<p>Writing an explanation text about volcanoes aimed at Y5<br />
Includes Word Aware (key words) differentiated three ways.<br />
WAGOLL text based on a Dome Volcano (differentiated two ways)</p>
<p>Lessons include:<br />
L1 Can I recognise the features of an explanation?<br />
L2 Can I write an effective introduction?<br />
L3 Can I use compound and complex sentences?<br />
L4 Can I edit a text to include parenthesis? (LA task can I generate vocabulary for sentences?)<br />
L5 Can I recognise and use parenthesis? (LA task Can I write compound sentences?)<br />
L6 Can I use a variety of conjunctions in a text?<br />
L7 Can I evaluate and edit by ensuring correct subject and verb agreement?<br />
L8 Can I evaluate and edit a text to improve vocabulary?<br />
L9 Can I use conjunctions to aurally create an explanation?<br />
L10 Can I plan an explanation?<br />
L11 Can I write an explanation text?<br />
L12 Can I write an explanation text?<br />
L13 Can I edit an explanation text?</p>
<p>Reading planning based on Greek Myths</p>
<p>This is the version of the text I used - Geraldine McCaughrean’s Orchard Book of Greek Myths</p>
<p>Lessons are planned for 5 groups<br />
Planning is based on Golden Fleece & Perseus and Medusa<br />
TLC: Can I recognise how the author uses vocabulary?<br />
TLC: Can I summarise what I have learnt so far in the text?<br />
TLC: Can I discuss how an author builds a character through dialogue?<br />
TLC: Can I answer questions on a text I have been reading?<br />
TLC: Can I explain how I feel about events in a story?<br />
TLC: Can I clarify what I know about a character?<br />
TLC: Can I answer questions on a text I have been reading?<br />
TLC: Can I predict what will happen next?<br />
TLC: Can I use inference to explain how a character thinks or feels?<br />
TLC: Can I summarise new information I have found out?<br />
TLC: Can I answer questions on a text I have been reading?<br />
TLC: Can I make comparrisons between two texts?<br />
TLC: Can I use inference to explain how a character thinks or feels?<br />
TLC: Can I find specific words or phrases to answer questions?<br />
TLC: Can I clarify what I know about a character?<br />
TLC: Can I answer questions on a text I have been reading?<br />
TLC: Can I make comparrisons between two texts?</p>
<p>Narrative descriptive writing based around Wanted Posters.</p>
<p>Lessons include:<br />
Can I recognise the features of a descriptive text?<br />
Can I use apostrophes for possession and omission?<br />
Can I use fronted adverbials?<br />
Can I link paragraphs to create cohesion?<br />
Can I edit and improve my writing?<br />
Can I present an interesting character description?<br />
Can I plan a wanted poster?<br />
Can I take on a characters role?<br />
Can I create a wanted poster?<br />
Can I edit and improve my writing? (there are two versions of this lesson - One was used as an observation lesson)<br />
Can I publish my wanted poster?</p>
<p>If needed there are also some additional one off grammar lessons linked to objectives - Using commas for clarity, using apostrophes.</p>
<p>Planning for reading the book The Ice Palace</p>
<p>Can I recognise the features of a description?<br />
Can I explain the meaning of unknown vocabulary?<br />
Can I make predictions using evidence from the text?<br />
Whole Class Inference<br />
Can I explain a characters thoughts and feelings?<br />
Can I explain a characters thoughts and feelings?<br />
Can I retell the story so far?<br />
Can I summarise key events?<br />
Can I read aloud with pace, fluency and expression?<br />
Whole Class Inference<br />
Can I discuss how an author builds characters through dialogue?<br />
Can I justify and elaborate on thoughts, feelings?and opinions using evidence from the text?<br />
Can I explain the meaning of unknown vocabulary?<br />
Can I skim and scam to find key information in a text?<br />
Whole Class Inference</p>
<p>Reading planning for the Jabberwocky</p>
<p>Can I explain what happens in a text?<br />
Can I clarify the meaning of unknown words from the way they are used in a poem<br />
Can I explain how a poem is similar and how it is different?<br />
Can I answer and ask questions about a poem I am reading?</p>
<p>Writing planning for a non-chronological report on Viking Gods.</p>
<p>L1 Can I research Viking sagas about different gods?<br />
L2 Can I recognise feautres of a non-chronological report?<br />
L3 Can I use the passive voice in a sentence?<br />
