Booklet - Sweet Country, Radiance, Beneath Clouds - QCE Year 12 LiteratureQuick View

Booklet - Sweet Country, Radiance, Beneath Clouds - QCE Year 12 Literature

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through the extended response - imaginative spoken piece focussing on a range of Australian film, including ‘Sweet Country’, ‘Radiance’ and ‘Beneath Clouds’. It is focussed on understanding the issues around Australian identity: belonging and displacement. This unit prepares students to craft their IA2.</p> <p>Also provides wide reading activities from Henry Lawson, Oodgeroo Noonuccal and Ali Cobby Eckermann.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>Henry Lawson: A Song of the Republic, The Drover’s Wife, The Bush Undertaker</li> <li>Oodgeroo Noonuccal: Son of Mine, All One Race, Away with Bitterness, An Appeal</li> <li>Ali Cobby Eckermann: Oombulgarri, Unearth</li> <li>Sweet Country &amp; creative writing activities</li> <li>Radiance &amp; creative writing activities</li> <li>Beneath Clouds &amp; creative writing activities</li> <li>Character creation and storyboard templates</li> <li>A proposal guide for the IA2</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 12 Literature unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Where's Wally: Finding Tone - GAMIFIED!Quick View

Where's Wally: Finding Tone - GAMIFIED!

<p>GAMIFIED! - bringing fun into the senior classroom - learning through play</p> <p>Gamified! is my NEW resource series on TPT. Through incorporating play into the high school English classroom students are motivated, stimulated and supported to develop the skills, concepts and language they need to succeed.</p> <p>This Where’s Wally inspired game expands students’ understanding of TONE.</p> <p>It reinforces the skills of:</p> <ul> <li> <p>identifying/naming tone</p> </li> <li> <p>understanding which words/phrases are creating that tone</p> </li> <li> <p>exploring how tone changes</p> </li> </ul> <p>This is a standalone PPT which can be used to revise the skill of identifying tone, as it is aligned with the Year 8 Literacy Booklet (also found in my TPT resources).</p>
Homework PPTs - Hamlet - QCE Year 12 LiteratureQuick View

Homework PPTs - Hamlet - QCE Year 12 Literature

<p>Five weeks of homework to guide students through the five Acts of Shakespeare’s tragic play ‘Hamlet’. Alternatively, these can be used in class to unpack each of the Acts.</p> <p>Also available on my site is the accompanying booklet (a full unit of lessons focussed on the enduring nature of the Bard’s work as well as a thorough analysis of the play).</p> <p>Contents of these homework PPTs:</p> <p><em>Each PPTs contains a summary of plot as well as questions on stagecraft, general understanding and imagery/symbolism</em></p> <p>Week 1 - Act 1<br /> Week 2 - Act 2<br /> Week 3 - Act 3<br /> Week 4 - Act 4<br /> Week 5 - Act 5</p> <p>This is the complementary homework PPTs which can be used as to deconstruct the five Acts at a Year 12 Literature level, as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - Graphic Novels - IB LiteratureQuick View

Booklet - Graphic Novels - IB Literature

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through the IB Diploma where student self-select a graphic novel text.</p> <p>The booklet covers a range of activities to expand students’ ability to understand and appreciate the AoEs, as well as identify these ideas and medium-specific techniques in the poetry.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <p>The Graphic Novel<br /> Key vocabulary<br /> Thinking through the format<br /> A Contract with God ~ Will Eisner<br /> Persepolis ~ Marjane Satrapi<br /> Maus ~ Art Spiegelman<br /> Banned Book Club ~ Kim Hyun Sook<br /> Long Way Down ~ Jason Reynolds<br /> The Comic Strip<br /> Issues within comics<br /> Ginger Meggs, Garfield, Pickles, The Phantom, The Smurfs<br /> Contemporary Possibilities of Storytelling: The Boat ~ Nam Lee<br /> Hidden ~ Mirranda Burton<br /> I am Alfonzo Jones ~ Tony Medina<br /> This is a standalone student booklet which can be used as a foundation of an HL Literature unit where a graphic novel is the chosen text, as it is aligned with the IB Diploma Syllabus.</p>
Booklet - Henry IV Part 1 - HSC Module BQuick View

