A2 A Level Unit 4 The Macro EconomyQuick View

A2 A Level Unit 4 The Macro Economy

This powerpoint is not updated for the new 2023 syllabus, but most of the topics are included. The topics that aren’t included are the ones that have been moved from AS to A2. These powerpoint presentations are are you need for class. Unit 4 is a big and important unit for the students to understand. These presentations will be used in class for 8 weeks or more. They contain all the information the students need to know for the final CIE A Level examinations. They also include important definitions as well as classwork for the students to practice in class. Don’t spend another minute planning for Econ class. These powerpoints are all you need!!! The 9 different presentations include: 1 of 9 Economic growth, economic development and sustainability 2 of 9 National Income Statistics 3 of 9 Classification of Countries 4 of 9 Employment/Unemployment 5 of 9 The circular flow of income 6 of 9 Money Supply (theory) 7 of 9 Keynesian and Montetarist Schools 8 of 9 The demand for money and interest rate determination 9 of 9 Policies towards developing economies: Policies of trade and aid
Entire Year of A2 A Level Economics PresentationsQuick View

Entire Year of A2 A Level Economics Presentations

5 Resources
This is everything you need for the ENTIRE School Year for A2 A Level CIE International Economics. Don’t spend hours planning your lessons. This bundle is all you, and your students, need for the class and exam! These 5 presentations include HUNDREDS of slides that will last all year. It’s also a great way for students to review for the exam. Presentations include definitions, examples and activities for students. Unit 1 Basic Economic Ideas Unit 2 The Price System and the Micro Economy Unit 3 Government Intervention Unit 4 The Macro Economy Unit 5 Government Macro Intervention
Step-by-Step guide on how to draw the Subsidy DiagramQuick View

Step-by-Step guide on how to draw the Subsidy Diagram

This PowerPoint is a step-by-step guide for teaching students how to draw the subsidy diagram. This should be done in class with students drawing the diagrams along with this presentation. This 12 page slide PowerPoint presentation has multiple animations per page that details how to Draw the Diagram by Shifting the Supply Curve and where to find all of the important information that students need. Incidence Subsidy Benefit Changes in Consumer and Producer Surplus Changes in Price and Quantity Government Expenditure for the Subsidy Dead Weight Loss Students will often forget how to draw this diagrams and it can be used throughout the year.
Step-by-Step Guide on how to draw the Indirect Tax and Subsidy  Diagrams in EconomicsQuick View

Step-by-Step Guide on how to draw the Indirect Tax and Subsidy Diagrams in Economics

2 Resources
This PowerPoint is a step-by-step guide for teaching students how to draw the tax and subsidy diagrams. This should be done in class with students drawing the diagrams along with this presentation. This 14 page slide PowerPoint presentation has multiple animations per page that details how to Draw the Diagram by Shifting the Supply Curve and where to find all of the important information that students need. Incidence Tax Burden/Subsidy Benefit Changes in Consumer and Producer Surplus Changes in Price and Quantity Government Revenue/Expenditure from the Tax/Subsidy Dead Weight Loss Students will often forget how to draw these diagrams and this can be used throughout the year.
A2 A Level Economics Unit 2 The Price System and the Micro EconomyQuick View

A2 A Level Economics Unit 2 The Price System and the Micro Economy

This powerpoint is not updated for the new 2023 syllabus, but most of the topics are included. The topics that aren’t included are the ones that have been moved from AS to A2.A2 A Level Unit 2 The Price System and the Micro Economy *This powerpoint presentation consists of six parts. These powerpoints will last 6 weeks of class time. This is all you need for class. Included is a detailed powerpoint will all of the information for unit 2 the students need to know for the exam. Practice questions and activities are included in the presentation. Don’t spend any more time preparing for economics class. This resource is all you need. * The 6 different sections of unit 2 include: 1. Law of diminishing marginal utility -its relationship to derivation of an individual demand schedule -equi-marginal principle -limitations of marginal utility theory; rational behavior vs. behavioral economic models 2. Indifference curves and budget lines -income, substitution and price effects for various types of goods **3. Types of cost, revenue and profit, short-run and long-run production ** -short-run production function: fixed and variable factors of production, total product, average product and marginal product -Long-run production function **4. Different market structures ** -perfect competition, imperfect competition (monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, natural monopoly) -structure of markets as explained by number of buyers and sellers, nature of product, degree of freedom of entry and nature of information -contestable markets and their implications -concentration ratio 5. Growth and survival of firms -reasons for small firms -integration, diversification, mergers, cartels 6. Differing objectives of a firm -traditional profit maximising objective of firm -an understanding of other objectives of the firm -pricing policy -comparisons of performance of firms
A2 A Level Unit 5 Government Macro InterventionQuick View

A2 A Level Unit 5 Government Macro Intervention

*This powerpoint is not updated for the new 2023 syllabus, but most of the topics are included. The topics that aren’t included are the ones that have been moved from AS to A2. Don’t spend another minute planning for economics class. This presentation includes definitions, examples and classroom activities for the students. Everything they need to know for the final exam is in this presentation on Government Macroeconomic Intervention. 1 of 3 Government macro policy aims -on inflation, balance of payments, exchange rates, unemployment, growth and development 2 of 3 Inter-connectedness of problems -links between macro problems and their interrelatedness, for example: -relationship between internal and external value of money -relationship between bop and inflation -trade-off between inflation and unemployment; Phillips curve 3 of 3 Effectiveness of policy options to meet all macroeconomic objectives -problems arising from conflicts between policy objectives on inflation, unemployment, economic growth, bop, exchange rates and the redistribution of income and wealth -existence of govt. failure in macroeconomic policies -Laffer Curve analysis
A2 A Level Unit 3 Government InterventionQuick View

