St Catherine's RC School
Barnet, United Kingdom
About St Catherine's RC School
At St.Catherine’s we are committed to providing children of nursery and primary school ages with a child centered learning environment where all children flourish socially, emotionally, academically, physically and spiritually. Each child is encouraged to achieve their full potential and celebrate their uniqueness. At the heart of this is our strong caring ethos based on mutual respect and gospel values. The school actively promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
St Catherine’s was considered by Ofsted as outstanding in Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes in 2022. Our children achieve in the top 20% of the country in reading, writing and maths. This confirms our commitment to high standards and expectations for all pupils.
Our children and their families tell us pupils are happy and feel safe. We encourage strong home school links where communication is key. We operate an open door policy where all members of our professional teaching and leadership team are available to discuss the children's progress/welfare. We pride ourselves on the strong partnerships we have built with all members of our community.
Key features of our school are:
- A creative, dynamic curriculum which takes account of the interest and needs of our diverse community.
- Newly opened Performing Arts Hub and a modern learning environment.
- Exciting playground with a multi use games area and a curriculum garden in which the children grow their own vegetables.
- Music specialist teaching from nursery to Year 6, school orchestra and choir.
- Language specialist teaching French from years 1 to 6.
- Specialist sports coach 5 days per week
- Forest School with dedicated Forest School Teacher
- New ipads and laptops for children and staff
- Successful PHSE programme where all pupils are encouraged to support each other including peer mentoring and a School Council.
- Exciting and varied class visits to support the curriculum.
- A commitment to wellbeing throughout the school
- Gold awards in Sports, Sustained Physical Activity, Emotional Health and Wellbeing and Rights and Respecting
Finally, it is the strong and committed team of staff, parents and governors which make our school the happy and successful place it is.
We are very proud of the standards of education and pupil engagement at St Catherine’s and our children are a testament to that.