French Numbers 1-20 worksheetQuick View

French Numbers 1-20 worksheet

<p>Two pages of exercises to practise numbers 1-20:</p> <p>Unjumble the numbers and write them correctly in French and English.<br /> Continue these number sequences.<br /> Write the French numbers/ Write the English numbers.<br /> Find the sum of the following numbers and write your answer in French.<br /> Subtract.</p>
French birthdays numbers dates revisionQuick View

French birthdays numbers dates revision

<p>A good worksheet practising birthdays, numbers and dates:</p> <p>Quel âge as-tu ? / Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire ?<br /> Les jours de la semaine / Les mois de l’année <br /> Les chiffres<br /> Ecris la date en chiffres.</p>
Le sport et les activitésQuick View

Le sport et les activités

<p>Mes activités préférées/ Quelles activités aimes-tu?/ Quels sports aimes-tu?<br /> Les opinions : J’aime/j’adore/je n’aime pas/je déteste</p> <ul> <li>vocab lists for activities and sports</li> </ul> <p>This lesson teaches pupils new topic vocabulary and how to construct sentences using opinions. e.g. I don’t like to dance.</p> <p>There are lists of vocab which can be printed out for pupils to stick in their books.</p>
Dans mon sacQuick View

Dans mon sac

<p>Dans mon sac, il y a … This is a lesson introducing vocabulary for schoolbag items and indefinite articles ‘un’ , ‘une’, ‘des’. There is a starter exercise to practise numbers.</p> <p>The aim of the lesson is for pupils to memorise the new vocabulary and then use it in three different activities: listening, mini-whiteboard activity, and a mini-writing activity. There is a list of vocabulary to be printed out and pupils to stick it in their books.</p> <p>This lesson has engaging animations and is set out with a clear and logical sequence. Enjoy!</p>
Les couleursQuick View

Les couleurs

<p>A fantastic resource on colours adjective agreements, in Powerpoint and PDF formats. Pupils can be given the PDF printed out to work on and the Powerpoint can be used to check answers.</p>
Les couleursQuick View

Les couleurs

<p>This is a 28-slide Powerpoint lesson on Colours and adjective agreements worth every penny. It is engaging and well-structured, with a clear sequence and activities which will keep students focused.</p> <p>Starter activity on classroom items is optional. Lesson starts with choral repetition exercises on colours ; the vocabulary is set out to be printed out and given to pupils to stick in their books. The lesson proceeds to the grammar part which is focused on adjective agreements. There is a slide with grammar rules which can be printed out too to be given to pupils.</p> <p>There are writing activities at the end of the lesson, one of which can be used as homework.</p>
L'alphabetQuick View


<p>A simple and effective French alphabet lesson with great animations, songs and games. There is also a dictation with answers coming up afterwards for pupils to check their work. The focus of the lesson is on speaking and memorising the alphabet.</p>
Quel âge as-tu?Quick View

Quel âge as-tu?

<p>Quel âge as-tu?</p> <p>A powerpoint resource teaching pupils how to say their age in French. Mostly speaking practice, with some writing where pupils write in their exercise books the numbers correctly. This resource revises numbers from 0-21. There are notes on some of the slides explaining how to conduct the activities. Perfect for Year7 students or beginners.</p>
French In my classroom there isQuick View

French In my classroom there is

<p>Dans ma salle de classe il y a …</p> <p>A well organised powerpoint resource introducing vocabulary for describing the classroom, with varied activities, choral repetition, ‘what is missing…’ game, a short writing task. Separately there is vocabulary to print which pupils can stick in their exercise books.</p>
French Numbers 0-31 WorksheetsQuick View

French Numbers 0-31 Worksheets

<p>A resource with 4 worksheets of simple and well layed-out exercises where pupils practise numbers in French from 0-31, with a little challenge on the last worksheet.</p>
French Numbers 0-15 Powerpoint LessonQuick View

French Numbers 0-15 Powerpoint Lesson

<p>Les nombres<br /> An engaging and colorful powerpoint lesson introducing or revising numbers in French from 0-15. It has a starter, choral repetition with animations, easy games, mini whiteboard activity, short writing activity and Loto! Enjoy!</p>
French Classroom ExpressionsQuick View

French Classroom Expressions

<p>Expressions pour la salle de classe</p> <p>Classroom language for students to stick in their books and use in lessons. This is a compilation of the most widely used expressions in class, by teachers as well as pupils.</p>