Northease Manor School

East Sussex, United Kingdom

Location: East Sussex, United Kingdom
Type: Special Needs
Phase: Special Needs
Funding status: Independent
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 10 - 17 years

About Northease Manor School

Northease Manor School is an independent specialist school and charity approved by the DfE as a co-educational day school for students primarily with Autism and / or Dyslexia or those who present with these type of difficulties. Alongside these, our young people have other co-occurring difficulties including ADHD, Dsycalculia, Tourettes and sensory processing differences. The majority of our learners are working at or have the potential to work at age related expectations (or just below) across a range of subjects, follow a differentiated National Curriculum and access GCSE or equivalent qualifications.

We are known and respected for providing high quality, holistic teaching, therapy and pastoral support. We promote and recognise that each student is an individual with unique needs, acknowledging that a diagnosis will only provide part of the picture. Our integrated approach to therapy and small teaching classes, coupled with the small and close community we have here at Northease, enables us to build excellent relationships and understand students as a whole. We use that knowledge and understanding to ensure the best outcomes for each student. Our aim is to provide the best of what a mainstream setting can offer in terms of a broad and balanced curriculum and excellent educational outcomes within a calm and low arousal environment and with an additional focus of developing essential life skills. The majority of our students have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and their placement is funded through their local authority.

Our location, a spacious 12 acre country site built round an 18th century manor house, gives everyone room to grow and develop in a school with a true community and family feel. We are an easy commute from Brighton, Tunbridge Wells and Eastbourne.

We are a part of the Independent Schools Association and inspected by ISI. Our last inspection determined that we meet 100% of the ISI standards.

One parent summed up the sentiment of many by writing simply: ‘The school changed my child’s life and gave us hope…  Very effective use of training, including working in close partnership with the therapy team.’

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Address: Rodmell, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 3EY, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1273 472915
Positions available at Northease Manor School