AQA GCSE Geography 9 point  answer exemplar booklet for Paper 1Quick View

AQA GCSE Geography 9 point answer exemplar booklet for Paper 1

<p>My attempt to put together a series of exemplar or model answers for the key topics that will come up on the Paper 1 Physical Geography examination. I have highlighted in the script of each answer how marks may be allocated for AO1, AO2 and AO3.<br /> The booklet also includes a glossary of terms students could use as starter, connective and summary statements when answering this type of question. Also includes a few 6 mark topics too.</p>
AQA (New Spec) Weather hazards in the UKQuick View

AQA (New Spec) Weather hazards in the UK

Bundle of four lessons looking at examples of extreme weather in the UK and then a detailed case study of the Somerset levels floods of 2014. The lesson include differentiated starter, success criteria, information, activities, hyperlinks to video clips and examples of examination questions and model answers.
The ultimate Geography quiz 2024Quick View

The ultimate Geography quiz 2024

<p>9 rounds with 100 questions on countries, flags, catchphrase puzzles, country outlines, animal geography,silly UK place names, European capitals famous landmarks, silly UK place names true or false and hidden countries. Each round has the answers provided as well as blank templates for student answer sheets.<br /> The quiz is designed to be accessible by students of all abilities, with some more straight forward questions and others set o challenge the most able.</p>
Geography end of year quizQuick View

Geography end of year quiz

<p>Seven rounds with score sheets included.</p> <p>Rounds include:</p> <p>Continents and animals.<br /> Find the missing colour on the flags.<br /> Countries from their outlines.<br /> Capital city catchphrase.<br /> Countries and their landmarks.<br /> UK place names. True or false?<br /> Find the hidden country in the sentence.</p>
KS3 Geography of the Middle EastQuick View

KS3 Geography of the Middle East

<p>8 lesson unit on the Middle East:</p> <p>Includes:<br /> Introduction<br /> Physical Geography<br /> Biomes and climates<br /> Where do people live?<br /> Who are the people of the Middle East<br /> The Arabian Peninsula<br /> Conflicts of the Middle East<br /> Israel and Palestine</p>
KS3 Energy and the environment  unit of workQuick View

KS3 Energy and the environment unit of work

<p>Unit of work comprising of 12 lessons. Starting off with what is a resource, looking at the issue of electricity generation, fossil fuels, renewable and non renewable energy sources and climate change.The unit contains an enquiry assessment task on wind farm location. Other ares included in the unit include the exploitation of Antarctica, endangered species and plastics in the oceans.<br /> Each lesson has a lesson launch activities, success criteria and a variety of task. Where appropriate hyperlinks to video clips are included within the powerpoints.</p>
AQA new specification Urban change in the UK. Manchester case studyQuick View

AQA new specification Urban change in the UK. Manchester case study

6 lessons starting with the distribution of population and the major cities of the UK. Five lessons that focus on Manchester as a case study looking at social, economic and environmental challenge and opportunities, finishing with urban sustainability in Manchester. All lessons have imaginative lesson launches, activities, information, census data and maps, together with a number of hyperlinks to relevant you tube clips to support learning.
AQA GCSE (New Spec) Tectonic hazardsQuick View

AQA GCSE (New Spec) Tectonic hazards

10 lessons that cover the topic of Tectonic hazards in detail. Includes case study work on Nepal, Chile,Iceland, California, Montserrat and the Indian Ocean tsunami. All lessons have starters, information and questions or activities. Includes hyperlinks to video clips where appropriate, and includes some specimen examination questions with mark schemes.
KS3 Glaciation and glaciated landscapesQuick View

KS3 Glaciation and glaciated landscapes

<p>Series of 7 lessons that looks at ice ages, glaciers, glacial processes, erosional features, OS map work of glaciated landscapes and conflicts in glaciated landscapes.<br /> The lessons include starter activities with answers, information slides, a variety of activities, video hyperlinks and plenary tests.</p>
Tourism in USA and New YorkQuick View

Tourism in USA and New York

<p>Lesson looking at the geography of North America, then focuses on the different states with a poster activity linked to top tourist attractions in the USA. Final activity looks at planning a weekend break in New York.</p>
Storm Dennis 2020 Extreme weather in the UK / flooding case studyQuick View

