READING ASSEMBLY - With a book you are never alone and you can go anywhere!Quick View

READING ASSEMBLY - With a book you are never alone and you can go anywhere!

This is an assembly to promote reading which I delivered at Secondary school to years 7 -11. There is a recap of the evidence to support reading being so important to students followed by a look at how reading can inspires and influence us. Finally the assembly looks at how reading allows us to travel anywhere in the world, universe, time or space. The assembly ends with - “With a book you are never alone and you can go anywhere”. Within the resources I have included a script but the slides also guide the presenter through it. You may wish to personalise some of the examples.
Science skills  - Data Handling Lesson for interviewQuick View

Science skills - Data Handling Lesson for interview

Data Handling is a challenging lesson for interview, it is very much dependent on prior learning. I used this lesson for a interview with mixed ability Year 7 students. I decided to avoid graphs as student often struggle with graphs unless they have spent time working on it. In this lesson I wanted to make it engaging and include some real life applications. I wanted it to be hands on, in a limited and safe way. This lesson gives the students chance to collect (obtain), present and analyze data. I have included the KS3 NC links and a lesson script in the resources. The worksheets for the lesson are embedded in the slide show and there are clear activities for the students to complete including some scaffold.
Raising Aspiration's AssemblyQuick View

Raising Aspiration's Assembly

Assembly aimed at KS4 students. This is aimed at encouraging students to take responsibility for their future. There are many factors which can lower Aspirations for KS4 students such as College offers with low grade requirements and this is covered directly. The aim is also to help students grow up and act more maturely in KS4. The resource includes a full range of slides and a full script which can of course be adapted to the students.
AspirationsQuick View


I delivered this assembly to all year groups at my secondary school. I found the content took 12- 15 minutes to deliver. I have included a full script for the assembly on the last slide. The assembly covers the way our aspirations change during our lives with a focus on achievable and positive aspirations. The assembly has a little twist at the end that links in well with the ideas of well being, mental health and managing stress. I did some research before putting this assembly together and it was well received by students and staff.


This lesson is aimed at KS3 students. It was originally developed as an intervention lesson, it was so effective it is now delivered to all students in my department. The aim of the lesson is to enable students to talk and write in full sentences. Literacy skills are often a barrier to learning and this lesson help to break the barriers down. The starter activity is designed to engage boys and objectives and outcomes are included. The tasks differentiate through choice and support with sentence starters animating if required.
Science skills - Lab equipment, measuring skills, units, patterns, planning, graphs and conclusionsQuick View

Science skills - Lab equipment, measuring skills, units, patterns, planning, graphs and conclusions

Here are two fun, interesting lessons which prepare students well for the demands of required practicals in the future. Each lesson PPT includes starters, objectives, outcomes, teaching resources, homework and both involve students completing simple practical activities which require very little in the way of extra equipment. In many schools I have seen students learning to light a Bunsen and drawing safety posters but the skills in these lessons will enable students to better plan and carry out practicals in the future. Although I have classed these as 2 lessons you may find there is enough activities to fill 3-4 hours. This means you can complete the tasks which best match the needs of your students.
British Values - Correcting misconceptions around Immigration, Racism and HomophobiaQuick View

British Values - Correcting misconceptions around Immigration, Racism and Homophobia

I delivered this to Yr7-11 and the power point includes 2 slides as a script. I designed this Assembly to address some specific misconceptions a small minority of students were displaying. The Assembly is designed to tackle the issues in an research/evidence based approach. The Assembly begins with the idea of misconceptions and it being the job of teachers to identify misconceptions and correct them so students do not look silly in the future. The Assembly ends with British values and how students can demonstrate British values.


I delivered this Assembly to Yr 7 - 11. The focus of the Assembly is to show students that there are a range of skill sets and requirements for different careers and many of them are really difficult to guess. The power point includes a full script and all the information required to deliver it. The power point is animated so the jigsaws can be built as you discuss them with the students.
Reading Assembly - Reading as a Super powerQuick View

Reading Assembly - Reading as a Super power

This is an assembly, with script to introduce the importance of reading and literacy skills. The assembly frames reading as a super power to boost learning, health, mental health, wealth and writing skills.
Reading Assembly - Non-fictionQuick View

Reading Assembly - Non-fiction

This is an assembly aimed at secondary students. The resource includes a full script. The point of the assembly is that we are influenced by the people around us. If we read non-fiction we can be influenced by our hero’s and learn their habits, learning skills, ethics and attitudes.
AQA - Chemistry - 5.1 Revision lesson - Atomic structure and the Periodic tableQuick View

AQA - Chemistry - 5.1 Revision lesson - Atomic structure and the Periodic table

I developed these resources for an after school revision class. The students are given the content on entering the class. There are some brief activities on this and they are also given highlighters and asked to pick out the 10 most important bits of info. The students then work in groups to complete the Rev Periodic task. Next there is a GCSE ready quick quiz on power point. Finally they start the Revision poster work which they take home to complete.
Introduction to Electricity - Conductors and InsulatorsQuick View

Introduction to Electricity - Conductors and Insulators

I use this sheet as a starter activity or as homework. I developed this resource because although many students have studied electricity in KS3 I have often found some concepts are taught better than others. Current, electrons and the links to conductors etc is often an area students struggle with. As such I have found this worksheet very helpful in terms of addressing misconceptions.


This lesson was graded outstanding. The lesson is designed to be delivered to KS3 students learning about particles. The lesson can also be used to develop student independent practical skills and is very useful for addressing misconception. The lesson involves students coming into the room and completing a simple practical immediately and independently. All resources required are included in the powerpoint. Included are the following… Lesson delivery instructions How to use scales (help sheet) Practical instructions for 2 different simple activities Follow up questions work sheets including key questions to guide students thinking about misconceptions. Extension tasks linking to GCSE specification WALT and WILF
Monoclonal Antibodies - BiologyQuick View

Monoclonal Antibodies - Biology

GCSE Biology lesson Includes starter, objective, outcomes, worksheet, presentation. Lesson covers what they are, how they are made and the uses. Presentation includes animation to display how pregnancy testing kits work.
AQA - Chemistry - - Introduction to the Periodic tableQuick View

AQA - Chemistry - - Introduction to the Periodic table

This lesson is a lesson about the periodic table. The starter and introduction to the lesson is about our human obsession with classification, which students relate to well. The resource includes, starter, exam board content, walt, wilf, lesson activities and printable resources, quiz and plenary.
Aspirations Assemblies bundleQuick View

Aspirations Assemblies bundle

2 Resources
Here are 2 assemblies which develop ideas about Aspirations. The first is about how Aspirations change over time and the importance of thinking about the future. The second is about breaking down aspirations into smaller goals and skills so they become achievable. It includes several examples of real jobs and the range of qualifications and skills required.


I designed these resources for an hour long intervention / revision session. I wanted to show the students the link between using the syllabus and exam questions. I also wanted the students to work independently, with little or no help from me. This task worked really well for developing resilience. The students used the syllabus which I have placed onto the power point (printed out 2 slides per page) to complete the content revision notes (word document). Once they have completed the notes the 2 sets of exam questions are easy.
AQA - Chemistry - Models of the AtomQuick View

AQA - Chemistry - Models of the Atom

Teaching different models of the atom can be quite dull. As such I developed this lesson as a group work, research lesson so the students could lead the learning about the changing models of the atom. The power point includes a starter, walt and wilf, all the lesson resources, printable info sheets and a couple of plenary activities.