Instruction writing fire safety/bonfire night. DT/ART. Children at home. Key Worker groups.Quick View

Instruction writing fire safety/bonfire night. DT/ART. Children at home. Key Worker groups.

<p>Instructional writing lesson. A message from a firework maker who needs help in designing a new firework. Lesson starts with the letter from the firework maker. Example provided and worksheets for children to complete. Links with PSHCE and firework safety around bonfire night. Also links with science and reaction experiments. Art and DT link you can design fireworks and then paint the possible display or even make the outside of the firework what it looks like. Plenty of options and a really nice lesson. Also great to work with children at home or Key worker groups.</p>
Black History Stephen LawrenceQuick View

Black History Stephen Lawrence

<p>An English lesson for Black history month surrounding Stephen Lawrence with supporting worksheets. Biography writing lesson. Also includes a commas grammar lesson linked to Stephens life. Short ppt to support with task and extra resources linked to biography writing.</p>
Instructional writing and designing rocket launch task. Cross curricular links.Quick View

Instructional writing and designing rocket launch task. Cross curricular links.

<p>Instructional writing task. Space themed. Linking to recent events. Cross curriculum links.</p> <p>This lesson can be used within English to get children to create an instructional piece of writing based on their rocket design. The 'Head/teacher" received a letter from the astronauts asking for help in designing a new rocket. Art/DT link the children will have to design a rocket and then can create their own rocket. Once made they will write up a set of instructions to help the astronauts recreate it in a bid to get their rocket designing license. Can also be linked with science if you buy a water rocket launching kit and launch each child’s water bottle rocket.</p>
Comprehension Tennis GameQuick View

Comprehension Tennis Game

<p>Read your guided reading text as a class and use this comprehension tennis game to check understanding and how much the children have retained. They play the game by stating something they remember from the text, the next player stands up and says something different that they remember too. Each time a new statement is made a player scores one point. Keep playing until someone runs out of things they’ve remembered or until someone repeats something already that’s been said.</p>
AnimalsQuick View


<p>This resource is made up of 3 different reading texts. Habitats - Where animals live, Food chains - Who eats what? and Sharks vs Whales - Who’s the biggest?</p> <p>Each text comes with example questions that you can use/adapt for your reading session.</p>
Comprehension - Adventurer BobQuick View

Comprehension - Adventurer Bob

<p>This resource consists of three reading comprehensions all about Bob. Astronaut Bob, Dinosaur Bob and Snail Bob. These are a great simple text that are engaging and each text comes with 10 questions for you to choose from to use in your reading session with answers for the ease of marking.</p>
Transatlantic slave trade (BHM)Quick View

Transatlantic slave trade (BHM)

<p>Full English week of work (scheme of work). This looks at the terrible ordeal of slaves and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The unit of work results in a written speech/argument as William Wilberforce.</p>