Urban Heat IslandsQuick View

Urban Heat Islands

This PPT gives a clear and visual representation of what an urban heat island effect is, while looking at the profile and explaining variations as well as management strategies, including a 6 mark examination question and crossword.
Youthful Population case study - IGCSE GeographyQuick View

Youthful Population case study - IGCSE Geography

This could be used as an example in any curriculum as a case study for a youthful population, causes and consequences in conjunction with the video. It also has strategies to slow down the population growth (in this context).
Urban microclimatesQuick View

Urban microclimates

This is a PPT with a short video and 6 mark examination question used to teach urban microclimates (including an UHI). This is suitable for A-Level and IB Option G - Urban Environments and/or revision.
Singapore - Population PoliciesQuick View

Singapore - Population Policies

PPT with two videos embedded. The PPT goes through the history and current situation (from a ‘stop at two’ anti-natalist policy to post 1987, pro-natalist. A handout with notes and links are embedded with space for students to work through, examination style questions are also included.
Brixton Gentrification and Contested Land Case StudyQuick View

Brixton Gentrification and Contested Land Case Study

This would suit IB Geography, doubling up as a case study for both gentrification and contested land. There is a PPT with various visuals as well as a word document with links to further resources for students to work through. This is clear and structured. This could be one full lesson (or two), the teacher can adjust and adapt the handout.
Demographic DividendQuick View

Demographic Dividend

This is suitable for IB Geography - Demographic Dividend. There is a PPT, with a handout for studnents (notes)/worksheet as well as a case study. This will take 1-2 lessons depending on the duration and ability of the class.
Air pollution: causes, consequences and strategies (two case studies)Quick View

Air pollution: causes, consequences and strategies (two case studies)

A PPT with the causes of air pollution in Delhi. Notes/handout with various actvities, links and articles included. Based on two case studies; Mexico City and Delhi, both can be evaluated in terms of their respective strategies, or a simple compare and contrast. Useful for Option G IB Geography or A Levels.
PPT Epidemiological transition IB Geography - Option FQuick View

PPT Epidemiological transition IB Geography - Option F

Mostly useful for IB Geography teachers teaching - Option F The PowerPoint covers both diseases of affluence and poverty looking at a variety of diseases associated with each. Including diseases associated with an ageing population and the implications associated with these.
Infographics - Paper 2Quick View

Infographics - Paper 2

An introduction to Infographics in IB Geography with a PPT (included videos), handout with notes and a template to guide the evaluation of one, both can be adapted.
IB Geography -  Option A Case Study G.E.R.DQuick View

IB Geography - Option A Case Study G.E.R.D

IB Geography (new syllabus) - Option A - Freshwater 3. Water scarcity and water quality 4.Case study of one internationally shared water resource and the role of different stake holders in attempting to find a resolution.
Air pollution in Delhi - IB Option G:   Urban EnvironmentsQuick View

Air pollution in Delhi - IB Option G: Urban Environments

The PowerPoint introduces the causes of air pollution in Delhi, how this is made up etc. A few clips are there to go through, I talk mainly about Nov 7-8, 2017 when levels were particularly high. A table is laid out for students to do their own research, to finish with a ten mark question is included (straight from the syllabus) which can be marked according to the IB markbands or commented upon etc.
Human Development Index (HDI) videoQuick View

Human Development Index (HDI) video

Video evaluating the Human Development Index (HDI) for IB Geo. It may be a useful resource during a lock down or cover lesson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSYTm839ezo