Quick Viewrebeccacasey94Junior cycle grades poster - Irish system (0)<p>Poster for display purposes in a classroom of the grades for junior cycle in the Irish system</p>
Quick Viewrebeccacasey94Leaving certificate grades poster (0)<p>Grades with percentages for the leaving certificate - poster for display purposes</p>
Quick Viewrebeccacasey94Parent teacher meeting document (0)<p>Template to use for each parent teacher meeting - get students to fill out before the meeting and fill in your sections as the teacher. Bring to the meeting. Great starter</p>
Quick Viewrebeccacasey94Poetry revision template for LC English (Senior Cycle) (0)<p>Poetry revision sheet</p>
Quick Viewrebeccacasey94LC English unseen poetry - how to approach the question (0)<p>Unseen poetry - how to approach the question</p>
Quick Viewrebeccacasey94Single text/Novel/Play revision worksheet (0)<p>Can be used for a variety of different topics - novels/plays/films - 1 sheet, all the info you need. Good worksheet for revision</p>
Quick Viewrebeccacasey94Key moment sequence chart (0)<p>Sequence chart that can be used to showcase development in moments in a text</p>
Quick Viewrebeccacasey94Poetry - comparison chart (0)<p>Template to use when comparing poetry by the same poet to find cross links</p>
Quick Viewrebeccacasey94Comparative booklet - LC English (Senior Cycle) (0)<p>To be used for the comparative in LC English</p>
Quick Viewrebeccacasey94Elizabeth Bishop - in class tests for understanding (0)<p>Bishop in class tests</p>
Quick Viewrebeccacasey94Magical places arrows - classroom design (0)<p>Arrows that display names of magical places from various texts. Print them out in colour, laminate and cut out for your classroom :)</p>