World climate zones worksheet / activityQuick View

World climate zones worksheet / activity

This resource includes a worksheet on the world climate zones and an activity to draw clothes in three specific climate zones. The worksheet requires students to explain what a climate zone is, how the world is split into climate zones and why. The name of the zone, description and example are leveled. All students must write the name of the climate zones, most will be able to describe it and some will be able to give an example of a place with each specific climate zone. Students also connect this to the UK. The activity enables students to solidify their knowledge on climate zones in a fun way. They must dress each person according to it’s climate zone in the winter months and then justifying their work.
Life in Chongqing and the hukou systemQuick View

Life in Chongqing and the hukou system

This lesson explains some facts about Chongqing and what life in Chongqing is like, including the hukou system. It explains why there are no slums in the worlds fastest growing urban areas and focuses on the industry in Chongqing. The hukou system is explained in detail and accounts of people are given. Two explanatory PowerPoints, two detailed worksheets and a student task is included.
Convectional/Frontal/Relief rainfall lessonQuick View

Convectional/Frontal/Relief rainfall lesson

This activity is based on the three rainfall types. Included is a story of a day in the life of a raindrop. This story explains convectional, relief and frontal rainfall in an interesting and real way. Students must highlight the words connecting to each rainfall in a different colour. You can therefore see how much the students understand of what you have taught. The three flashcards read the rainfall type and its main characteristic/how its formed. Students categorise the remaining flashcards, by matching them to one of the three rainfall types. You may want to do this before handing them out the story, to make sure they are clear on the rainfall types. Included in this pack is also a task for them to do to solidify their knowledge. They choose one rainfall and then state, describe and explain the rainfall type in more detail. These are highlighted in ascending levels, with a bonus included.
How weather affects your daily lifeQuick View

How weather affects your daily life

This worksheet/activity enables students to think about weather on a deeper level. They think about how different types of weather - can effect their daily activities. They dress the person according to their favourite weather and answer a number of questions. This enables them to connect weather to destructive earthquakes…as they begin thinking if weather can be dangerous.
Urban and rural settlements lessonQuick View

Urban and rural settlements lesson

Included in this lesson is a PowerPoint, explaining what a settlement is and the difference between urban ad rural ones. A worksheet is included too, where students identify that the word settlement is what all the images have in common. Students fill in urban and rural in the two remaining boxes and draw an image of an example of such a settlement. A bonus challenge is included too, where students look at the educational opportunities offered in both, based on their knowledge from the lesson.
The Burgess model worksheetQuick View

The Burgess model worksheet

There are two levels of the worksheet included. Each worksheet has two levels. The worksheet requires students to explain how the land use in an area changes, based on information they have learned about the Burgess model and the information sheet included. The higher level worksheet requires students to do more writing on their own, while the lower level one has dashes that prompt the student and enable them to fill in missing information.
Shopping/convenience and comparison goodsQuick View

Shopping/convenience and comparison goods

This lesson explains the shops we shop in and why - the goods we buy in each shop. Begin the lesson by giving out hobbies to girls and asking them to raise their hands by their favourite one. Shopping is one of the most popular hobbies.Give students out images which they categorise into two types of goods. Expensive and cheaper, every day goods. These are called Convenience and comparison goods. The PowerPoint explains all necessary information. Students then answer questions by receiving one box labeled convenience goods and one comparison. Lastly Students complete the plenary (two levels) by drawing an item/items and answering the questions.
Asia's physical features worksheetQuick View

Asia's physical features worksheet

Show students pictures of different physical features in Asia . Hang up flashcards of the features and students match them up. Students then fill in their worksheet using an information sheet. They must find the right feature to match each set of points to. The correct information sheet is provided.
Air masses worksheet and activityQuick View

Air masses worksheet and activity

This worksheet requires students to fill in air mass charateristics based on images and then form them into actual air mass names. They then see how each air mass effects the UK weather. This activity makes learning about air massess fun. They imagine each air mass was Mr happy, they then follow the levelled instructions below by shading him in according to the air mass he is, adding appropriate clothing and so on. This enables them to enjoy what they are doing and you to see what level they are on. They write the name of each air mass near the Mr happy - e.g Mr Polar maritime. They write beneath the name, what type of weather he brings.
Weather and climate revision PowerPointQuick View

Weather and climate revision PowerPoint

This PowerPoint revises a number of weather and climate topics. Some of these included are: Water cycle, variations in climate, world climate zones and some more. Students look at the image under each topic and must guess the word/topic it represents. You can also require them to write everything they know about these topics for further revision.
How our towns and cities grew - urbanisationQuick View

