Linked to the AQA ideologies - Nationalism <br />
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a full unit of work on nationalism from its origins to today's nationalism<br />
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You will need the AQA book and Heywood to complete certain tasks
This is a stand alone History resource looking at the likelihood of the existence of the Illuminati<br />
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background and card sort activity to look at the probability
To go with the debate time sheets- this powerpoint lays out the basics of where debates come from and why they are important.<br />
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The sheets give some information for both sides of the question and allow students to start off the basics to their debate. They can use supplementary information to continue to bolster their ideas. This can be used as a Whole lesson (other material will be needed) starter or plenary activity . It can also be used as the basis to run lunch/ after school debate clubs.
A power point that takes you through the basics of UK political parties to students. This is part of a set that can be used to deliver a whole series of lessons on the role of UK politics. Also contains a worksheet at the end to help students think about their work. You will need access to internet as this contains links to YouTube. Look at the Question Time bundle for the whole days of lessons.
1 - compare the 4 leaders FDR / Churchill / Chamberlain / Harris carousel with the information - rank them and explain why<br />
2 - look at the evidence and consider weather or not you think that Churchill is a hero? Put him on trail against Harris for the Dresden attack.
These sheets give some information for both sides of the question and allow students to start off the basics to their debate. They can use supplementary information to continue to bolster their ideas. This can be used as a Whole lesson (other material will be needed) starter or plenary activity . It can also be used as the basis to run lunch/ after school debate clubs. <br />
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These sheets cover The role of Government, the Monarchy and some of the questions around them.<br />
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To start debates - you might want to look for my debate time powerpoint.
These sheets give some information for both sides of the question and allow students to start off the basics to their debate. They can use supplementary information to continue to bolster their ideas. This can be used as a Whole lesson (other material will be needed) starter or plenary activity . It can also be used as the basis to run lunch/ after school debate clubs. <br />
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These sheets cover some general political idea and some of the questions around them.<br />
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To start debates - you might want to look for my debate time powerpoint.
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Lesson one and two of the AQA course Health and the People.<br />
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Looks at the origins of medicine and its links to today<br />
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Chronology included.<br />
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Hand outs at the end
These sheets give some information for both sides of the question and allow students to start off the basics to their debate. They can use supplementary information to continue to bolster their ideas. This can be used as a Whole lesson (other material will be needed) starter or plenary activity . It can also be used as the basis to run lunch/ after school debate clubs. <br />
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These sheets cover some general issues and some of the questions around them.<br />
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To start debates - you might want to look for my debate time powerpoint.
A power point that takes you through the reasons why politics is important to students. This is part of a set that can be used to deliver a whole series of lessons on the role of UK politics. Also contains a worksheet at the end to help students think about their work. You will need access to internet as this contains links to YouTube. Look at the Question Time bundle for the whole days of lessons.