Storm Dennis 2020 Extreme weather in the UK / flooding case study

<p>Lesson that includes a lesson launch on the factors that can increase the risk of flooding, plus a stickability exercise on extreme weather in the UK.<br /> Tasks include questions responding to text about the storm, questions relating to maps of the area along the River Severn hit by flooding from the storm. A number of video clips and questions relating to these that help to build up a case study of causes, effects and responses.</p>
Geography taster lesson for Year 5 & 6Quick View

Geography taster lesson for Year 5 & 6

<p>Lesson I have used many times for taster sessions with Years 5&amp;6. Students are placed in a scenario of being marooned on a desert island and have to use the resources they find and have available to them, to survive and plan an escape from the island.<br /> Lesson incorporates thinking skills and group work. Lesson is supported by a video and resource cards to help introduce the lesson to the students, as well as a success criteria to help the class judge the final group presentations</p>
KS3 Africa and development unitQuick View

KS3 Africa and development unit

<p>15 lessons included in this unit, which looks at the colonial past of Africa, political and physical geography. The unit Introduces the topic of biomes in the continent, before looking at the topic of development and inequality. Lessons include the DTM, population pyramids, development indicators game, employment stuctures and touches on the issue of health with a lesson on Malaria. Case study focus is on Kenya, which again looks at physical and human geography, urbanisation and settlement.<br /> There is also a homework booklet included.</p>
Anak Krakatau case study 2018 eruptionQuick View

Anak Krakatau case study 2018 eruption

<p>A stand alone lesson (probably two or three) if you watch the video and complete the question sheet. The presentation links the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa to the 2018 December eruptions of Anak Krakatau (Son of Krakatoa). Lesson incorporates activities on volcano structure, plate tectonics theory, convergent plate boundaries and tsunamis, as well the effects of the tsunami on the people of Indonesia.</p>
KS3 South America unitQuick View

KS3 South America unit

<p>12 lessons that focus on South America to introduce a number of key GCSE topics such as Ecosystems, tropical rainforests, climate change, sustainability and changing urban environments.</p> <p>All lessons are stand alone lessons, which include lesson launches, plenaries, video links and a variety of teaching approaches.</p> <p>Also includes an end of unit assessment.</p>
Surviving on a desert islandQuick View

Surviving on a desert island

<p>A lesson I have used as a geography taster day activity for Year 5 or Year 6, but has also been used in primary school and in problem solving activity days. This resource has a lesson launch, homemade support video and playing cards. Students work in groups to decide how certain resources can be used to aid their survival chances on a desert island, and eventually assist in their escape or rescue. There is also a complete lesson plan and suggested answers to support the teacher.</p>
Sustainable development : Water aidQuick View

Sustainable development : Water aid

Stand alone lesson as part of a unit on development. The lesson includes a differentiated lesson launch using a cartoon and Justin Bieber. Video clips, story board activity, cut and stick on well design, as well as Venn diagram on the impacts of aid. Extension task on decision making on using aid to improve lives in rural areas of LIC's.
Extreme weather in the UK 2018 Heatwave and droughtQuick View

Extreme weather in the UK 2018 Heatwave and drought

<p>A stand alone lesson looking at the 2018 heatwave and drought. The lesson includes a photograph exercise for the lesson launch, success criteria, series of exercises relating to text, photographs, satellite photographs, video clips, choropleth maps of rainfall in England between May and July and rainfall and river flow data for the various regions of England. The lesson concludes with a look at different water storage methods employed in different regions of England, and how this contributes to regional water stress, and the issue of leakage.</p>
Effects of tropical storms 9 mark question practiseQuick View

Effects of tropical storms 9 mark question practise

<p>Stand alone lesson looking at breaking down and interpreting a 9 mark GCSE question on the primary and secondary impacts of tropical storms, the lesson then has an interactive revision session using case studies from Irma, Katrina and Haiyan. Students then follow an essay structure to construct their response to the nine point question. Ideal for a 50 - 60 minute revision slot prior to the Paper 1 examination.</p>
Tourism in Africa and KenyaQuick View

Tourism in Africa and Kenya

<p>Lesson looks at the geography of Africa including a poster activity looking at the some of the main tourist attractions of the continent. The lesson then focuses on Kenya and in particular the impact of tourism on the game reserves.</p>