OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 4: Medical EthicsQuick View

OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 4: Medical Ethics

<p>Lesson 4 for the OCR GCSE Religious Studies - DIalogues Unit from a Christian perspective.</p> <p>Contains the following specification content:</p> <ul> <li>Scientific development in medical ethics</li> <li>Euthanasia</li> <li>Christian teachings about euthanasia</li> <li>The Catholic Churches</li> <li>The Church of England</li> <li>Attitudes to euthanasia</li> <li>The right to die</li> <li>What the Quakers believe</li> <li>Abortion</li> <li>Attitudes to abortion (What are the attitudes of people in Britain towards abortion?)</li> <li>Christian attitudes towards abortion</li> <li>Christian teachings</li> <li>The Catholic Church</li> <li>The Church of England</li> <li>Issues of genetic manipulation</li> <li>The creation of life</li> </ul> <p>Contains a full work booklet to go with the guided PowerPoint.</p>
OCR GCSE Religious Studies - Full Practice Questions PackQuick View

OCR GCSE Religious Studies - Full Practice Questions Pack

<p>This resource includes <strong>extensive</strong> 3-mark, 6-mark, and 15-mark practice questions for <strong>OCR GCSE Religious Studies</strong>, as categorised by the following units:</p> <p><em>Christianity Beliefs and Practices<br /> Islam Beliefs and Practices<br /> Relationships and Families (from a Christian perspective)<br /> The Existence of God (from a Christian perspective)<br /> Violence, Peace and Conflict (from a Christian perspective)<br /> Dialogues (from a Christian perspective)</em></p>
KS3 Buddhism - Buddha & EnlightenmentQuick View

KS3 Buddhism - Buddha & Enlightenment

<p>This is one of 8 lessons covering the unit of Buddhism for KS3 years (mainly Year 8 and 9).</p> <p>This lesson explores the story of Buddha and his path to enlightenment. It works well as an introduction to Buddhism lesson.</p>
KS3 Buddhism - Karma and RebirthQuick View

KS3 Buddhism - Karma and Rebirth

<p>This is one of 8 lessons covering the unit of Buddhism for KS3 years, (mainly Year 8 and 9).</p> <p>This lesson explores the concepts of rebirth and karma, as well as a consideration for the 6 realms in Buddhist cosmology.</p>
KS3 Buddhism - Noble Eightfold PathQuick View

KS3 Buddhism - Noble Eightfold Path

<p>This is one of 8 lessons covering the unit of Buddhism for KS3 years, (mainly Year 8 and 9).</p> <p>This lesson explores the noble eightfold path, including an information retrieval main activity supported with reflection questions.</p>
KS3 Buddhism - Three Marks of Existence & Four Noble TruthsQuick View

KS3 Buddhism - Three Marks of Existence & Four Noble Truths

<p>This is one of 8 lessons covering the unit of Buddhism for KS3 years, (mainly Year 8 and 9).</p> <p>This lesson explores the the three marks of existence and four noble truths, with reflection on the Kisa Gotami and the Mustard Seed story as well as a ‘Middle Way’ homework worksheet.</p>
Mock Court Trial - EuthanasiaQuick View

Mock Court Trial - Euthanasia

<p>This is a unit of work that involves a mock court trial based on a euthanasia case.</p> <p>It is a fully resourced unit, with a progressive scheme of work that concludes with an actual trial acted out.</p> <p>Students will learn the essentials of a court trial. They will be doing research and preparation for roles they are interested in. They will present their individual cases for which role they wish to play.</p> <p>Students will also each be given a full booklet of work to help navigate through the trial, but also to give them each unique tasks depending on their roles.</p> <p>Lesson 1: Introduction<br /> The idea of a court trial will be introduced, as well as the Euthanasia case.</p> <p>Lesson 2: Research &amp; Preparation<br /> Each of you will complete research tasks related to the roles in the trial, from this you will present your case for which role you would like to have.</p> <p>Lesson 3 (and homework): Preparation<br /> Each role will need to do preparation for what they will say/do during the trial.</p> <p>Lesson 4: Trial<br /> As guided by the Court Usher, the trial will take place in this lesson.</p> <p>Roles include:<br /> Judge<br /> Usher<br /> Defendant (Dr Moor)<br /> Defence Lawyers<br /> Prosecution Lawyers<br /> Witness [Prosecution Team] (George Liddell’s Sister)<br /> Witness [Prosecution Team] (Journalist that Interviewed Dr. Moor)<br /> Witness [Defence Team] (Colleague of Dr Moor)<br /> Jury<br /> Media</p>
KS3 Buddhism - Five PreceptsQuick View

KS3 Buddhism - Five Precepts

<p>This is one of 8 lessons covering the unit of Buddhism for KS3 years, (mainly Year 8 and 9).</p> <p>This lesson explores the five precepts within Buddhist thought.</p>
KS3 Buddhism - WorshipQuick View

KS3 Buddhism - Worship

<p>This is one of 8 lessons covering the unit of Buddhism for KS3 years, (mainly Year 8 and 9).</p> <p>This lesson explores worship in Buddhism, including many of the different symbols focused on.</p>
KS3 Buddhism - KarunaQuick View

