<p>A printable workbook that explores the content needed to be covered in Unit CFC10 Plroviding a Children’s Creative activity for BTEC Level 1 Caring for Children.</p>
<p>This is an editable workbook with answers for Essential Application of Number Skills Level 1 that includes various short activities for the following criteria:</p>
<p>Adding and Subtracting with Whole Numbers and Simple Decimals</p>
<p>Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Dividing, and Recording Sums of Money</p>
<p>Reading and understanding numbers presented in different ways</p>
<p>Reading, measuring, and recording time in common date and time formats</p>
<p>Reading, Understanding, and Extracting Information from Tables</p>
<p>Using Ratios and Proportions</p>
<p>Finding the Range and Average (Mean) of Up to 10 Items</p>
<p>Using Scales and Diagrams to Find and Interpret Information</p>
<p>A printable workbook that explores the content needed to be covered in Unit CFC6 Planning a safe childcare environment for BTEC Level 1 Caring for Children.</p>
<p>A printable workbook that explores the content needed to be covered in Unit CFC5 Providing an activity for childrens emotional and social needs for BTEC Level 1 Caring for Children.</p>