How our towns and cities grew - urbanisation

This complete lesson includes all students have to know about the process of urbanisation - how our town and cities came to be. Read the first hand account to your students. They guess that the term to describe this is urbanisation. The rest of the lesson focuses on how urbanisation took place - the process. The PowerPoint included explains all the stages in depth. Give students the pictures of the stages first in which they try to make some sort of order. As you go through the stages hang up the flashcards on the board. The students then proceed to fill out the storyboard on how our towns and cities grew. They stick in the corresponding image in the box or draw their own and then explain the stage on the lines below. For lower achievers, you can give them out labels with the stage explained in which they just have to choose the correct one and stick it down. Included is a leveled character profile task which enables students to solidify the material and information they have learned. There is a bonus included. Lastly raise each image of the different stages and get your students to call out the stage each picture represents.
City life - advantages and disadvantagesQuick View

City life - advantages and disadvantages

Give students images of advantages and disadvantages of living in the city. They try and guess what each one represents. Then go through the pictures with them and hang up the correct flashcard. Students write these out, each on a separate arrow. They then write in the two blank boxes on the sheet with two images, one advantages and one disadvantages. They tick the two images down in their books as pockets - don’t glue the top side. Students then place each arrow in the correct pocket.
Weather and climate revisionQuick View

Weather and climate revision

This booklet includes a number of challenges revising the topic of weather and climate. Each challenge requires students to complete a different activity to answer the question. A fun and thorough revision activity.
Urbanization revision - treasure huntQuick View

Urbanization revision - treasure hunt

A fun revision lesson recaping any topic that you have taught. The aim of this lesson is an urbanisation treasure hunt, topics including Manchester, transport, shopping, regeneration, slums, sustainability - Masdar City. Each paper has a question with a choice of three answers. Each answer has a clue where to find the next paper - the answer to the question. the correct answer will lead you to the correct place in which the next question will be hung. This was played originally around the school, however you can adapt the clues as necessary. in order to make each pair of students begin at different places, they are each given a different slip of paper with a clue on it. Students must also fill in each question and answer on the answer sheet to be declared the winner. This is an extremely enjoyable activity, which will enable the students to learn and have fun at the same time.
Urbanisation fieldworkQuick View

Urbanisation fieldwork

This is a mini urbanisation fieldwork that was originally made for a year 8 class. The main fieldwork question is: How have the suburbs grown in terms of their urbanisation. Enfield Town is the place the fieldwork is based on. Subsidiary questions are included and all steps students must take to complete the main question. The PowerPoint too goes through the fieldwork steps.
Worksheet on Manchester's early historyQuick View

Worksheet on Manchester's early history

These two worksheets go though Manchester’s early history and events, beginning with the Romans, industrial revolution, cotton mills and Manchester’s population explosion. The second worksheet then goes on to the workers conditions, the two events of the slums on one hand and Manchester spreading outward as a result of the wealthy people. Lastly, how this was occurring all over.
Urban and rural fun lessonQuick View

Urban and rural fun lesson

This lesson requires students to be part of a court case whether to urbanise the area of New York or not. Students read the breaking news and then answer a leveled task question. This is a fun and exciting lesson as well as educational, as students proceed to take sides and bring forth the opinion they believe in. Students writing skills are put to use as they choose to either be a prosecutor in this case and speak against the Mayor’s ideas or defend him. Once students have finished the task, some come out and present their ideas. Based on the persuasiveness of their speech, the students then vote on their ballots. The student with the most ballots win. Case closed. Note: All points included in this lesson are fictional and are for the sole purpose of the students revision on urban and rural areas.
Biomes of the world activityQuick View

Biomes of the world activity

Each page in this booklet concentrates on another Biome. Student create an image or model with coloured paper/coloured pencils to represent the biome on the upper half of the page. They then answer the questions below including as much detail as they can.
Countries and capitals of Asia worksheetQuick View

Countries and capitals of Asia worksheet

This worksheet will enable students to know many countries in Asia, their capitals and where they are located. The worksheet has a key on the left hand side with the regions in Asia and the colour they are on the map. Each country is found in a different region and should be placed in a box below according to the region its found in. For example Russia is found in North Asia and is colour coded dark green. Russia is therefore wren in the left side of the dark green box below. The capital of Russia is written in the right side. Students can now clearly locate the region many countries in Asia are. Hang flashcards of the countries of Asia up and near it the capital.