Booklet - Henry IV Part 1 - HSC Module B

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a study of Shakespeare’s play ‘Henry IV Part 1’ for the HSC Module B. It is focussed on the enduring nature of the Bard’s work as well as a thorough analysis of the play.</p> <p>A range of Craft of Writing activities have also been embedded into this unit, including: persuasive, discursive, creative, analytical.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>Unpacking the module</li> <li>Before reading - conceptual debate, wide reading, journal questions</li> <li>Introduction to the play</li> <li>Contextual investigation</li> <li>During viewing questions</li> <li>Further discussion questions</li> <li>Representation of theme</li> <li>Representation of character</li> <li>Critical reception of the play webquest</li> <li>Construction and language - foils, setting, motifs and symbols</li> <li>Critical readings</li> <li>Essay planning table</li> <li>Practice essay questions</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an HSC Advanced English: Module B unit where the selected text is William Shakespeare’s ‘Henry IV Part 1’, as it is aligned with the NSW Syllabus.</p>
Booklet - 1917 and Wilfred Owen - QCE Year 12 EnglishQuick View

Booklet - 1917 and Wilfred Owen - QCE Year 12 English

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a comparative study of the film ‘1917’ and Wilfred Owen’s poetry: Dulce et Decorum est, Anthem for Doomed Youth, Disabled, Exposure, Spring Offensive. As a result of engaging with this unit, students will be equipped to efffectively craft a feature article in response.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <p>Contextual investigation<br /> Dominant values, attitudes, beliefs and cultural assumptions<br /> Film techniques review<br /> Making meaning of a film (still deconstruction)<br /> During viewing questions<br /> Brainstorming concepts in the film<br /> Symbolism in the film<br /> Guided scene deconstruction<br /> Wilfred Owen key terminology<br /> Poetry deconstruction activities<br /> Brainstorming concepts summary table<br /> Parallels: concepts, imagery<br /> Crafting a thesis and arguments<br /> A range samples<br /> This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 12 English unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - Keats and Bright Star - HSC Module AQuick View

Booklet - Keats and Bright Star - HSC Module A

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through the HSC Module A with the prescribed texts: the selected poetry of John Keats and Campion’s film, ‘Bright Star’. It is focussed on the HSC Module: Textual Conversations.</p> <p>A comparative study of these texts will enable students to discern similarities and differences between and within texts and create an informed personal response on the way these are explored.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>Unpacking the module</li> <li>Introduction to comparative study of texts</li> <li>Medium</li> <li>Context</li> <li>Analytical and creative activities for each poem</li> <li>Guided viewing of the film</li> <li>Dissonances and resonances</li> <li>Reimagining and reframing</li> <li>Mirroring, aligning and colliding</li> <li>Sample essay questions</li> <li>Student sample</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an HSC Advanced English: Module A unit where the selected texts are the poetry of John Keats and the film ‘Bright Star’, as it is aligned with the NSW Syllabus.</p>
Booklet - Macbeth - QCE Year 11 EnglishQuick View

Booklet - Macbeth - QCE Year 11 English

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a study of Shakespeare’s tragic play ‘Macbeth’. It is focussed on the enduring nature of the Bard’s work as well as a thorough analysis of the play.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>making predictions</li> <li>contextual investigation</li> <li>during viewing questions</li> <li>brainstorming concepts</li> <li>practice paragraph - concepts</li> <li>scene extracts (script)</li> <li>practice paragraph - characters</li> <li>sample paragraph</li> <li>paradoxes and equivocation</li> <li>paragraph prompts</li> <li>essay planning table</li> <li>teacher scene deconstructions (1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 5.1, 5.5)</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 11 English unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - Away and Jasper Jones - QCE Year 12 EnglishQuick View

Booklet - Away and Jasper Jones - QCE Year 12 English

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a comparative study of the film ‘Jasper Jones’ and Michael Gow’s play, ‘Away’. As a result of engaging with this unit, students will be equipped to efffectively craft a feature article in response.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>Contextual investigation</li> <li>Introduction to ‘Away’ - predicting concepts</li> <li>Scene analysis &amp; discussion questions</li> <li>Symbolism &amp; Intertextuality</li> <li>Representations</li> <li>Review of ‘Away’</li> <li>Progress Check</li> <li>Introduction to ‘Jasper Jones’ - predicting concepts</li> <li>Thematic overview</li> <li>Film analysis - during viewing</li> <li>Scene analysis</li> <li>Discussion questions</li> <li>Progress Check</li> <li>Parallels - concepts</li> <li>Feature article template</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 11 English unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - Winton Creative Writing - QCE Year 12 EnglishQuick View

