Lesson on the Creation story, including activities on the Big Bang theory, assessing the validity of different beliefs. Includes exam questions with mark schemes.
Lessons on the Eduqas prescription of set texts for A Day at the Races. Includes introductions to the writers and their poetry, translations and close text analysis. Exam paper included.
Lesson and worksheet on common Latin adjectives for KS 3. Includes match up activities, sentences to translate, and activity on adjective and noun agreement.
3 excellent lessons with worksheets on the nature of God in Christianity, including Bible quotes and stories, and activities on the problem of evil. To go alongside the AQA spec, includes exam questions and mark schemes
Excellent lesson teaching students how to describe themselves and others using Latin adjectives. Detailed worksheet included. Describing famous figures activity.
Activities to teach students the present tense of the Latin verb 'esse'. Second lesson also includes activities on the Roman theatre, used alongside CLC Book 1.
<p>Lesson on different types of Christian worship; liturgical, non-liturgical, informal. In depth look at each different type with specimen GCSE exam question.</p>
<p>Designed for the AQA RE A specification on Islam, this lesson teaches students about the nature of God, focusing on his ‘oneness’. Key terms: Muslims, Islam, Allah, Tawhid, monotheistic</p>
<p>GCSE RE lesson on heaven and hell. Includes activities on different denominational beliefs in Heaven, the rich man and Lazarus Bible story, and many Biblical references to heaven and hell.</p>