Forest Academy
Redbridge, United Kingdom
About Forest Academy
The Forest Academy
The Forest Academy is a medium-sized, community school integral to the Beacon Multi - Academy Trust. We are a good school (Ofsted, 2023), serving a diverse and vibrant community in Hainault.
Values and vision
We are proud of the inclusive nature of TFA, particularly our Additionally Resourced Provision, Beacon Communication School, for students with a range of social communication difficulties including Autism and Asperger’s syndrome, with a new 6thform provision as part of Beal 6th form.
We have a co-located 6th form with Beal High School. We have exceptionally high aspirations for all of our students, and support them to set goals and think about their futures. Students from TFA and Beal 6th form go on to some of the best universities and apprenticeships, and we consistently secure 100% progression for our students.
Our school has an atmosphere of challenge and purpose. Our students experience a rich, varied curriculum ensuring excellent outcomes and high-quality progression routes. We seek to broaden our students’ experiences by providing a choice of more than 40 clubs per week, and all students access a range of curriculum trips each year.
The Forest Academy has been judged as a good school (January 2023).
“Forest Academy is a welcoming place for pupils of all cultures and faiths… Leaders and governors have high expectations for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Pupils feel safe and are happy. Staff have a positive working relationship with pupils, which reflects the school’s culture of respect. Pupils are polite and considerate of others. They learn in an orderly and calm environment.”
View Forest Academy’s latest Ofsted report
Mr Will Mackintosh