<p>This contains the lessons and student booklet for 2A and 2B . All material is either taken from or based on the WJEC Spanish GCSE book and all material have answers included.</p>
<p>This booklet follows the lessons which correspond to 2A and 2B of the WJEC Spanish GCSE book. Page numbers are annotated on slides and saves rushing to print pre lesson and helps students keep thier matierals together.</p>
<p>This is a powerpoint that followes the WJEC Spanish GCSE. It contains all of the questions and answers that is part of the 2B topic in addition to extra material to support student learning.</p>
<p>This is a powerpoint that followes the WJEC Spanish GCSE. It contains all of the questions and answers that is part of the 2A topic in addition to extra material to support student learning.</p>
<p>This is a powerpoint that followes the WJEC Spanish GCSE. It contains all of the questions and answers that is part of the 1B topic in addition to extra material to support student learning.</p>
<p>This booklet follows the lessons which correspond to 1A and 1B od the WJEC Spanish GCSE book. Page numbers are annotated on slides and saves rushing to print pre lesson and helps students keep thier matierals together.</p>
<p>This contains the lessons and student booklet. All material is either taken from or based on the WJEC Spanish GCSE book and all material have answers included.</p>
<p>Lessons that explore introductionary vocab in addition to following conti style activities. Also contains student workbook that corresponds to the lessons and saves printing out per lesson and aids in pupil learning.</p>
<p>Lessons include:<br />
Hola, ¿cómo te llamas? – introducing myself <br />
¿Cómo se escribe? Exploring the Spanish alphabet<br />
¿Qué tal? – Being able to give opinions/feelings<br />
Los Números- Learning number 0-100<br />
Tu cumpleaños – Learning the months</p>
<p>This is a powerpoint that followes the WJEC Spanish GCSE. It contains all of the questions and answers that is part of the 1A topic in addition to extra material to support student learning.</p>
<p>These lessons feature: school subjects, school uniform, higher level opinions featuring favourite and least favourite subjects and explore forming sentences based on the school rules.</p>
<li>Por fin de vacaciones<br />
a) iAlla voy! - talking about where I am going to go<br />
b) Tengo mucho que hacer - Talking about the things I do on holiday<br />
c) iEsto es la pera! – using interesting idioms to describe my holidays<br />
d) Te cuento que paso- talking about what I did on holiday<br />
e) Mi aventure amazonica – talking about the amazon<br />
f) iel Verano que viene vamos a flipar! – talking about about what I am going to do</li>
<p>¿Qué voy a hacer? – talking about options post at 16.<br />
¿Trabajar o estudiar? – discussing choices at 18: work or university.<br />
¿Vale la pena ir a la Universidad? Talking about the benefits of higher education.<br />
Los trabajos – talking about different jobs.<br />
Buscar trabajo – looking for and applying for jobs.<br />
El trabajo ideal – talking about the ideal job.</p>
<p>El instituto y las asignaturas – giving opinions about different subjects.<br />
¿Cómo ser un buen estidiante? Talking about your studies.<br />
¿Qué tal el instituto? – talking about your school.<br />
Un d¡a en el instituto – talking about your schoola nd daily routine.<br />
Las reglas y el uniforme – talking about school rules and uniform.<br />
Lo bueno y lo malo del instituto – talking about the pros an cons of school.</p>
<li>yn y dosbarth</li>
<li>adeilad yr ysgol</li>
<li>pynciau ysgol</li>
<li>gwisg ysgol</li>
<li>ffrindiau yn yr ysgol</li>
<li>Pa fath o wyliau wyt ti’n mwynhau?</li>
<li>Ble est ti ar wyliau y tro diwethaf?</li>
<li>Gyda pwy est ti? / Gyda pwy aeth …?</li>
<li>Sut teithiest ti?</li>
<li>Ble arhosaist ti?</li>
<li>Beth wnest ti ar dy wyliau?</li>
<li>Sut roedd hi?</li>
<li>Sut roedd y tywydd yn?</li>
<li>Preterite tense</li>
<li>Trydydd person</li>
<p>¡Me voy de vacaciones! – talking about travelling to holiday destination.<br />
¿Dónde te alojas? – talking about holiday accommodation.<br />
¿Qué hiciste y qué te gustaría hacer durante las vacaciones? – talking about holiday activities.<br />
¿En qué región vives? – talking about the regions of Spain.<br />
Un folleto turístico – understanding tourist leaflets and websites<br />
Describiendo tu región –</p>
<p>¿Quieres ser voluntario/s? – talking about different ways of volunteering.<br />
Me gustaría ayudar – talking about charities and voluntary work.<br />
La importancia de hacer obras benéficas – learning more about charities and volunteering.<br />
¿Comes bien? – talking about healthy eating<br />
¿Llevas una vida sana? – talking about healthy and unhealthy lifestyles<br />
¿Qué opinas? – discussing opinions related to healthy living.<br />
Unit 6 speaking prep.</p>
<p>Reutilizar, reducir, reciclar – talking about reusing things, reducing waste and recycling<br />
Protegiendo el medio ambiente – talking about ways of protecting the environment<br />
Problemas ecológicos – understanding and discussing environmental problems<br />
Los necesitados – talking about poverty<br />
Los ‘ sin techo’ - talking about homelessness<br />
Es importante ayudar a los demás – talking about helping the homeless and the needy.<br />
Unit 7 Speaking Prep</p>