Booklet - Winton Creative Writing - QCE Year 12 English

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a study of creative writing focussing on Tim Winton’s short story collection ‘The Turning’ (‘Family’, ‘Big World’ and ‘Aquifer’). It is focussed on understanding the writing style of Tim Winton and producing a narrative intervention of their own.</p> <p>Also available on my site is the accompanying creative writing powerpoint (covering characterisation, setting and invention strategies).</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <p>Introduction to ‘The Turning’<br /> Characterisation<br /> Setting<br /> Intervention strategies<br /> Questions on each story<br /> Analysis on each story<br /> Creative writing prompts for each story<br /> Narrative intervention scaffolds for each story<br /> Vignette practice</p> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 12 English unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - contentious speech - QCE Year 12 EnglishQuick View

Booklet - contentious speech - QCE Year 12 English

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a comparative study of contentious issues in society. As a result of engaging with this unit, students will be equipped to efffectively craft a speech about a chosen topic.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>Revision from Year 11 unit (Yr 11 booklet available in TPT store as well)</li> <li>Sample contentious Ted Talks with activities</li> <li>Researching suggestions</li> <li>Proposal template</li> <li>Modelled example: de-extinction</li> <li>Guided crafting of an introduction</li> <li>A-range samples</li> <li>Guided writing pages</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 12 English unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - contentious speech - QCE Year 11 EnglishQuick View

Booklet - contentious speech - QCE Year 11 English

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a comparative study of contentious issues in society. As a result of engaging with this unit, students will be equipped to efffectively craft a speech about a chosen topic.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <p>What does it mean to be ‘contentious’?<br /> Debate on current issues<br /> Sample contentious Ted Talks with activities<br /> Researching suggestions<br /> Proposal template<br /> The shape of a speech<br /> What is rhetoric?<br /> A-range samples<br /> Guided writing pages</p> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 11 English unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Daily Writing Prompts - Adaptable for a Year 8-12 English ClassroomQuick View

Daily Writing Prompts - Adaptable for a Year 8-12 English Classroom

<p>These daily writing prompts will not only scaffold your students’ skills and competency in both analytical and creative writing, but they also provide a fun and mark-free environment to build their confidence in writing.</p> <p>Activities include:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Revision of ‘English Textual Concepts’ (differentiated slides to suit Year 8, 9/10 and 11/12)</p> </li> <li> <p>Mimicking style activities</p> </li> <li> <p>Photo of the week writing prompts</p> </li> <li> <p>Story cube activities</p> </li> <li> <p>Sizzling story strategies</p> </li> <li> <p>Pobble 365 story starters</p> </li> <li> <p>PCETAL paragraph practice (analytical writing)</p> </li> <li> <p>Technique lessons and opportunities to write with them</p> </li> </ul> <p>Each activity is designed as a 5 minute warm up but could be lengthened to suit the needs of your class. In senior classrooms, this can also be utilised to engage those first few minutes while students are making their way to class and some have already arrived.</p>
Booklet - The Picture of Dorian Gray - QCE Year 12 LiteratureQuick View

Booklet - The Picture of Dorian Gray - QCE Year 12 Literature

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a study of creative writing focussing on Oscar Wilde’s novel ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’. It is focussed on understanding the writing style of Oscar Wilde and producing an IA3 style narrative of their own.</p> <p>Also available on my site is the accompanying ‘Gothic High Tea’ booklet.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>10 creative writing tasks (minimum 1hr lesson for each activity)</li> <li>Exploration of Aestheticism, the Gothic literary movement and the Faustian Bargain</li> <li>IA3 proposal template</li> <li>Sample A range IA3 student narrative</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 12 Literature unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - Romeo and Juliet - QCE Year 9 EnglishQuick View

Booklet - Romeo and Juliet - QCE Year 9 English

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a study of Shakespeare’s classic ‘Romeo and Juliet’. It is focussed on understanding the techniques used within film in order to produce an analytical essay response.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <p>predicting<br /> context: Elizabethan world view<br /> active listening activities<br /> Act questions<br /> theme exploration<br /> finding quotes and practice paragraphs<br /> critical readings and ideas<br /> group speech task<br /> modelled scene deconstruction<br /> student and teacher feedback checklist</p> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 9 English unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - Protest Poetry - QCE Year 9 EnglishQuick View

