Behaviour Chart - Actions and ConsequencesQuick View

Behaviour Chart - Actions and Consequences

Here is an example of a behaviour chart for children who need to see visually what behaviours are acceptable, what are becoming unacceptable and what are a definite no. It can be adapted to suit the needs of the child/children but will be a good starting point. Talk through it with the child and get these children to pick the consequences and rewards with your agreement.
List of Jobs to delegate to find Teaching Assistant, support staff or work experience peopleQuick View

List of Jobs to delegate to find Teaching Assistant, support staff or work experience people

If you struggle to delegate or ask your support staff to do jobs as you feel bad here is a a list of weekly jobs you could ask them to undertake. A lot of support staff like to help and like to complete different tasks as it makes the day go quicker but also gives them a source of satisfaction. If you are a member of support staff you could use this list to give you ideas of what things you could ask to do to help out the teacher you are working with. My support staff are amazing at working their way through these jobs and it helps me out massively.
How to play on the playgroundQuick View

How to play on the playground

Some ideas for assemblies if you are needing to remind the children how to play together on the play ground. Particularly, if football is becoming an issue.
Want to get children to check and up-level work?Quick View

Want to get children to check and up-level work?

A resource to show children on interactive white board but also have laminated a small card for the children that they can get out of their draws, pencil case, bag or have stuck on desk to remind children what to do to improve their work after they have said they have finished.
Resource Draw LabelsQuick View

Resource Draw Labels

Visual good for SEN children to see visual as well as written word for the resources that are in your classroom.
Non-Chronological Report - Tool for successQuick View

Non-Chronological Report - Tool for success

Children can use as a checklist when writing a non-chronological report and teachers can use as a form of assessing what the children have achieved by highlighting what they see when assessing the written piece of work.