Transforming Mr Twit - Roald DahlQuick View

Transforming Mr Twit - Roald Dahl

A collection of resources and week plan for writing a description of a wonderful person, using Mr Twit as a resource for vocabulary. The powerpoints contain warm-ups also.
English Vocabulary BookletQuick View

English Vocabulary Booklet

The first in a series of booklets designed to improve the vocabulary knowledge of pupils who might have a limited knowledge of English. The words are taken from a KS3 spelling list, but they are ones that pupils who are heading up to KS 3 soon should really know the what they mean. I've included etymology, some suffix/ prefix word relations, false usage, synonyms and antonyms and a revision page at the end of each booklet. I've included PDFs in case the fonts don't work on your computer.
SPongebob Handwriting Project BookQuick View

SPongebob Handwriting Project Book

A pack to practise handwriting, with activities on the theme of Spongebob Squarepants to keep the children motivated. I've used CCW number 19 font and saved ti as a PDF so everyone can download it, but if you&'d rather havea Word version so that you can change the font, please get in touch. Thanks!
Big Write Cymraeg - ysgrifennu portread o ddihirynQuick View

Big Write Cymraeg - ysgrifennu portread o ddihiryn

Wythnos o weithgareddau i ddilyn at ddisgrifiad o ddihiryn (villain) yn ol patrwm Big Write (Sgwennu Swmpus??!) yn seiliedig ar Mr Cadno Campus gan Roald Dahl. Mae'r powerpoints yn cynnwys taflenni gwaith y gellir eu argraffu a'u copio i'r plant.
Persuasive Leaflet Writing Frame and Planning SheetQuick View

Persuasive Leaflet Writing Frame and Planning Sheet

Resources for preparing GCSE students for their Paper 2 (WJEC) GCSE English Language examination. Includes description of task, step-by-step instructions and a frame in which to do the first draft. Could also be used in KS3 for non-fiction writing - writing a Leaflet. Particularly suited to low-ability students and pupils with special needs.
Long Vowel Sounds families Work bookQuick View

Long Vowel Sounds families Work book

This follows on from the Short Vowel Sounds Families spelling pack. It groups spelling around sound, rather like THRASS, only I have tried to include all the possible spelling choices for each sound. This is more complicated than the short vowel sounds pack so pupils will probably need to spend more time learning each set of words.
Geiriau aml-uchelQuick View

Geiriau aml-uchel

Cerdiau fflach yn cynnwys y geiriau aml-uchel, wedi eu tynnu o 'Dyfal Donc'. Hefyd rhestr gwirio'r gallu i ddarllen / sillafu'r geiriau aml-uchel, fel sydd yn llyfryn Dyfal Donc.
Vocabulary Builders - The LandladyQuick View

Vocabulary Builders - The Landlady

The Landlady is a great short story by Roald Dahl. Here are some activities to go along with it. You can find dramatised versions of the story on YouTube or in a Tales of the Unexpected box set!
Pecyn sillafu ffonig Cymraeg - llafariaid senglQuick View

Pecyn sillafu ffonig Cymraeg - llafariaid sengl

Pecyn sydd y cefnogi ymarfer llafariaid sengl yn y Gymraeg. Mae cyfarwyddiadau gyda'r pecyn. Gellir gynnwys yr elfen 'Precision teaching' neu adael e mas os fynnwch. Mae pecyn aral ar gael sydd yn cynnwys llafariaid clwm.
Vowel-sounds families spelling activity packQuick View

Vowel-sounds families spelling activity pack

This follows the pattern of the Welsh versions, grouping English words according to their sounds rather than according to visual spelling patterns. Pupils read words in the group, do various games and activities to practise reading, then choose 6 (or however many is suitabe) words from the mini flashcards and create sentences using these words. The idea is to learn to spell these sentences, and also the words in the list if possible. They can draw a picture in the little box to help them remember. I always practise writing the sentences before I test them the following week.
Mat Ysgrifennu StoriQuick View

Mat Ysgrifennu Stori

Adnodd Cymraeg i gynorthwyo wrth ysgrifennu'n greadigol, gan awgrymu ffyrdd fwy diddorol i ddechrau eich brawddegau.
Y Treiglad MeddalQuick View

Y Treiglad Meddal

Cyfres o adnoddau i gefnogi gwaith ar y treiglad meddal. Gan gynnwys pethau i roi ar y wal, cerdyn cofio i roi i'r disgyblion a thaflen ymarfer. Wedi ei gynllunio ar gyfer ysgol uwchradd, iaith gyntaf ond fe ellir ei addasu i lefelau is.
Ymarfer treiglo ar ol arddodiaidQuick View

Ymarfer treiglo ar ol arddodiaid

Worksheet in Welsh to practice soft mutation after prepositions. Taflen gwaith i ymarfer treiglo'n feddal ar ôl arddodiaid. Wedi diweddaru a chywiro! Updated and corrected!
PEE paragraphs brochureQuick View

PEE paragraphs brochure

A simple leaflet-style handout to help explain and exemplify how to write PEE paragraphs. Contains starter sentences and vocabulary, as well as a structure and example. There are some blank spaces on the leaflet if you want to add in your school's logo.
Writing a Speech planning packQuick View

Writing a Speech planning pack

We've been looking at stereotypes and women in sport, so the task was to write a speech giving your views on the statement "Women's Sport is Rubbish". This pack contains a list of agree/ disagree statements, a frame for planning a speech, and a phrase bank to use when writing. A good checklist for devices to use can be found in Smudge78's resources:
Cardiau wyddor ALK Cymraeg. Welsh alphabet cardsQuick View

Cardiau wyddor ALK Cymraeg. Welsh alphabet cards

Fersiwn Gymraeg yw'r cerdiau hyn o&'r 'No-name alphabet' yr 'Active Literacy Kit' gan Dyslexia Action. Maent yn ddefnyddiol i ddrilio trefn y wyddor ac i gysylltu swn a delwedd yn gadarn yng nghof y plentyn. Maent hefyd yn helpu cofio a defnyddio geirfa. This is a Welsh version of the no-name alphabet cards in Dyslexia Action&';s Active Literacy Kit.