Introduction to Islam and Prophet MuhammadQuick View

Introduction to Islam and Prophet Muhammad

<p>Full lesson according to the AQA specification focusing on the historical context of pre-Islamic Arabia (Jahiliyyah) and it’s social, moral and religious conditions, the theological significance of Tawhid (Oneness of God), Risalah (Prophethood), and Akhirah (the afterlife), and the role of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in restoring the message of Islam.</p>
Veganism UnitQuick View

Veganism Unit

<p>Fully resourced Veganism unit for Religious Studies which also includes a workbooklet for students.</p>
Jesus' baptismQuick View

Jesus' baptism

<p>Lesson considering why Jesus got baptised and the symbolism behind it. Comes with a lesson plan. Can be used for Yr 7,8 &amp; 9.</p>