A2 A Level Unit 3 Government Intervention

This powerpoint is not updated for the new 2023 syllabus, but most of the topics are included. The topics that aren’t included are the ones that have been moved from AS to A2. These presentations are are you need for class. Unit 3 is an important unit for the students to understand. These presentations will be used in class for 8 weeks or more. They contain all the information the students need to know for the final A Level examinations. They also include important definitions as well as classwork for the students to practice in class. Don’t spend another minute planning for Econ class. These are all you need!!! The 4 different presentations include: 1 of 4 Policies to achieve efficient resource allocation and correct market failure 2 of 4 Equity and Policies towards income and wealth redistribution 3 of 4 Labour market forces and government intervention: a) demand for and supply of labour b) wage determination in perfect markets c) wage determination in imperfect markets 4 of 4 Government failure in microeconomic intervention
A2 A-Level Economics Unit 1 Basic Economic IdeasQuick View

A2 A-Level Economics Unit 1 Basic Economic Ideas

This powerpoint is not updated for the new 2023 syllabus, but most of the topics are included. The topics that aren’t included are the ones that have been moved from AS to A2. A2 A-Level Economics Unit 1 Basic Economic Ideas This PowerPoint is for CIE Cambridge International A2 Economics Unit 1 Basic Economic Ideas It’s packed full of details with 78 slides! This is your MAIN resource for class. Don’t spend time creating another PowerPoint for Economics class and don’t buy 50 different lessons online. This is all you need to get you started for Unit 1. Exam questions and Classroom Activites are included! Easy to follow and understand. Included in the PowerPoint: a) Efficient Resource Allocation Productive and Allocative Efficiency Pareto Optimality Dynamic Efficiency b) Externalities and Market Failure Reasons for Market Failure Positive and Negative Externalities for both Consumers and Firms Inefficient Resource Allocation c) Social Costs and Benefits; Cost-Benefit Analysis Social Costs as the Sum of Private Costs and External Costs Social Benefits as the Sum of Private Benefits and External Benefits Use of Cost-Benefit analysis in Decision-Making The PowerPoint is all the information the students need for the exam. Add your personal touch to make the presentation your own!
Terms of Trade ActivityQuick View

Terms of Trade Activity

Each student is assigned 1 of 4 possible countries. They must work on their own while working together with other “Countries” to calculate their terms of trade. Each country’s “Exports Prices” are another country’s “Import Prices” Students must first calculate the Terms of trade with one other country. Then they must recalculate the terms of trade when one of the three situation changes: Change in Import/Export Prices Change in Inflation Change in Exchange rate Worksheets and Answers provided.
Cereal Box Project for Economics: Fixing the Problem of Merit and Demerit GoodsQuick View

Cereal Box Project for Economics: Fixing the Problem of Merit and Demerit Goods

Students can get creative and reinforce their learning at the same time. This is a time consuming project that students tend to enjoy because they put a lot of work into their cereal box. It’s a great physical display of fixing the problems of merit and demerit goods. Students will choose a merit or demerit good, provide information of the good and give one demand side solution and one supply side solution to fix the problems stated. Directions: You work in the health department for the central government in the U.K. The Prime Minister wants solutions for the problems of specific merit/demerit goods. You will choose 1 merit good or 1 demerit good. You will put the following information on a cereal box…
Market System Matching ActivityQuick View

Market System Matching Activity

This activity will help students reinforce the features of the Command and Free Market economies. Cut up each of the 24 features and tape them around the room or school. Students will work with a partner to decide if each feature is a characteristic of the Command or Free market economy. They can write their answers down in the corresponding box.
Shifting Supply and Demand CurvesQuick View

Shifting Supply and Demand Curves

In this activity, students will work together in groups and give examples of things that can shift the Supply and Demand Curve for a product that they choose. They will choose a product such as “A sports car” and then give examples of how each determinant can shift the Demand or Supply Curve. The Determinants of Demand are: Change in Taste Change in the Price of Related Goods Change in Income of Buyers Number of Buyers Expectations of the Future Price The Determinants of Supply are: Resource Cost Price of related goods in production Taxes and Subsidies Technology Number of Sellers Expectations of the Future Price
Factors of Production and Specialization and Division of LaborQuick View

Factors of Production and Specialization and Division of Labor

This 25 page PowerPoint .ppt lesson is self-guided with discussion questions for the students and simple activities for the students to show their understanding. Students especially like the build-a-pen activity as they compete by working on the factory line. Factors of Production and Specialization of Labor and Division of Labor.
Production Possibility Curves Frontier  PPC PPF PowerPoint PresentationQuick View

Production Possibility Curves Frontier PPC PPF PowerPoint Presentation

This is a 21 page PowerPoint .ppt which is a self-guided lesson on Production Possibility Curves Frontier PPC PPF. Everything you need to teach the topic including practice activities, discussion questions and multiple choice questions for student assessment. How to draw the curve, how the curve can show scarcity, choice and opportunity cost, constant and increasing opportunity cost.
Step-by Step Guide on how to draw the  Indirect Tax  Diagram in EconomicsQuick View

Step-by Step Guide on how to draw the Indirect Tax Diagram in Economics

This PowerPoint is a step-by-step guide for teaching students how to draw the tax diagram. This should be done in class with students drawing the diagrams along with this presentation. This 14 page slide PowerPoint presentation has multiple animations per page that details how to Draw the Diagram by Shifting the Supply Curve and where to find all of the important information that students need. Incidence Tax Burden Changes in Consumer and Producer Surplus Changes in Price and Quantity Government Revenue from the Tax Dead Weight Loss Students will often forget how to draw these diagrams and this can be used throughout the year.