'Take What You Need' Wellbeing DisplayQuick View

'Take What You Need' Wellbeing Display

"Take What You Need’ Wall display. These notes can be used for children who are feeling they need a little bit of extra support, encouragement and positivity. Put these notes into envelopes and display on wall.
Fact vs Opinion - PowerPoint and tasksQuick View

Fact vs Opinion - PowerPoint and tasks

Full powerpoint on fact vs opinion. Includes 3 tasks (whiteboards required) 3 worksheets - Mild, hot and spicy. The template for the hot and spicy worksheets include 2 worksheets per word document (they can be cut in half to sace paper). Mild worksheet can be compelted on the worksheet and stuck into jotters.
Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy TopicQuick View

Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Topic

4 Lessons that include: Lesson 1 - Humans and the environment. Talk about deforestation, overpopulation, pollution, waste and overuse of natural resources. Two tasks included. Lesson 2 - Environmentally responsible. Task included Lesson 3 - Renewable and Non-Renewable energy. Fill in the blanks task included Lesson 4 - Non-Renewable Energy. Two choices of worksheets included (Mild and Hot/Spicy).
Planet Earth and Living ThingsQuick View

Planet Earth and Living Things

Multiple lessons on Planet Earth and Living things. Also covers animals and their eating habits (carnivores, omnivores and herbivores) and extinct and endangered species
Worry Monster PoemQuick View

Worry Monster Poem

Poem designed to support the use of a class ‘Worry Monster’ to help with child wellbeing. Download the resource and adapt/personalise.
'Take What You Need' Wall DisplayQuick View

'Take What You Need' Wall Display

This is a wall display idea so that the children can physically use these notes/cards to encourage positive wellbeing. The children can essentially take what they need when they are needing it. Use envelopes to stick these on your wall displays.
Visual TimetableQuick View

Visual Timetable

A visual timetable with colourful background and large images to make the timetable very animated. The font will automatically change to the font on the image when the PPT is downloaded!
Animals and Their Eating HabitsQuick View

Animals and Their Eating Habits

PowerPoint and resources for animals and their eating habits topic. Discusses carnivores, omnivores and herbivores and task asks children, using a Venn Diagram, to catergorise the animals into what they eat. Included: PowerPoint Venn Diagram Template Sheet with animals and what they eat (needed to complete the Venn Diagram)