Durham Sixth Form Centre
Durham, County, United Kingdom
About Durham Sixth Form Centre
Durham Sixth Form Centre, located in Durham city centre, is one of the four largest post-16 schools in the country. It offers places for around 1,300 students from over 50 different secondary schools across County Durham, Sunderland and into Northumberland.
Durham Sixth Form Centre was built in 1913 as a girls’ grammar school and converted into a sixth form in 1983. The original school building has been significantly added to and now includes a science block, 210-seat theatre, plus three centres for resources, visual arts and leisure. Plans to further extend the school are ongoing.
Ellen Beveridge
Values and vision
“Learn, achieve, succeed” are the words encapsulating the ambitions that Durham Sixth Form Centre has for its students. It aims to provide high-quality, inspirational teaching and learning, and to offer excellent support, care and guidance. Personal and professional integrity are highly valued. The school offers the most extensive range of A-levels in the area, in addition to BTEC qualifications and other Level 3 courses. All students are assigned a tutor and pastoral learning leader. There is a strong professional development programme, confirmed by achievement of CPD accreditation, Investors in People status and the Governor Mark.
Ofsted report
“Relationships between teachers and their students are strong and characterised by mutual respect and high expectations. The teaching makes a good impact on spiritual, moral, social and cultural education, for example through the extensive range of activities available in addition to the curriculum."