Christmas printables 1st new oneQuick View

Christmas printables 1st new one

<p>Introduction<br /> The Christmas Stress-Free Printables packet offers a variety of different worksheets aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathe-matics and English Language Arts featuring a fun Christmas theme. You can use the worksheets included in this packet in a variety of different ways:<br />  As morning work<br />  As homework<br />  As a skills review<br />  As an assessment<br />  For a substitute teacher</p>
Color by Number #2 (kindergarten) Color by Number, AddingQuick View

Color by Number #2 (kindergarten) Color by Number, Adding

<p>More Picture Math is a packet of twelve different work-sheets where students can use their skills in mathematics to create a series of colorful pictures. Each worksheet is aligned with the Common Core standards for kindergarten mathematics to make it easier for you to incorporate these worksheets into your curriculum.</p> <p>Students should solve the math problems found in each in-dividual shape on each worksheet. As a student completes a problem he or she can color in the shape based on the color key found underneath each picture. When all of the shapes have been colored in, the picture will be revealed.</p>
Math Journal Prompts for 3rdQuick View

Math Journal Prompts for 3rd

<p>A Math Journal is a great way to promote your stu-dents’ abilities to learn and grow through words, numbers and illustrations. Print and cut out as many prompts as you need for your students. Then have your students paste the prompts into their math journals.</p> <p>Some prompts may only require a simple answer while others will require more thinking and writing to solve. Either way, encourage your students to write and draw out their thought processes.</p>
picture math 5th gradeQuick View

picture math 5th grade

<p>Picture Math is a packet of twelve different worksheets where students can use their skills in mathematics to create a series of colorful pictures. Each worksheet is aligned with the Common Core standards for fifth grade mathematics to make it easier for you to incorporate these worksheets into your curriculum.</p> <p>Students should solve the math problems found in each in-dividual shape on each worksheet. As a student completes a problem he or she can color in the shape based on the color key found underneath each picture. When all of the shapes have been colored in, the picture will be revealed.</p>
Brazil Country StudyQuick View

Brazil Country Study

<p>This Kid’s Life is a booklet that focuses on how a child lives daily life in a different country, compared to how people live in their own country. This particular book tracks the life of a boy named Thiago who lives in the country of Brazil.</p> <p>When beginning your study of this booklet, you can choose to give your students a pre-test that will check to see what understand-ings or misconceptions they have about what life in Brazil is like. Next, you can read a two-page letter from Lucas to help your students learn about daily life for children in Brazil. Afterwards, have them fill out a comprehension worksheet to see how much information they have retained.</p>
Fifth Grade Literacy QCC BundleQuick View

Fifth Grade Literacy QCC Bundle

<p><strong>Back to School Quick Common Core</strong></p> <p>Back to School Quick Common Core is a packet of ten different worksheets featuring a fun back to school theme. You can use one worksheet per day as a warm up to your daily language arts lesson. This packet is designed to meet the level of a beginning fifth grade student who is both re-viewing those skills that were learned in the fourth grade while becoming familiar with the common core standards for the fifth grade.</p>
Color by Number (first grade) Color by Number, AdditionQuick View

Color by Number (first grade) Color by Number, Addition

<p>The following Common Core standards are covered in this book.<br /> Operations and Algebraic Thinking 1.OA<br /> Add and subtract within 20<br /> 5. Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g., by counting on 2 to add 2).<br /> 6. Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten; decomposing a number leading to a ten; using the relationship between addition and subtraction; and creating equivalent but easier or known sums.</p>
ColorbyNumberfirstgradeCanadianUK,AUS,NZ versionQuick View

ColorbyNumberfirstgradeCanadianUK,AUS,NZ version

<p>Picture Math is a packet of twelve different worksheets where students can use their skills in mathematics to create a series of colourful pictures. Each worksheet is aligned with the Common Core standards for first grade mathe-matics to make it easier for you to incorporate these work-sheets into your curriculum.</p> <p>Students should solve the math problems found in each in-dividual shape on each worksheet. As a student completes a problem he or she can colour in the shape based on the colour key found underneath each picture. When all of the shapes have been coloured in, the picture will be revealed.</p>
Back to School Common Core Task Cards - Fourth Grade MathQuick View

Back to School Common Core Task Cards - Fourth Grade Math

<p>Operations and Algebraic Thinking 4.OA<br /> Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems.</p> <ol> <li> <p>Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison, e.g., interpret 35 = 5 × 7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5. Represent verbal statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations.</p> </li> <li> <p>Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative<br /> comparison, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to rep-resent the problem, distinguishing multiplicative comparison from additive comparison.</p> </li> <li> <p>Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having<br /> whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems<br /> in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems<br /> using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.</p> </li> </ol>