Coasts KS3 (Introduction to Coasts)Quick View

Coasts KS3 (Introduction to Coasts)

<p>Key words<br /> Why Study Coasts?<br /> Activity 1: What is a coast? Social, economic and environmental<br /> Think - Pair - Share - Why do we use coasts?<br /> Activity 2: Locate coastal settlements (worksheet included in PPT)<br /> True or False activity<br /> Activity 3: Why do people live near the coast? Links to social, economic and environmental<br /> Plenary</p>
Development (Year 7 Geography)Quick View

Development (Year 7 Geography)

<p>What is Development?</p> <p>Definitions<br /> Videos<br /> Developing or Developed counties activity<br /> Definition activity<br /> Comparing the USA and India activity</p>
The Importance of Birmingham (GCSE) (AQA Urban Issues and Challenges)Quick View

The Importance of Birmingham (GCSE) (AQA Urban Issues and Challenges)

<p>LO: To be able to explain Birmingham’s importance nationally and internationally.</p> <p>Where is Birmingham?<br /> Urban decline<br /> Videos<br /> How important is Birmingham to the UK and Internationally?<br /> Birminghams location<br /> National and international importance<br /> GCSE Style question<br /> Create a leaflet extension</p>