Saint Cecilia's Church of England School
Wandsworth, United Kingdom
About Saint Cecilia's Church of England School
Saint Cecilia’s Church of England School is a co-educational comprehensive school for pupils aged 11–18 years specialising in the teaching of Music and Mathematics.
As a Christian school, we are proud to declare that we exist to ‘Glorify God through outstanding, enjoyable education’.
The school values the uniqueness of each individual as a person made in the image of God, entitled to teaching and learning opportunities which will enable him or her to become a confident, competent, caring and self-reliant person, fully prepared for adult life and the world of work in modern Britain.
In order to fulfil its Mission Statement, the school seeks:
•To develop the whole child.
•To promote the highest standards of academic achievement, motivation and self-discipline in all pupils.
•To ensure high quality teaching and learning in all subjects and at all key stages.
•To encourage each individual child to develop her or his talents to the full.
•To ensure that everyone is treated equally and with respect.
•To develop in pupils an awareness and appreciation of spiritual, moral, social and cultural values and attitudes.
•To help pupils develop creative, lively and critically enquiring minds and the ability to question and discuss rationally.
•To promote an awareness of our place in, dependency on and respect for the world environment.
•To promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
At Saint Cecilia’s we believe that pupils should enjoy and learn from their everyday experiences, both in and out of school, valuing their school days as part of a process of lifelong learning. Fulfilment grows from a sense of personal achievement and pupils are given the opportunity to participate in a wide range of educational and recreational activities, including decision-making. Teaching is organised to enable pupils to work individually as well as in groups, cooperatively and well as competitively. Assessment of pupils’ work accentuates positive achievement as well as provides direction for future improvement.