Employability WorkbookQuick View

Employability Workbook

<p>This is a Booklet that goes along with the Knowledge Organiser on the same topic and that can be find in my shop under “Employability Vocabulary Booklet”.</p> <p>There are 15 missions divided into a different amount of tasks. Each mission should roughly be one lesson.</p> <p>The aim is for students to be able to put their CV together in Spanish and be able to apply for a job as well as be ready for a job interview.</p> <p>I hope this helps.</p>
Employability Vocabulary Booklet - SpanishQuick View

Employability Vocabulary Booklet - Spanish

<p>This is aimed at S3 Spanish or Y10/11 Spanish.<br /> I have included success criteria with key vocabulary on the world of work/employability. This is aimed to help students write their CV and get ready for a job interview.<br /> My teaching method is based on repetition, accurate pronunciation and ability to build sentences.<br /> Workbook to follow to go with this knowledge organiser.</p> <p>Hope this helps!</p>
Topic 2 - Christmas: NoëlQuick View

Topic 2 - Christmas: Noël

<p>This PowerPoint covers the following:</p> <p>Learning Intentions:<br /> We are learning about Christmas and end of year traditions in France.</p> <p>Success Criteria:<br /> I can say at least 5 key words around Christmas.<br /> I can say “I would like”.<br /> I can say what they eat in France at Christmas time.<br /> I can write a Christmas card in French.<br /> I can sing a Christmas carol in French.<br /> I can understand a Christmas presents list.</p> <p>I hope this helps!</p>
House and Home in FrenchQuick View

House and Home in French

<p>In this PowerPoint, I borrowed some work from colleagues.<br /> It contains 140 slides divided into 8 lessons.</p> <p>I hope this helps your students as much as it helps mine learning this topic.</p> <p>This PowerPoint covers:<br /> We are learning about types of houses and homes.<br /> I can say what kind of house I live in.<br /> I can name the different floors of a house.<br /> I can list the rooms there are, or not, at home and describe them.<br /> I can list additional features (garden, garage, terrace, etc.)<br /> I can describe my ideal house and its features.</p> <p>We are learning about furniture that be find in a bedroom.<br /> I can list the furniture there is in my bedroom and I can tell where it is situated.<br /> I can use prepositions correctly.<br /> I can describe items in my bedroom using correct adjective agreements.</p>
Leisure and wellbeing in FrenchQuick View

Leisure and wellbeing in French

<p>This PowerPoint contains 281 slides and is divided into 11 lessons.</p> <p>Thank you to the colleagues who let me borrow some of their tasks.</p> <p>I hope this will help your students as much as it helps mine.</p>
All about conjugating verbs in FrenchQuick View

All about conjugating verbs in French

<p>Teaching how to conjugate verbs has never been that enjoyable for my students to learn after I broke it down so much and made it logical and easy for them to learn. I hope it helps your students as much as mine.</p> <p>This PowerPoint covers the following success criteria:</p> <ul> <li>I can explain what “conjugating”, “tense” and “personal pronoun” as well as what “regular” and “irregular“ mean.</li> <li>I can tell what the 5 steps to conjugate a verb are.</li> <li>I can recognise the 4 main irregular verbs.</li> <li>I can conjugate any verb at any of the 5 main tenses.</li> </ul>
Topic 1 - Introduction to FrenchQuick View

Topic 1 - Introduction to French

<p>This PowerPoint contains over 500 slides that cover the topic of introducing ourselves in French and as such it includes: name, age, birthday, family, physical description and personnality description.</p>
Daily routine in FrenchQuick View

Daily routine in French

<p>This is a whole unit that takes no preparation for the teacher or photocopying.<br /> There are 10 lessons in a total of 249 slides.<br /> I hope your students will enjoy learning through each slide as much as mine do.</p> <p>This PowerPoint covers:</p> <p>Learning Intentions:<br /> We are learning to say the time.<br /> We are talking about activities that we do on a daily basis.<br /> We are arguing what food habits are the best: French or British.<br /> We are comparing what chores we do to help at home.</p> <p>Success Criteria:<br /> I can say the time the 12H way (clock).<br /> I can say the time the 24H way (digital).<br /> I can count to 59.<br /> I can name different common items of food and drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner.<br /> I can ask others what they do to help out.<br /> I can say what I do and what others do to help out.<br /> I can say how often I do household chores.<br /> I can conjugate reflexive verbs.<br /> I know how to structure sentences well.<br /> I know what an adverb is.<br /> I can form negatives sentences to say “not”.</p>
Where I live in FrenchQuick View

Where I live in French

<p>This PowerPoint contains 126 slides divided into 7 lessons.<br /> I hope it helps your students as much as it helps mine learning about describing and commenting where we live, asking for our way and giving directions as well as conjugating verbs.</p> <p>It covers:<br /> Learning intentions:<br /> We are learning to describe where we live and give a balanced point of view about it, giving positive and negative opinions.<br /> We are learning to say what are the advantages and disadvantages or living there.<br /> We are learning to name everyday shops and the items you can buy in them.</p> <p>Success Criteria:<br /> I can describe my town using at least two adjectives.<br /> I can say what we can do and can not do where I live.<br /> I can name 10 shops.<br /> I can construct phrases justifying my opinion and using linking words.<br /> I can use the adjective agreement rule.<br /> I can conjugate verbs at 3 tenses: present, past and conditional.<br /> I can use prepositions.</p>
School in FrenchQuick View

