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Social Time Supervisor

Social Time Supervisor

Greenshaw High School


  • Expired
NJC Outer London points 3-6
Job type:
Part Time, Permanent
Apply by:
19 January 2025

Job overview

This is an excellent opportunity for a highly motivated and committed individual to join Greenshaw High School as a Social Time Supervisor. The successful candidate will play an important role in ensuring that our students are supervised appropriately and kept safe on the premises during social time periods. For the right candidate, this is a fantastic opportunity to make a difference to the lives of our students.


Social Time Supervisors play an important role in ensuring that our students are supervised appropriately and kept safe on the premises during break and lunchtime periods.


Greenshaw High School operates a split social time rota based on duty points, which are reviewed on a daily basis. Social Time Supervisors may be assigned to the same duty point for all of their duties, or assigned to a different duty point for each day. The social time rota operates as below:




09:55am – 10:15am                        Year 7 & Year 8

10:20am – 10:45am                        Year 9

10:55am – 11:15am                        Year 10, Year 11 & Sixth Form




12:05pm – 12:45pm                       Year 7

12:15pm – 12:45pm                       Year 8

12:45pm – 13:15pm                       Year 10

13:15pm – 13:45pm                       Year 9, Year 11 & Sixth Form


Prior to the start of the break and lunchtime periods, our Social Time Supervisors prepare the eating areas for students and ensure that the area is clean and tidy for the start of the next break and lunch period


Due to the nature of the role, the majority of break and lunchtime duty points are outside. Social Time Supervisors work outside in variable weather conditions.


Main Responsibilities

  • Provide general supervision of students during the lunch period in designated lunchtime areas;
  • Undertake particular supervision duties associated with the duty point allocated to you on any given day;
  • Prior to the start of the lunch period and in the period between Lower School and Upper School lunch, prepare the lunch areas for students and ensure that the area is clean and tidy for the start of the next lunch period;
  • Ensure that students tidy/clear up in a satisfactory manner;
  • Ensure that sensible queueing arrangements are maintained;
  • Manage student behaviour at lunchtime in line with the school’s behaviour policy;
  • Work in close co-operation with other school staff;
  • Report to the Operations Co-ordinator at the start of each lunchtime to pick up any instructions that apply to that particular day;
  • Keep the safeguarding team informed of any concerns relating to safeguarding and/or child protection.


General Responsibilities

  • Act as a professional and positive role model to our students in terms of personal presentation, timekeeping and behaviour;
  • Be responsible for keeping up to date with the requirements of the role, by attending appropriate INSET and training courses, meetings, and keeping abreast of changes in legislation;
  • Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection, equal opportunities and race equality, health and safety, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person;
  • Undertake any other duties commensurate with the post as may be required by the Headteacher


Undertaking any other duties commensurate with the post as may be required by the Headteacher requirements of the person specification.


Attached documents

About Greenshaw High School

Greenshaw High School is a highly over-subscribed 11 to 19 mixed comprehensive secondary school and sixth form situated in Sutton, South West London. Greenshaw High School is at the heart of a group of over twenty other schools in the Greenshaw Learning Trust. It was designated as a Research School in 2020, so we have access to some of the best research and evidence about how learning can happen most effectively.

With these supportive connections it is no surprise that Greenshaw has been popular with parents of children of all abilities and there continues to be a large demand for places.

Our Vision

We have an established reputation of nurturing high levels of attainment in our students alongside excellent pastoral support. We strive for high outcomes and also value high welfare, for both pupils and staff. Education should not be a choice between one or the other, and we hold both in equal esteem.

Our Learning

As a comprehensive school, our curriculum breadth is incredibly important for us. We want all of our students to experience a wide range of subjects including maths, English, sciences, humanities and languages, and proudly make a space for the performing and creative arts.

We also relish our social responsibility to educate our students about important areas that do not fall neatly into subject categories, but that are critical to young people so they can be empowered citizens and intellectually capable. This includes the books we read in tutor time each morning, and a homework scheme we call The Big Ideas that Shaped the World.

Examination Results

A level results

Reviewing exam outcomes over the last few years of educational disruption presents challenges, but in the previous nine years of public exams our post-16 results were always significantly above national average rates of progress. In the most recent year of public examinations (2019), more than one in five of every A Level grade at Greenshaw High School was at grade A or A* with 73% of students achieving a pass at A*-C.

Over the last two years our students continued to progress well onto their next stage. The majority of our Year 13 students progressed to undergraduate courses (including medicine and law) at prestigious Russell Group universities, including Cambridge and Oxford Universities. We are also proud that our strong work in the creative arts continues to enable large groups of students to move on to foundation art courses, and directly into world leading institutions such as Central St Martins University for the Creative Arts.

GCSE results

Similarly, in Year 11 the proportion of our students securing firm destinations for post-16 education has been ahead of national averages. They have gone on to access a range of BTEC, A Level and other courses both at our school and other colleges locally. In 2019, Greenshaw High School celebrated the GCSE results achieved by students of the school, with 72% of all qualifications graded at 4 or better (what used to be the old ‘grade C’), and a quarter of all qualifications at grade 7 or higher (the old ‘grade A’).

Our Commitment to Your Career

As a Research School Greenshaw High School is committed to providing excellent CPD opportunities and career progression for all staff. We prioritise staff training and development and believe that all members of staff should have a thorough induction and an ongoing programme of training and professional development.

On each Wednesday lessons end an hour earlier, allowing our training to be done within the school day, rather than in twilight sessions. We call this part of the week ‘Professional Growth’, and is divided between departmental sessions on subject pedagogy, and broader professional enquiry in areas such as assessment, educational disadvantage and language. All colleagues are part of the whole school coaching programme where we review effective lesson structures and pedagogy, enabling all of us to continually reflect on our current teaching and always seek to improve.

Our programme of professional development has been recognised as excellent. It was awarded ‘Gold’ status by the Teacher Development Trust, a level of award that is rarely granted.

By investing in staff development our staff body is up to date with the latest thinking and practice in education. This in turn enables them to provide the best learning opportunities for our students, something we are passionate about every day we come to work.

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