Inclusion Assembly: The Value of Thinking Differently KS1 & KS2Quick View

Inclusion Assembly: The Value of Thinking Differently KS1 & KS2

This Assembly encourages students to engage with neuralogical differences. Throughout the assembly students explore the many different ways that people experience the world and empathise with the additional challenges that some people face. They discuss the importance of equitable support to ensure everyone can particpate and add value. The assembly centers around a story called “A Different Way of Thinking” about a king who has lost control of his kingdom. He allows his two children, a princess with down syndrome and a prince with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to rule. Their desire to hear the views of others and different way of thinking support them in coming up with ingenious and novel solutions to the citzens’ problems. The two lead characters are not described as having down syndrome or ASD, but it is quietly implicit through the illustrations and actions of the characters. Finally the students explore why and how other perspectives have value- especially those that are different to our own. Through this assembly students will learn That we are all different but some groups are neurologically different and they experience the world differently. That we have to provide specific support that meets an individuals specific needs- this may mean some students receive more support and this is fair. That people who think differently and experience the world differently have a lot to contribute and should be valued. This assembly is appropriate for reception (FS2) - Year 6 students. I have personally delivered it to all Primary Year groups very successfully.
Welcome Back To School AssemblyQuick View

Welcome Back To School Assembly

This Assembly encourages students to engage with their feelings about starting school again. The assembly centers around a story called “Honeypuff’s First Day Back at School” about a monster who is worried about returning to school because he keeps focusing on the mistakes he made last year. With the help of his mummy and teacher he learns about the power of affirmations and positive self-talk to build confidence. The story is followed by a guided reflection in which the student explore what they can learn and take away from the story. Through this assembly all students will learn Powerful strategies to build confidence. The power of their words to transform their feelings and the feelings of others The importance of taking risks in learning The story is embedded as a video but also as slides too- so you can chose whether to play or read the story- delete as appropriate. This assembly is approapriate for reception (FS2) - Year 6 students. I have personally delivered it to all Primary Year groups very successfully.
Inclusion, community & Belonging Assembly KS2Quick View

Inclusion, community & Belonging Assembly KS2

This assembly explores the many ways and many reasons that humans come together in groups/ communities. It explores why inclusion and belonging are important and how we can nurture them within our groups. The assembly ends with an inclusion pledge. Through this interactive assembly students will come to understand the importance of being part of strong groups and how to play their role in nurturing an inclusive communities. Each slide is accompanied with notes as a guide.
Importance of Sleep KS2Quick View

Importance of Sleep KS2

In this assembly students learn about the importance of sleep and the immediate and long term effects of sleep deprivation. all the slides have notes to guide the teacher through the assembly.
KS1English Writing SPAG- Using Verbs in WritingQuick View

KS1English Writing SPAG- Using Verbs in Writing

This lesson includes- detailed plan with suggested personalisations, reources and animated presentation. This lesson introduces the concept of verbs and tense. The lesson is designed to ensure the students are active learners, learning through inquiry and discovery. Using the Accelerated Learning Cycle, this plan skilfully constructs new learning on existing learning through a series of dynamic activities. The personalisation opportunities are clear for each section with advice on how to use questioning to deepen learning. Careful consideration has been given to the management of cognitive load and the slides adhere to Mayers 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning. The lesson does contain a worksheet but the children could easily work directly into their books as all activities are displayed on the presentation. The lesson is personalised on the basis of scaffolding and support rather than differentiated outcomes- All students should be able to achieve all SC by the end of the lesson. This is the second of a series of 3 lessons. it is possible to purchase all 3 as a bundle :) Lesson works perfectly well as a stand-alone lesson. #1 nouns #2 verbs #3 building a sentence
Friendship Role Cards- To Support FriendshipsQuick View

Friendship Role Cards- To Support Friendships

6 friendship role cards that can be shared with students who are struggling with relationships during breaks and playtimes. Each of the 6 cards describes a specific and unique role that supports cohesive and compassionate play. Each attractive card has a simple role heading, a clear icon and brief description (in first person) detailing the role’s aim and key characteristics. It is very common for students to struggle within friendship groups while at school and this is an empowering way of providing immediate support and instruction, as well as developing and equipping them with a broad set of social skills. The cards can be used in a variety of ways: They can be selected randomly by the students and over time they will experience and develop each role. The teacher or TA can issue specific roles to specific children in order to emphasise areas for development in their social play or to utilize strengths. Students can issue the cards between themselves- this works best when the teacher provides a focus - what allocation will challenge the group? What allocation will play to everyone’s strengths? What allocation will result in the most fun? What allocation will be best for indoor play?
KS1 English SPAG- Using Nouns in WritingQuick View

KS1 English SPAG- Using Nouns in Writing

This lesson includes- detailed plan with suggested personalisations, reources and animated presentation. This lesson introduces the concept of nouns and plurals. The lesson is designed to ensure the students are active learners, learning through inquiry and discovery. Using the Accelerated Learning Cycle, this plan skilfully constructs new learning on existing learning through a series of dynamic activities. The personalisation opportunities are clear for each section with advice on how to use questioning to deepen learning. Careful consideration has been given to the management of cognitive load and the slides adhere to Mayers 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning. The lesson does contain a worksheet but the children could easily work directly into their books as all activities are displayed on the presentation. The lesson is personalised on the basis of scaffolding and support rather than differentiated outcomes- All students should be able to achieve all SC by the end of the lesson. This is the first of a series of 3 lessons. it is possible to purchase all 3 as a bundle :) #1 nouns #2 verbs #3 building a sentence