John Ruskin School
Cumbria, United Kingdom
About John Ruskin School
Located in Coniston, Cumbria, John Ruskin School is a high-performing, attractive secondary school. With approx. 240 pupils aged 11-16, it boasts a range of teaching and recreational facilities and activities in a great Lake District location. Staff are able to swim, run, walk, cycle at the end of a school day; cars can be left on site until the gates are closed. Parking on site for staff is free of charge. We value staff development and will work with you on CPD opportunities.
Mr Peter Blackburn
Values and Vision
We foster a strong sense of community among students, and are able to motivate and inspire students by knowing them well as individuals. The school offers a wide-ranging curriculum for its students, is over-subscribed, popular and thriving.
“This is a warm, welcoming school where everyone feels valued, safe and secure. There is a wonderful atmosphere for learning. Staff and students are highly motivated to do their best, so everyone thrives. Teaching and achievement have improved since the last inspection and are now good. Well planned professional development and opportunities to share best practice are ensuring these improvements continue into the future.
I am really please with the approach that they have to developing my child’s learning.
- Y8 parent, October 2024‘John Ruskin School is a welcoming school where staff know every pupil. There is a strong sense of community spirit. Relationships between pupils and their teachers are warm. Pupils are well cared for, happy and safe.’
- Ofsted report 2019