GCSE Social Issues: Charity work. Spanish Theme 2 Local national international  AQA KS4Quick View

GCSE Social Issues: Charity work. Spanish Theme 2 Local national international AQA KS4

<p>An original resource to use within theme 2 (local, national, international and global areas of interest) local issues, charity/ voluntary work.<br /> Objective: developing awareness of the various <strong>charitable</strong> organisations which exist.<br /> Sub-objective: using the <strong>present subjunctive</strong> expressing wishes and with relative clauses.<br /> Working all 4 skills, including speaking with tips on how to prepare the general conversation.<br /> Also including clips of a spot to practise listening.</p>
KS4 Relationships with family and Friends Spanish GCSE (Found and Higher).Quick View

KS4 Relationships with family and Friends Spanish GCSE (Found and Higher).

<p>2 original lessons with resources (homework, vocab test and creative plenaries) related to Theme 1- GCSE Spanish RElationships with family and friends.</p> <ul> <li>Exploring stem changing verbs in the present tense .</li> <li>GCSE style reading task with answers.</li> <li>Photocard using PALMS technique</li> <li>Listening task that I recorded myself.</li> <li>GCSE Higher translation.</li> </ul> <p>Thanks for leaving a good review if you liked my resources!</p>
GCSE Social Issues: immigration. Spanish Theme 2 Local national international AQA KS4Quick View

GCSE Social Issues: immigration. Spanish Theme 2 Local national international AQA KS4

<p>An original lesson using authentic resources and exploiting the short film “El viaje de Said”.<br /> Objective: To understand the reality of immigration from the immigrants’ point of view.<br /> Sub-objective: To formulate scenarios using the conditional tense and future tense.<br /> It includes extended comments on the notes with instructions to give to your students.</p>
Treasure hunt- Spanish KS2 or KS3Quick View

Treasure hunt- Spanish KS2 or KS3

<p>Treasure hunt for KS2 or KS3 with very simple tasks to keep them busy this summer or can be used as a European Day of Languages game. I made it editable so you can adapt it to your class.</p> <p>Instructions:<br /> Start presenting in slide 1.<br /> Students need to <strong>find the 8 keys</strong>, when you click in one of them the instructions will reveal for a few seconds (e.g. Encuentra algo azul). They can go back to the start by clicking in the arrow on the right.<br /> There are a couple of more surprises when you click in the cat or other places.<br /> Have fun finding them all and add more if you want!</p>
Pasapalabra or The alphabet game topic Global issues + double lessonQuick View

Pasapalabra or The alphabet game topic Global issues + double lesson

<p>Original resource based on the popular game show Pasalabra based on the British show “The alphabet game”.<br /> Topic: global issues.<br /> It includes a lesson, in which this acts as the plenary. You can modify it and adapt it to any topic.<br /> Key language: ¿Cuál es el problema global más serio?<br /> El mayor problema global es…<br /> el paro / desempleo<br /> el medio ambiente<br /> el hambre<br /> los sin hogar / techo<br /> los animales en peligro de<br /> extinción<br /> la desigualdad social<br /> la salud<br /> la crisis económica<br /> la contaminación…<br /> de los ríos / mares<br /> la pobreza<br /> la drogadicción<br /> los drogadictos<br /> los obesos<br /> los animales amenazados<br /> la tasa de desempleo<br /> Hay que…<br /> cuidar el planeta<br /> crear más empleos<br /> reducir el consumo<br /> apoyar a proyectos de ayuda<br /> usar productos verdes<br /> hacer campañas publicitarias<br /> Me quedé sin hogar<br /> Perdí mi trabajo<br /> Sufrí agresiones<br /> Pasé una semana…<br /> Encontré un centro de ayuda<br /> el alquiler<br /> Si tengo éxito…<br /> una organización humanitaria<br /> actualmente<br /> por ciento<br /> la edad media</p>
Home, town, neighbourhood and region. Imperfect tense GCSEQuick View

Home, town, neighbourhood and region. Imperfect tense GCSE

<p>An original lesson with a listening that I recorded myself (native speaker).<br /> Adapted to reflect the new Ofsted requirement of adding a “learning intention”.<br /> LO: to develop listening skills using the imperfect tense.</p> <p>Tasks include: photocard activity showing two pictures of the same street in Valencia in 1957 and nowadays; Foundation listening recorded by myself (AQA Style); transcript of the listening to use as a Translation task.</p> <p>My notes will guide you through the lesson. Answers appear at mouse-click and timers are included.</p> <p>If you are enjoying my lessons, thank you for leaving me a review! :)</p> <p>Virginia García</p>
GCSE Social issues Spanish Theme 2Quick View

GCSE Social issues Spanish Theme 2

2 Resources
<p>2 original lessons, one of them about the topic of charity work and the other one about immigration.<br /> Each of them will get your students to practise the 4 skills.</p>
Recap: Home and town KS3 SpanishQuick View

Recap: Home and town KS3 Spanish

<code>The presentation includes a recap on the topic home and town, with parts of the house, countries and prepositions for KS3. All of the topic based tasks are original including a football themed starter. In terms of grammar, you will find a couple of tasks with the learning of 'mucho' and 'poco'. Phonetics: revisiting the sounds [z], [ce], [ci]. It's a complete lesson aim to last two hours. </code>
Trapdoor Social issuesQuick View

Trapdoor Social issues

<p>Original resource, easily adaptable to any topic.</p> <p>Each student chooses/highlights their own individual answer and hides them from each other! Then, student A starts by reading out the text with the answers that they think their partner has chosen. If correct, student A can continue reading and guessing but if an answer is guessed incorrectly, they have to go right back to the beginning and start again until they reach the end. Then swap!</p> <p>You can also play teacher vs. class.</p>