L4 Can I use commas correctly in a variety of sentences?<br />
L5 Can I use the present tense in my writing?<br />
L6 Can I recognise and use modal verbs?<br />
L7 Can I use apostrophes for posession?<br />
L8 Can I write an opening to a non-chronological report?<br />
L9 Can I use bullet points to summarise information?<br />
L10 Can I resarch a Viking god?<br />
L11 Can I write an opening to a non-chronological report?<br />
L12 Can I use subheadings in my writing?<br />
L13 Can I use the present tense in my writing?<br />
L14 Can I write a non-chronological report?<br />
L15 Can I edit my writing?</p>
<p>One week of guided reading based around an advert for a brazillian hotel.</p>
<p>Lessons are set up as a carousel with each group doing one task each day.<br />
Planning also includes 5 levels of differentiation 3* (age related) 2<em>A (working towards age related) 2</em>B (working towards age related), 1* (working below age related and PP (SEND / Well below age related)</p>
<p>L1 Can I recognise unfamiliar vocabulary?<br />
L2 Can I recognise unfamiliar vocabulary?<br />
L3 Can I identify some features within a non-fiction text?<br />
L4 Can I create my own questions?<br />
L5 Can I find informaiton within a non-fiction text?</p>
<p>There are 2 PPTs, one has lessons 1-4, the other ppt has lesson 5 as L1 then L2-L4</p>
<p>Follow on from the Magic Box poetry writing planning also uploaded.<br />
Planning for writing structured poetry including calligrams, haikus and kennings.</p>
<p>Hakiu Planning:<br />
Can I recognise a variety of types of poetry?<br />
Can I write a haiku?<br />
Can I recognise and use the features of haiku?<br />
Can I research an animal to base my poem on?<br />
Can I write a haiku?<br />
Can I present my haiku?</p>
<p>Kennings:<br />
Can I recognise the features of a kenning?<br />
Can I use recognise and use adjectives in their different forms?<br />
Can I edit and improve a kenning?<br />
Can I plan a kenning?</p>
<p>Descriptive writing wanted posters</p>
<p>Cold write - Can I write a wanted poster?<br />
Can I recognise the features of a descriptive text?<br />
Can I use apostrophes for posession and contraction?<br />
Can I use fronted adverbials?<br />
Can I link paragraphs to create cohesion?<br />
Can I edit and improve my writing?<br />
Can I present an interesting character description?<br />
Can I plan a wanted poster?<br />
Can I take on a characters role?<br />
Can I create a wanted poster?<br />
Can I edit and improve my writing?<br />
Can I publish my wanted poster?</p>
<p>Descriptive writing Wanted Posters</p>
<p>Y5 planning with alternative LOs for SEND / LA pupils</p>
<p>Can I recognise the features of a descriptive text?<br />
Can I use fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses?<br />
Can I use relative clauses in my writing?<br />
Can I use commas for clarity in my writing?<br />
Can I edit and improve my writing?<br />
Can I use antonyms within a parenthesis?<br />
Can I present an interesting character description?<br />
Can I plan a wanted poster?<br />
Can I take on a characters role?<br />
Can I create a wanted poster?<br />
Can I edit and improve my writing?<br />
Can I publish my wanted poster?</p>
<p>Reading Planning based on newspapers</p>
<p>Can I recognise the features of a newspaper article? (Cohesion)<br />
Can I recognise vocabulary features within a newspaper? (Vocabulary)<br />
Can I infer information from a text? (Inference)<br />
Can I recognise facts and opinions? (Comprehension)<br />
Whole Class Inference<br />
Can I use recognise unfamiliar vocabulary in a text (Vocabulary)<br />
Can I summarise an opening paragraphs? (Text Cohesion)<br />
Can I find and write down facts and informaiton from a non-fiction text?<br />
Can I talk about how authors use language including figuraitive language and the impact it has on the reader?<br />
Whole Class Inference<br />
Can I create a glossary to explain new vocabulary?<br />
Can I explain the usefulness of a text?<br />
Can I make predictions based on newspaper headline?</p>
<p>Poetry Planning looking at different type of poetry from other cultures and structured poems</p>
<p>Can I recognise the features of a poem? (Cohesion)<br />
Can I recognise vocabulary features within a poem?<br />
Can I infer information from a text?<br />
Can I plan a poetry performance?<br />
Can I evaluate a poetry performance?<br />
Can I plan a poetry performance?</p>