<p>The Invisible by Tom Percival<br />
3 week unit plan with accompanying power points and resources.<br />
Complete reading, grammar and writing, plan.<br />
Writing outcomes: first person story with a moral message.</p>
<p>This is a 3 week English unit on instructions based on the Text Supertato.<br />
The unit includes:<br />
Hook for learning<br />
Vocabulary development<br />
Reading as a reader - feelings I have / questions I have<br />
Reading as a writer - alliteration<br />
Grammar - verbs , commands and questions<br />
Features of instructions<br />
Planning<br />
writing<br />
Editing<br />
<p>This is a 5 week Geography unit of work comparing local area to country in Asia. I have used Pakistan to reflect school context.<br />
Each lesson has a key question, key skill and key knowledge.<br />
Planning document, resources and lesson power points included.<br />
This unit makes use of Google maps.<br />
This will need adapting to reflect your local area.</p>
<p>This is a three week unit of work that explores the year 2 reading and writing objectives through a fairy tale writing theme.</p>
<p>It draws upon the following texts: The True Story of The three Little Pigs, The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig and Revolting Rhymes.</p>
<p>The children learn about telling stories from a different perspective.<br />
They cover the following areas:</p>
<li>Learning Hook</li>
<li>Developing vocabulary</li>
<li>Reading - predicting and summary.</li>
<li>Grammar - commas in a list, adjectives and apostrophes for possession.</li>
<li>writing - describing characters, planning, writing an alternative fairy tale, editing and revising.</li>
<p>This is a two week unit of work that explores the year 2 reading and writing objectives through an non-fiction theme. P</p>
<p>It is based around the book How to help a hedgehog and protect a polar bear by Jess French and links well to geography and science units on living things and habitats and conservation.</p>
<p>The unit includes the following areas:<br />
Hook for Learning<br />
Vocabulary<br />
Reading as a reader - persuasive devices<br />
Reading as a writer - features of non-chronological reports<br />
Grammar - present tense, subordinating conjunctions<br />
Planning<br />
Writing<br />
Editing<br />
<p>This is a 3 week English unit based on ‘The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers. The children write their own space themed stories based on the book.<br />
The unit covers:<br />
Hook for learning<br />
Vocabulary<br />
Reading as a reader<br />
Reading as a writer<br />
Conjunctions, adjectives and expanded noun phrases<br />
Plan<br />
Write<br />
Edit<br />
Publish<br />
I have also included a writing frame created to support</p>
<p>This is a 2 week unit based on the books Winnie and Wiblur at Chinese New Year and Lunar New Year Around the World. This unit was to tie in with Chinese New Year celebrations and looks at creating a play script.</p>
<p>The unit covers</p>
<p>Hook for learning<br />
Vocabulary development - synonyms<br />
Reading as a reader and a writer<br />
Grammar - conjunctions, present tense<br />
Planning, writing, editing and punctuating</p>
<p>This is a 3 week unit on work that ties nicely with Black History Month based on the Little Leaders, Bold Black Women in History book by Vashti Harrison.<br />
Children think about who inspires them and write letters to their heroes.<br />
The pack includes powerpoints. I have also included resources i made although some I used from common teacher resource sites.</p>
<p>This unit covers:<br />
A hook for learning -<br />
Vocabulary - racism, prejudice and discrimination<br />
Reading as a reader - retrieval<br />
Reading as a writer - features of a letter<br />
Grammar - questions and exclamations<br />
Research<br />
Planning<br />
writing<br />
editing<br />
<p>Reading in other subjects.<br />
Ideas for books linked to curriculum areas for all primary phases.<br />
Easily adaptable to suit your school curriculum.<br />
Including a range of diverse authors and texts.<br />
Subjects included: Art, British Values, Computing, DT, Geography, History, Maths, Music, PE, PSHE and RE.</p>
<p>These Fairy Tale Mad Libs promotes a love of reading whilst providing children the opportunity to apply and consolidate their grammar knowledge in a fun way. Simply ask children to suggest examples for different parts of speech and types of sentence, then enjoy the hilarious effect they have when inserted into gaps in the short stories. With a different story each time, who can make the funniest version?</p>
<p>An excel document that allows teachers to track class progress against NC reading objectives.<br />
Useful for reading subject leaders to monitor progress across school, identify strengths and areas for development.</p>
<p>This lesson looks at plotting coordinates in 2 quadrants and translating shape,<br />
The session includes a starter, main, paired activity, independent task and an extension. The plenary looks at applying their understanding to solve some problems. All resources are included but you will need some counters.</p>