Booklet - Protest Poetry - QCE Year 9 English

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a thematic study of protest poems. It is focussed on understanding the techniques and purpose of poetry throughout history to ignite change.</p> <p>This unit explores protest poems on issues of: racial inequity, war, climate change and the use of song.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>introduction to protest poetry</li> <li>poetic techniques</li> <li>‘Dulce et Decorum est’</li> <li>‘First they came’</li> <li>‘Let them not say’</li> <li>‘Today’s Climate Forecast’</li> <li>‘Municipal Gum’</li> <li>‘Still I Rise’</li> <li>Analytical and creative tasks</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 9 English unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - The Outsiders - QCE Year 9 EnglishQuick View

Booklet - The Outsiders - QCE Year 9 English

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a study of S E Hinton’s novel, ‘The Outsiders’. It is focussed on understanding the author’s choices within the novel to produce an analytical essay response.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>introductory questions</li> <li>thematic introduction through poetry</li> <li>context</li> <li>post-reading debate questions</li> <li>characterisation activities</li> <li>conceptual brainstorming activity</li> <li>ETA bundle building in groups</li> <li>point sentence writing</li> <li>practice essay questions</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 9 English unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - Jurassic Park Film Study - QCE Year 9 EnglishQuick View

Booklet - Jurassic Park Film Study - QCE Year 9 English

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a study of Steven Speilberg’s classic film, ‘Jurassic Park’. It is focussed on understanding the techniques used within film in order to produce an analytical essay response.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>predicting</li> <li>foreshadowing</li> <li>making meaning from film</li> <li>camera angles</li> <li>building tension</li> <li>scene deconstructions</li> <li>brainstorming concepts</li> <li>developing points from concepts</li> <li>characterisation</li> <li>practice essay questions</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 9 English unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
Booklet - Gwen Harwood's Poetry - QCE Year 12 LiteratureQuick View

Booklet - Gwen Harwood's Poetry - QCE Year 12 Literature

<p>A printable, pdf booklet to guide students through a study of Gwen Harwood’s poetry: In the Park, Suburban Sonnet, To Music, The Lion’s Bride, Barn Owl, Nightfall, The Twins, and Home of Mercy.</p> <p>Contents of this booklet:</p> <ul> <li>Contextual investigation</li> <li>Critical readings and articles</li> <li>Copies of all poems</li> <li>Activities to support analysis</li> <li>Practice paragraph and essay questions</li> <li>Summary tables</li> <li>Full deconstructions of the poems for teacher use</li> </ul> <p>This is the standalone student booklet which can be used as the foundation of an entire Year 12 Literature unit as it is aligned with the QCE syllabus.</p>
BUNDLE: NAPLAN - Year 9Quick View


<p>Are you a new teacher or just want to save yourself the time and hassle of writing lessons to to prepare for the NAPLAN writing and language conventions tests?</p> <p>In this bundle you will find PPT materials to resource your Year 9 English class.</p> <p>What’s included?</p> <p>narrative writing<br /> persuasive writing<br /> weekly spelling lists<br /> language conventions x4<br /> All resources are editable PPTs.</p> <p>All units are aligned with ACARA marking criteria for Stage 5 NAPLAN.</p>
Revision Songs: Highway to an A (Ali Cobby Eckermann) - GAMIFIED!Quick View

Revision Songs: Highway to an A (Ali Cobby Eckermann) - GAMIFIED!

<p>GAMIFIED! - bringing fun into the senior classroom - learning through play</p> <p>Gamified! is my NEW resource series on TPT. Through incorporating play into the high school English classroom students are motivated, stimulated and supported to develop the skills, concepts and language they need to succeed.</p> <p>How often does a catchy tune get stuck in your head? Utilise this tendency to remember songs for your students’ advantage. This downloadable package helps students with a unit studying the poetry of Ali Cobby Eckermann.</p> <p>"Don’t need rhythm,</p> <p>Don’t need rhyme,</p> <p>Freeverse is the easiest thing to define…"</p> <p>This zipfile contains three files:</p> <ul> <li> <p>an audio file recording of the song (set to the tune of AC/DC’s ‘Highway to Hell’)</p> </li> <li> <p>jpeg with lyrics</p> </li> <li> <p>jpeg as a foundation for a lesson with techniques and concepts explained</p> </li> </ul> <p>This is a standalone song can be used to revise the techniques and concepts found in the poetry of Ali Cobby Eckermann, as it is aligned with the IB Diploma Literature Syllabus AND the NSW HSC English Syllabus.</p>