Quick ViewKyramaddocksGerman - Past Tense (0)<p>A couple of lessons that introduces the past tense for beginner learners of German.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - wie alt bist du? (0)<p>1 lesson on numbers for new learners of German. Follows the Echo Express book, however, the lesson can be used without the book.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - Wie heißt du? (0)<p>A starter lesson (could be stretched to two lessons) for new learners of German. Follows the Echo Express book, however, the lesson can be used without the book.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - wo liegt das? (0)<p>A couple of lessons on the topic of talking about where you live. Can be used with or without the echo express book.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - Transport und richtung (0)<p>A couple of lessons on the topic of talking about transports and directions. Can be used with or without the echo express book.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - wo ist es (0)<p>A couple of lessons on the topic of talking about where you live and where things are. Can be used with or without the echo express book.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksGCSE - Social Network (0)<p>A couple of lessons aimed at beginner GCSE students - social networking topic.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - Mein Haus (0)<p>A variety of lessons on the topic of talking about your house. Can be used with or without the echo express book.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksGCSE - Phones (0)<p>A couple of lessons for beginner GCSE German students - topic is phones.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - in den Sommerferien (0)<p>A couple of lessons on the topic of talking about summer holidays and activities. Can be used with or without the echo express book.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - In meinem Zimmer (0)<p>A variety of lessons on the topic of talking about your room. Can be used with or without the echo express book.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - in der Stadt (0)<p>A variety of lessons on the topic of talking about your town. Can be used with or without the echo express book.</p>
BundleQuick ViewKyramaddocksEcho Express17 Resources<p>All of the Echo Express lessons I have created and uploaded to TES combined into one bundle.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - An der Imbissbude (0)<p>A variety of lessons on the topic of talking about food and drink. Can be used with or without the echo express book.</p>
BundleQuick ViewKyramaddocksSTUDIO 1 and 2 bundle18 Resources<p>A variety of lessons from Studio 1 and a couple from Studio 2 (all the studio lessons I have created and uploaded to TES).</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho Express - Mein Zuhause (0)<p>Around 6 lessons on the topic of describing where you live. Lots of grammar based activites which focus on verb conjugations and cases.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - Schulsachen (0)<p>A couple of lessons on schoolbag items - aimed at beginner learners of German. Can be used with or without the E.E book.</p>
Quick ViewKyramaddocksEcho express - Das ist meine Familie (0)<p>A few lessons on ‘family’. Can be used with or without E.E book.</p>