Year 2 - Adding Coins & Making Amounts - Middle AbilityQuick View

Year 2 - Adding Coins & Making Amounts - Middle Ability

<p>Adding coins and making amounts resource for middle ability.<br /> Totals are all less than £1.<br /> Encourages children to</p> <ul> <li>Find the total value of sets of coins</li> <li>Choose coins from a selection to total a given amount.</li> <li>Find alternative ways of making given amounts.</li> </ul>
Year 2 - Adding Coins & Making Amounts - Low AbilityQuick View

Year 2 - Adding Coins & Making Amounts - Low Ability

<p>Adding coins and making amounts resource for lower ability.<br /> Focuses on reinforcing place value by using 10p and 1p coins.<br /> Encourages children to</p> <ul> <li>Find the total value of sets of coins</li> <li>Choose coins from a selection to make a given amount.</li> </ul>
Year 2 - Adding Coins & Making Amounts - High AbilityQuick View

Year 2 - Adding Coins & Making Amounts - High Ability

<p>Adding coins and making amounts resource for high ability.<br /> Includes all coin denominations and totals excedd £1.<br /> Encourages children to</p> <ul> <li>Find the total value of sets of coins</li> <li>Choose coins from a selection to total a given amount.</li> <li>Find alternative ways of making given amounts.</li> <li>Identify missing coins required to make an amount.</li> </ul>