challenge students with a broad, balanced and personalised curriculum so that they achieve to the highest of their abilities. The focus of the Hounslow school is providing high quality teaching to ensure that students progress to a an outstanding level, with the policy ‘all students deserving no less than good teaching’ shared by staff. The school was named a ‘Teaching School’ by the Department for Education and holds an Artsmark Gold award, along with a Sports England accreditation. It also has been identified as a Healthy School and received the Diamond Award for cultural diversity.
“The overall quality of teaching over time is outstanding. Teachers and teaching assistants have high expectations of students and make sure that work is carefully matched to their different abilities. The headteacher’s ambition of creating a first-class education for the local community has been achieved through his passion for setting high standards and aspirations for staff and students. Knowing the school as well as he does has meant that he has been quick to implement changes, especially in those areas where students are not making the progress they should”.