Noel-Baker Academy
Derby, United Kingdom
About Noel-Baker Academy
At Noel-Baker Academy, we believe passionately that our students are entitled to the same breadth and depth of provision as any student attending any of the best schools in the country. This is a vision shared with the LEAD Academy Trust, of which we are a part. We know that we are on a journey towards excellence and that with persistent effort, hard work and patience, amazing things can and will be achieved for and by our young people.
We are proud of our traditional and no-nonsense approach to uniform, teaching and behaviour. We expect our parents and our community to support us in the work that we do and on our journey towards making Noel-Baker the best Academy it can be. As such, we demand respect from our students for their teachers, their peers and their community, and in return, we respect, encourage, nurture and push them to be the very best they can be.