School in French

<p>This PowerPoint contains 211 slides organised in 4 lessons.</p> <p>No preparation is needed.</p> <p>I hope it will help your students as much as it helped mine learning the vocabulary and grammar on this topic.</p> <p>Here are the outlines:<br /> We are learning about school items and facilities.<br /> We are learning about our timetable: school subjects and time.<br /> We are learning about what studying in France is like.<br /> We are learning about school rules and school uniform.</p> <p>I can say the time the 12H way (clock) and the 24H way (digital). I can count to 59.<br /> I can name at least 6 school items.<br /> I can say what school facilities are in a school.<br /> I can name school subjects, at what time I study them and give my opinion on it.<br /> I can name school rules.<br /> I can describe a school uniform and apply the adjective agreement rule.<br /> I can conjugate “to be” and “to have” at the present tense.<br /> I know how to structure sentences well using adverb and negatives sentences to say “not”.<br /> I can compare the French school system with the Scottish one.</p>
Going out in FrenchQuick View

Going out in French

<p>This PowerPoint contains 227 slides organised around 10 lessons.</p> <p>I hope it helps your students as much as it helps mine.</p> <p>It covers:<br /> LEARNING INTENTIONS<br /> We are learning to order food in a café or at the restaurant.<br /> We are learning to have a conversation about our last weekend.<br /> We are learning about cultural differences and similarities between the way of life in Scotland and in France.<br />  <br /> SUCCESS CRITERIA<br /> I can name fruits and vegetables.<br /> I can name at least 5 drinks.<br /> I can name at least 3 snacks.<br /> I can name at least 5 items that are most commonly eaten.<br /> I can ask what type of food is available, mention allergies, etc…<br /> I can understand questions a waiter would be asking.<br /> I can ask how much it costs and how to tip.<br /> I can ask someone what they did last weekend and where they went.<br /> I can say at least 5 activities I did – and I didn’t do.<br /> I can give a reason why I can’t go out.<br /> I can structure and extend my sentences using adjectives, opinions, connectives, adverbs/time expressions and negatives.<br /> I can conjugate « to be » and « to have » at the present tense.<br /> I can form the perfect tense of regular and irregular verbs with « avoir ».<br /> I can explain what verbs take «être » at the perfect tense.<br /> I can change the form of a verb to put it at the past participle.<br /> I can recognise and use irregular past participles.<br /> I can say at least 3 activities that I do in my free time.<br /> I can say how the weather is like.<br /> I can use the conditional to say what I would like (je voudrais).<br /> I know when to use “du”, “de la”, “de l’” and “des”.</p>
Holidays in FrenchQuick View

Holidays in French

<p>This PowerPoint contains 235 slides organised in 15 lessons.<br /> I hope it helps your students as much as it helps mine.</p> <p>It covers:<br /> Learning Intentions:<br /> We are learning to describe places to visit and how to get there/transport.<br /> We are talking about what we usually do, did and will do on holiday.<br /> We are preparing our future holidays in a French speaking country.</p> <p>Success Criteria:<br /> I can name holiday destinations, including different countries.<br /> I can name 10 places in town and ask my way to get there.<br /> I can use “on peut” to say what you can do there.<br /> I know 8 phrases expressing weather.<br /> I can link weather and seasons to describe climate.<br /> I can compare the weather in France and Scotland.<br /> I can form the future, present and past tenses.<br /> I can express my preferences as regards holiday activities  using « le mieux ».<br /> I can ask someone where they will stay / stay / stayed.<br /> I can tell the time in French for the purpose of travel timetables.<br /> I can book an accommodation and different types of tickets.</p>
N5/GTCS French - Key vocabulary on relationships (Society)Quick View

N5/GTCS French - Key vocabulary on relationships (Society)

<p>This is the essential key vocabulary on the topic of relationships at a N5 French level. This can also be used for Y11 French. It is organised per success criteria or subtopics. It includes most common linking words, adverbs and intensifiers as well as a guide to add one detail after another to express ourselves through extended and structured sentences.</p>
When the SQA tries to trick us - vocab + technique to pass N5 examQuick View

When the SQA tries to trick us - vocab + technique to pass N5 exam

<p>The aim of this document is to have a knowledge organiser that contains 3 parts:</p> <ol> <li>Vocabulary: a list of the basic and tricky and confusing words that every sudent at a N5 level must know from days of the week to family members and hobbies.</li> <li>Dictionary skills: advice on how to find the words and their translation</li> <li>Technique: advice for each paper</li> <li>Practice through 10 multiple choice questions</li> </ol> <p>Hope that helps your students as much as mine!</p>
About the French cultureQuick View

About the French culture

<p>This PowerPoint is mostly made to be taught around Easter time and/or when timetable changes. It includes lighter and yet engaging activities for students to have a deeper knowledge and understanding of life in France. Some activities are inspired from other teachers and can easily be adapted according to your preferences (example: there is music tasks where you are welcome to select other songs - only titles are given) or for other lessons.</p>
Vocabulary First steps in FrenchQuick View

Vocabulary First steps in French

<p>This is a knowledge organiser to support learning of basic French key vocabulary how to say name, age, date of birth, family members and describing physical appearance and personality.<br /> The vocabulary is categorised to give students a sense of grammar and to help them build extended sentences adding adjectives, connectives and opinions.</p>
Activities to review basic knowledgeQuick View

Activities to review basic knowledge

<p>This example of a review activy end of year in French can be used as such and/or adapted to any language, class/level and any topic, including cultural and grammatical aspects.</p> <p>It has tasks explanations in the notes part of the PowerPoint.</p> <p>Activities have different levels of differentiation and offer personalisation and choice, indivual and group tasks and a chance to practice the four skills: reading, writing, listening and talking.</p> <p>Hope this helps!</p>
Qui est-ce?Quick View

Qui est-ce?

I'm using this activity with some of my primary students to revise how to describe yourself and the others. I tried to make something interactive and primary students love how the asnwers show up etc..so it get their interest. Hope it will help !