Creating Pie Charts Using a ProtractorQuick View

Creating Pie Charts Using a Protractor

<p>This MS PowerPoint demonstrates how to create Pie Charts using a protractor and paper. This can be used not only to demonstrate to your class, but can also be looped and left on display as a class reminder and helps to reduce the number of questions the class are likely to ask you! The example used here is about different makes of car. Once learned the class can of course go on to create their own pie charts on any topic they or you like. You may also want to create and compare the pie charts produced with computer generated versions when using Excel or similar programs.</p>
Areas and Perimeters of Rectangles and Circles Worksheet.Quick View

Areas and Perimeters of Rectangles and Circles Worksheet.

<p>Student worksheet for both area and perimeters of rectangles and circles. Students to add formulae with an extension task of adding additional formulae. This could could be used as either a consolidation of techniques learned or for a revision session.</p>
Simplify Fractions by using factors.Quick View

Simplify Fractions by using factors.

<p>This resource has both worked examples and questions for the student to work through. Simplify fractions using factors. Can be used as part of a lesson or for a revision session.</p>
Analysing Data: Mode, Median, Mean and RangeQuick View

Analysing Data: Mode, Median, Mean and Range

<p>Statistics: Analysing Data using Mode, Median, Mean and Range. Clearly demonstrates the methods used to calculate each and contains both a worksheet and a separate answer sheet. The first two answers include the working out and some other answers include partial working out, to aid clarification. The questions are of varying level of difficulty and should prepare students for anything they are likely to encounter in a GCSE exam. Many hints, tips and checks are also included. This could be useful, as the basis of a lesson observation, enjoy!</p>
Analysing Data - Stem and Leaf DiagramsQuick View

Analysing Data - Stem and Leaf Diagrams

<p>Statistics: Analysing Data using Stem and Leaf diagrams. Clearly demonstrates the methods used to produce a stem and leaf diagram and how to use the diagram to analyse the data. The file includes two worked examples, a question sheet and an answer sheet. The questions are of varying level of difficulty and should prepare students for anything they are likely to encounter in a GCSE exam. Many hints, tips and checks are also included. This could be useful, as the basis of a lesson observation, enjoy!</p>
Algebra 1: Transposition of formulae: One Step EquationsQuick View

Algebra 1: Transposition of formulae: One Step Equations

<p>Algebra 1: Transposition of formulae: One Step Equations. This can be used as either an introductory lesson or form part of revision and could even be used to form the basis of a lesson observation. Cover teachers or teachers who may feel they are a little rusty on this topic may also benefit as worked examples are included as well as student work sheets. Answers are also provided as are some hints and tips, enjoy!</p>
Biology Revision CrosswordQuick View

Biology Revision Crossword

<p>A Biology Revision crossword, could also be used as a starter, homework or simply a time filler. Answers are provided on a separate sheet. This is aimed at GCSE but could be used at any level from Key Stage 3 onwards. Enjoy.</p>
Maths and General Knowledge QuizQuick View

Maths and General Knowledge Quiz

<p>Maths and General Knowledge Quiz, could be used in a lesson or form time, or indeed however you wish. This is aimed at both KS3 and KS4 but could be used in lower sets depending upon their ability. Answers in brackets. Enjoy.</p>
Computer Science Christmas CrosswordQuick View

Computer Science Christmas Crossword

<p>Computer Science Christmas Crossword in the shape of a Christmas tree, could form part of a lesson or just a bit of fun. Can be used for all year groups.</p>
Fractions - Worksheet QuestionsQuick View

Fractions - Worksheet Questions

<p>This sheet contains both fractions to be simplified and fractions to be added together. They start of easy and get a little harder and there are also some improper fraction to consider. This could be useful as part of a revision session. Although this is aimed at KS3 Secondary school, it could also be useful for year 6 primary and special needs etc. Saves you working out some for yourself!</p>
AS Computer Science CrosswordQuick View

AS Computer Science Crossword

<p>AS Computer Science crossword could be used as a lesson starter, homework or simply a lesson filler. Aimed at AS-Level Computer science but may suit brighter GCSE students. Solution also provided.</p>
Computer Science Big New Year CrosswordQuick View

Computer Science Big New Year Crossword

<p>A large New Year Crossword for Computer Science students of all KS3, KS4 and KS5 stages. The solution is provided on a separate page. Could be used as a homework or as part of a lesson.</p>