Sharjah English School
United Arab Emirates
About Sharjah English School
Sharjah English School (SES) is one of the longest-established British curriculum schools in the UAE, being founded in 1974. It enjoys an outstanding reputation throughout the country and the Gulf, both for its academic excellence, its pastoral provision and its reputation in sport, music, drama and arts.
Importantly, it is a not-for-profit school, which helps create its distinctive ethos, where a ‘pupils first’ mantra is prevalent and value is placed on teaching and learning rather than the provision of schooling as a business. SES is inspected and accredited by British Schools Overseas (BSO) and British Schools of the Middle East (BSME) from whom it currently receives an outstanding rating.
The school today has approx 1,100 children from Foundation through to A Level. These represent well over 50 nationalities. There are usually three forms in each year group. Our size allows us to combine the best qualities of an intimate small school, with the sense of a forward-looking developing school growing its reputation and profile internationally.
SES is housed in impressive purpose-built premises on one of the largest school sites in the UAE. The fully air-conditioned buildings are well-equipped with modern furnishings and ICT. There are specialist rooms for Science, Design and Technology, Music, Computing, Art, Drama and Special Needs. The school boasts impressive sports facilities, including two large sports halls, a swimming pool and spacious auditorium. An expansive sports field is used regularly for inter-school tournaments, and by visiting international teams. The facilities enable us to offer a comprehensive and varied selection of clubs and activities.
The pastoral support and programmes at SES are frequently commended by inspectors, parents and students. These work with our leadership opportunities to create confident and articulate students who are superb ambassadors for the school and great examples of the benefits of an international education.
All teaching staff at the school, outside of Arabic and Islamic Studies teachers, are UK qualified and experienced. We currently have approximately 100 academic staff in total across our school. Our staff are energetic and committed. For prospective teachers, SES offers the ideal blend of well-behaved, motivated students, supportive and engaged parents, and colleagues who are proud of what they do. Staff frequently cite SES as the best school they have worked at, and our aim is to make sure that when they move on, they do so with enhanced teaching skills and leadership potential.
Leadership and teaching candidates should be prepared to bring dynamism, innovation and drive as the school continues to be "Rich in history, future focused"
'There is a powerful sense of care and support permeating the whole school campus. Students across all key stages are happy young people who are proud of their school and thrive on the learning experiences that it provides.'
- British Schools of the Middle East Inspection Report'SES is an outstanding school: it is very effective and standards across all areas are high. The school is well led and managed, and all stakeholders take a keen interest in the success of the school'
- British Schools Overseas Inspection Report (March 2019)'Parents who attend Sharjah English School are a very happy bunch indeed'
- www.whichschooladvisor.com