KS1 Dinosaur  Literacy plan. Letter Writing 10 lessons.  Dear Dinosaur book. English KS1 letter planQuick View

KS1 Dinosaur Literacy plan. Letter Writing 10 lessons. Dear Dinosaur book. English KS1 letter plan

<p>**KS1 Dinosaur Literacy plan. Letter Writing using Dear Dinosaur - ends in writing a real letter to post. **<br /> Key Stage 1 planning (can be adapted to suit KS2)</p> <p>YouTube link to the book included.</p> <p>Teach letter writing, punctuation, spelling, personal pronouns, capitals for proper nouns and sentence construction. Linked to Dear Dinosaur book (with real letters.) Wider world - about museums and dinosaurs.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>detailed letters</li> <li>Lesson Plan</li> <li>Powerpoint also available in PDF</li> <li>PDFs for whiteboards of various resources</li> <li>sound files of dinosaur roars</li> <li>a letter from the dinosaur <em>with a master to adapt</em></li> <li>postcard to print and use with children</li> <li>2 birthday cards to write in, relating the the book</li> <li>plus other resources for ten lessons on writing letters</li> <li>Lots of YouTube links are provided to enthuse and motivate further.</li> </ul> <p>Suitable for KS1 particularly Year 1 children, although can be adapted for Y3.</p> <p>An overview of the lessons:<br /> Lesson 1 - About Dinosaurs and museums - hook and grab for book <strong>( MP4 of moving T Rex and sounds provided)</strong><br /> Lesson 2 - Looking at dinosaurs and asking questions using a question mark.<br /> ** (PDF or Powerpoint of high quality T Rex photos and questions provided.)**<br /> Lesson 3 - Using personal pronoun I. Use I’m, I’ll, I, I’ve.<br /> Lesson 4 - Using capitals for personal pronouns.<br /> Compose the first letter and read the book. <strong>(Link provided.)</strong><br /> Lesson 5 - Finding the letter from the dinosaur <strong>(resource provided plus blank<br /> to adapt your own).</strong> Responding with questions.</p> <p>Lesson 6 - Letter layout and replying to the dinosaur letter.<br /> Lesson 7 - Spelling and handwriting work - write in a <strong>birthday card. (Provided.)</strong><br /> Lesson 8 - Use punctuation.?! when writing a** post card. (Provided.)**<br /> Lesson 9 &amp; 10 write a real letter to a museum with purpose and post.</p> <p>I try to provide my resources so you can simply download, print and teach, as I know how busy all teachers are!</p>
Year 1 Recount with resources and links - The Emperors Egg - 2 Week English Plan. KS1 RecountQuick View

Year 1 Recount with resources and links - The Emperors Egg - 2 Week English Plan. KS1 Recount

<p><strong>Y1 Recount 2 week plan using the Emperor’s Egg with resources and video links. Suitable for Year 2 Recount planning. All resources provided.</strong></p> <p>These include exciting resources to motivate and stimulate learning. Resources include sound files to hear penguins, detailed images of penguins from different angles, a word mat with common exception words and a sheet to order events of a hatching chick. Your pupils will really get to know lots about penguins and their environment by the end of this plan. The videos compliment the learning give awe and wonder to the topic.</p> <p>YouTube links provided detail the time to start watching, if necessary.<br /> A link is also provided to the story so it can currently be used without the book.</p> <p>Children learn about question marks and exclamation marks, which they see in action in the book. Other lessons develop their spelling of common exception words and phonics knowledge.</p> <p>Cross curricular ideas are also shared briefly, although there are many more opportunities that haven’t been covered.</p> <p>At the end of the unit, children recount how to look after a chick using time order words. This can lead on to writing a letter to the zoo and reading Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.</p>
Counting & addition 1 - 20 with Treasure Hunt using string beads and ten frames.  Inverse introducedQuick View

Counting & addition 1 - 20 with Treasure Hunt using string beads and ten frames. Inverse introduced

<p>Counting and Addition to 20 with Treasure Hunt for SEND Key Stage 1 and Early Years settings. Includes worksheets on Counting to Ten, Counting to Twenty, Addition to 20, Inverse, part whole model, string beads, ten frames and a Treasure Hunt for classroom or outdoor use.</p> <p>Resources to support Key Stage One, Early Years and SEND in counting to twenty, addition to 20, use of the part whole model, an introduction to inverses and a treasure hunt using string beads and ten frames to support addition to 20.</p> <p>Resources included<br /> Count objects 1 - 10<br /> Count objects 1 - 20<br /> Add objects to 10<br /> Add objects to 20<br /> Add to objects 11 completing a part whole model.<br /> Add to objects 20 completing a part whole model.<br /> An introduction to inverses using known addition 1 -20 and part whole models.</p> <p>**PLUS Treasure Hunt **<br /> Treasure Hunt using string beads and ten frames to add numbers to 20.</p> <p>Blank part whole model on A4.</p>
Book Review & Blurb for display or book plus definitionsQuick View

Book Review & Blurb for display or book plus definitions

<p>Book review template with blurb and definitions. Great for displaying on walls.</p> <p>Within this sheet, pupils are given definitions of all the different terms, so no excuses asking what genre means or what to say about the character! You can enlarge the review, the blurb or remove the definitions to create a great book review display.</p> <p>Also great for getting reluctant readers reading by making a class collection of book reviews for your class library. A good way to check children’s comprehension and understanding of a book and a way into talking about the books read by your class.</p> <p>Saved in a PDF format, this resource can be used throughout the year with your class.</p>
Conjunctions jigsaw for displayQuick View

Conjunctions jigsaw for display

<p>Free Conjunctions Display on A4 or A3.<br /> Conjunctions for KS1 and lower KS2 to display.<br /> PNG form on word and PDF.<br /> Print on A4 or A3 to display in your classroom.<br /> Bright and colourful.<br /> It is free so if you like it, please leave some stars.<br /> Thank you.</p>