Catholic and Protestant cover lesson
<p>Reading and activity on the differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.</p>
Israel cover sheet / worksheet bundle
<p>Two cover sheets / worksheets on the creation of Israel and wars fought by Israel.</p>
Equality and social justice
<p>Lesson / worksheet on equality and social justice for A-Level Government and Politics.</p>
Collective vs individual rights
<p>Lesson / worksheet on collective vs individual rights for A-Level Government and Politics.</p>
How do I describe the location of the United Kingdom?
<p>Lesson looking at the location of the United Kingdom.</p>
What is the difference between weather and climate?
<p>Lesson looking at the difference between weather and climate.</p>
Why is the soil so important in this biome and how does it form?
<p>Lesson looking at the importance of soil.</p>
Why is the producer and decomposer important?
<p>Lesson looking at the producer and decomposer and why they are important.</p>
How and why does rainfall vary across the United Kingdom?
<p>Lesson looking at how and why does rainfall vary across the United Kingdom.</p>
Why is the United Kingdom a developed country?
<p>Lesson at how the UK became a developed country.</p>
Contour lines and figure grid references
<p>Lesson looking at contour lines and figure grid references.</p>