Welsh Bwyd (food) loop gameQuick View

Welsh Bwyd (food) loop game

<p>Loop game using Dw i eisiau pattern and bwyd.</p> <p>Start with a child reading the first card, the card then links to another and so on…</p> <p>The game finishes with the card that ends with ‘Wedi Gorffen!’</p> <p>Suitable for children in Progression Step 2 and above!</p>
Welsh Helpiwr Heddiw GamesQuick View

Welsh Helpiwr Heddiw Games

3 Resources
<p>Games that can be used in daily Helpiwr Heddiw sessions.</p> <p>Appropriate for all Progression Steps.</p> <p>Good to laminate and keep in resources box.</p> <p>Children can lead the games themselves!</p> <p>Used during lesson observations from Estyn!</p>
Ble wyt ti'n byw Welsh loop game!Quick View

Ble wyt ti'n byw Welsh loop game!

<p>Loop game using the language patterns: Ble wyt ti’n byw and dw i’n byw.</p> <p>Different names of locations where children may live ( flat, boat, caravan house, bungalow etc</p> <p>Suitable for children in Progression Step 2 and above!</p> <p>Very handy for Helpwr Heddiw sessions!</p> <p>Used during Estyn Inspection!</p>
Family Welsh Word MatQuick View

Family Welsh Word Mat

<p>Word Mat including key vocab for Teulu writing.</p> <p>For use in Progression Step 2 and above!</p> <p>Good to help learners scaffold their writing.</p> <p>Use for Helpwr Heddiw sessions to help children with their vocab!</p>
Christmas Welsh Language MatsQuick View

Christmas Welsh Language Mats

<p>Language Mats containing key words and phrases around the topic ‘Nadolig’. Can be used as a writing or oral resouce.</p> <p>Mats Include:</p> <ul> <li>General Christmas vocabulary</li> <li>Christmas food</li> <li>Decorations</li> <li>Activities</li> <li>Nativity</li> </ul>
Welsh Adjective Language MatsQuick View

Welsh Adjective Language Mats

<p>Language Mats to use during Welsh writing, reading and speaking.</p> <ul> <li>Welsh and English translations</li> <li>Cursive handwriting</li> <li>PDF<br /> *Colours</li> <li>Sizes</li> <li>Shape</li> <li>Taste</li> <li>Qualities</li> <li>Quantities</li> </ul>
Goldilocks Lesson Plan Used for InspectionQuick View

Goldilocks Lesson Plan Used for Inspection

<ul> <li>Lesson Plan aimed at Progression step 1 (or ages 3-7)</li> <li>Writing and Oracy based- Asking Goldilocks questions</li> <li>Links to the Curriculum for Wales</li> <li>Used during successful Estyn Inspection</li> <li>Differentiated</li> <li>Assessment For Learning</li> </ul>
Nursery/ Reception Maths Non standard UnitsQuick View

Nursery/ Reception Maths Non standard Units

<ul> <li>Lesson used during inspection.</li> <li>Links to Curriculum for Wales</li> <li>Nursery/Reception using Non-Standard units to measure. Linked to Goldilocks/We’re going on a bear hunt/ other storiesthat include finding an animal.</li> </ul>
Autumn Half term Activity planner Topic- GFOL, Dragons, Firefighters ( Ages5-9)Quick View

Autumn Half term Activity planner Topic- GFOL, Dragons, Firefighters ( Ages5-9)

<p>9 individual weekly activity plans for Autumn term.<br /> Appropriate for pupils from Year 1/2 - Year 4/5</p> <ul> <li>Includes Maths, Literacy, Science and Technology, Humanities, Expressive Arts.</li> <li>Covers: <ul> <li>The Koala who could book</li> <li>Dragons</li> <li>Talk for Writing- Kassim and the Dragon</li> <li>Fire Safety</li> <li>The Great Fire of London</li> <li>Remembrance</li> </ul> </li> </ul>
Beth sy'n bod game WelshQuick View

Beth sy'n bod game Welsh

<p>Beth sy’n bod game for children to develop Welsh. Hand the cards out to the children. One child acts as a doctor and asks a child ‘Beth sy’n bod?’ the children need to read the cards and act out what it says.</p>
Days in a week/year/monthQuick View

Days in a week/year/month

<p>Number facts for the days in a week, month year season etc. Can be used as a poster to help children remember facts or as a resource to help children/teachers write their own problem solving ideas and activities.</p>