GCSE Computer Science Python ProgrammingQuick View

GCSE Computer Science Python Programming

An entire 70+ slide PowerPoint covering Python Programming topics as stated in the OCR GCSE J277 Computer Science Specification. This set of slides includes theory, examples, coding tasks and answers as well as starter activities for the following topics: Variables Comments Data Types Casting Operators User Input Strings String Methods Concatenation Booleans Built in functions Conditional Statements FOR and WHILE loops Lists 2-D Arrays Functions and Procedures Worksheet for strings and string methods included Table of contents is linked to relevant slides to save you as much time as possible!
App Development Practical Assessment (App Lab)Quick View

App Development Practical Assessment (App Lab)

This practical assessment is an excellent option to assess students after completing the teachcomputing Applab unit found here: https://teachcomputing.org/curriculum/key-stage-3/mobile-app-development It includes: An assessment brief with a real-life scenario. Students are asked to create a game app. 4 tasks which assess the students design and programming skills. A help sheet for lower ability students. A link to the completed game. This is designed for live-marking to reduce your workload.
OCR GCSE J277 Computer Science Revision Booklet Paper 1Quick View

OCR GCSE J277 Computer Science Revision Booklet Paper 1

A revision booklet with a mixture of paper 1 topics to prepare for mocks or the final exam. This booklet has some theory as well as a variety of questions for students to complete. Complete with a table of contents. Feel free to update it and add your own questions.