KS3 Buddhism - Karuna

<p>This is one of 8 lessons covering the unit of Buddhism for KS3 years, (mainly Year 8 and 9).</p> <p>This lesson explores the notion of Karuna with links made to the teaching of Dalai Lama.</p>
Dialogues within and between Religious and Non-Religious Groups - Full Lesson BundleQuick View

Dialogues within and between Religious and Non-Religious Groups - Full Lesson Bundle

<strong>This is a full bundle of lessons centered around the OCR GCSE Religious Studies unit <em>Dialogues within and between religious and non-religious groups</em> from a Christian perspective.</strong> The lessons include: <ol> <li>Church and State</li> <li>Secularisation</li> <li>Clashes between Secular and Religious Law</li> <li>Medical Ethics (Euthanasia)</li> <li>Medical Ethics (Abortion)</li> <li>Pluralism and Theology</li> <li>Further Dialogues Part 1</li> <li>Further Dialogues Part 2</li> </ol> The bundle contains a variety of activities including: <ul> <li>Discussion Questions</li> <li>Exam-style Questions</li> <li>Reflection Questions</li> <li>Informative Videos</li> <li>Booklet (for Medical Ethics lessons)</li> <li>Google Form Quizzes</li> <li>Quote Banks</li> <li>Argument Sorting</li> <li>Research Homework</li> </ul> <p>and many more…</p> <p>Most Bible quotes are taken from NIV.<br /> Most information is taken from the Specification and Hodder Textbook.</p> <p>Lessons are also sold separately on my account.</p> <p><em>For access to a separate copy of the Google Forms, please feel free to email.</em></p>
OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 3: Clashes between Secular and Religious LawQuick View

OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 3: Clashes between Secular and Religious Law

<p>Lesson 3 for the OCR GCSE Religious Studies - DIalogues Unit from a Christian perspective.</p> <p>Contains the following specification content:</p> <ul> <li>Potential clashes between religious and secular values in education</li> <li>The aim of collective worship in schools</li> <li>Potential clashes between religion, traditional and secular law</li> <li>Marriage</li> <li>Annulment</li> <li>Responses to forced, arranged and child marriages</li> <li>Christian attitudes to equality and potential clashes with equality laws</li> <li>The role of women in the Church</li> <li>Same-sex marriages</li> </ul>
KS3 Buddhism - Lesson PackQuick View

KS3 Buddhism - Lesson Pack

7 Resources
<p>This is a full pack of 8 lessons covering the unit of Buddhism for KS3 years, (mainly Year 8 and 9).</p> <p>Full of a variety of activities, worksheets, and homework assignments.</p> <ul> <li>Buddha &amp; Enlightenment</li> <li>Three Marks of Existence</li> <li>Four Noble Truths</li> <li>Noble Eightfold Path</li> <li>Five Precepts</li> <li>Karma and Rebirth</li> <li>Karuna</li> <li>Worship</li> </ul>
OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 2: SecularisationQuick View

OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 2: Secularisation

<p>Lesson 2 for the OCR GCSE Religious Studies - DIalogues Unit from a Christian perspective.</p> <p>Contains the following specification content:</p> <p>The place of religion in a secular society<br /> The effects of secularisation on religion</p>
OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 1: Church and StateQuick View

OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 1: Church and State

<p>Lesson 1 for the OCR GCSE Religious Studies - DIalogues Unit <em>from a Christian perspective.</em></p> <p>Contains the following specification content:</p> <ul> <li>The importance of Christian traditions in British society</li> <li>The Church of England: the established religion in a country of diverse religious tradition</li> <li>The Monarch as the head of the Church of England</li> <li>The role of the Monarch today</li> <li>The Church in Wales</li> <li>The Church in Scotland</li> <li>The Church in Northern Ireland</li> </ul> <p>Also contains a Bible Quote explanation activity.</p>
OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 5: Pluralism and TheologyQuick View

OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 5: Pluralism and Theology

<p>Lesson 5 for the OCR GCSE Religious Studies - DIalogues Unit <em>from a Christian perspective.</em></p> <p>Contains the following specification content:</p> <ul> <li>Different teachings, beliefs and attitudes of Christian towards each other and towards other religious groups</li> <li>Exclusivism</li> <li>Inter-faith exclusivism</li> <li>Intra-faith exclusivism</li> <li>Inclusivism</li> <li>Pluralism</li> </ul> <p>Contains links to A-Level concepts as a stretch and challenge.</p>
OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 6: Further DialoguesQuick View

OCR GCSE Dialogues Lesson 6: Further Dialogues

<p>Final Lesson for the OCR GCSE Religious Studies - DIalogues Unit from a Christian perspective.</p> <p>Contains the following specification content:</p> <ul> <li>Different Christian views and attitudes towards non-religious worldviews</li> <li>Christian values and ideals shared with atheism, agnosticism, humanism and secularism</li> <li>Compassion</li> <li>Support for those in need</li> <li>The promotion of peace over war</li> <li>The protection of the environment</li> <li>Potential areas of disagreement and difference between Christianity and atheism, agnosticism, humanism and secularism</li> <li>Should secular or religious views take precedence?</li> </ul>