Media Studies Yr11/Yr12 Introduction LessonQuick View

Media Studies Yr11/Yr12 Introduction Lesson

<p>This lesson and accompanying worksheet is designed as a resource for a ‘taster’ session for all Media Studies A-Level courses. It looks at the 4 study areas of Media language, audiences, industries and audiences in brief detail, then provides a media language sound analysis task for students to complete (a written task, as the majority of the A-level is written!) This has writing frame slides for both higher and lower ability students.</p> <p>There’s also a development task, linking sound to audience.</p> <p>This is an effective taster lesson (or double lesson) for students to give them a realistic idea of the rigours of the course.</p>
Cover Booklet - GCSE Lord of the Flies + Paper 1 & 2 Language Practice - CHAPTERS 8, 9 & 10Quick View

Cover Booklet - GCSE Lord of the Flies + Paper 1 & 2 Language Practice - CHAPTERS 8, 9 & 10

<p>A complete booklet with 10 lessons based around chapters 8, 9 and 10 of Lord of the Flies, along with linked AQA Paper 1 Q5 (creative writing) and Paper 2 Q1-4 (non-fiction texts) and Q5 (writing for purpose) Language Practice. Each lesson should last around 1 hour depending on ability and usual pace of learning.</p> <p>These are complete lessons, with a learning question, DO NOW (unaided starter activity), Main Task and Plenary for each lesson.</p> <p>This booklet can be delivered by a non-specialist, or could be used to create ppts from to develop lessons for a SOL.</p> <p>A wide variety of tasks are used in the booklet, it’s not repetative, so it’s interesting and engaging for students. It is aimed at mid-level students with starred extension tasks for higher level extension. Lower level students may need extra teacher-input.</p> <p>Students can peer mark as they go, or teacher ‘tick &amp; flick’.</p>
AQA Media Studies - No Offence  - Complete SOL (2022)Quick View

AQA Media Studies - No Offence - Complete SOL (2022)

<p>A complete scheme of learning based on the <strong>close study product</strong> for television (AQA Media A-Level) <em>No Offence, Season 1, Episode 1</em></p> <p>Covers all areas of the CSP booklet published by AQA in 2022, includes exam planning and writing practice.</p> <p><strong>11 complete lessons, of</strong> 1-2 hours each depending on pace and ability. **</p> <p>Designed to assist new teachers in delivering, so (hopefully) straightforward!<br /> Includes video clips and links to external sources / sites.</p>
2024 Exam - AQA Media Studies HW & Independent Study GridQuick View

2024 Exam - AQA Media Studies HW & Independent Study Grid

<p>A Study Grid based on the Close Study Products for AQA (for students sitting the examination in 2024)</p> <p>This is a good self-study / independent task which students can work through. It shouldn’t overlap with anything in the classroom and requires minimal prior knowledge, but will equip students with a basic knowledge of all the texts they must study for the exam!</p> <p>This is ideal for:</p> <ul> <li>First term homework</li> <li>Summer Study</li> <li>Revision (with tweaks)</li> </ul> <p>My students enjoyed using this as a BINGO card and submitting each line!</p>
Media Studies - SOUNDQuick View

Media Studies - SOUND

<p>A PowerPoint which introduces some key concepts about sound.</p> <p>Includes:<br /> Written Analysis Task of an Opening Sequence<br /> Extension (Wider Thinking) Tasks Linked to Media Theories (Neale, U&amp;G, Hesmondhalgh)<br /> Link to CSP (War of the Worlds) for AQA</p> <p>Key terms:<br /> Diagetic<br /> Non-Diagetic<br /> Diagetic Switch<br /> Foley<br /> Narration / Voice-Over</p>
2023 AQA Media Exam - Video Games CSPQuick View

2023 AQA Media Exam - Video Games CSP

<p>A range of lessons focusing on the CSPs for Video Games for the 2023 exam (please note, the CSPs change in 2024!)</p> <p>Metroid Echoes 2<br /> Tomb Raider Anniversary<br /> Sims Freeplay</p> <p>Not a complete SOL, but a good start and can be used alongside generic VG industry lessons.</p>
Lord of the Flies - GCSE - Task-per-page self-paced worksheets - Chapters 4, 5, 11 & 12Quick View

Lord of the Flies - GCSE - Task-per-page self-paced worksheets - Chapters 4, 5, 11 & 12

<p>A task-per-page self paced worksheet with a range of tasks across AOs 1, 2 and 3 for English literature.</p> <p>Students can read the chapter at their own pace, and complete each task as they go. Chapters 4, 5, 11 &amp; 12</p> <p>A fantastic revision resource / cover lesson.</p> <p>The page numbers relate to the the Faber&amp;Faber published version (ISBN: 9780571191475) and may need tweaking for other versions.</p>
SCORE  - AQA Media A-Level CSPQuick View

SCORE - AQA Media A-Level CSP

<p>Simple PPT which covers the SCORE csp for AQA Media A-Level.</p> <p>This covers aspects of media language and narrative.<br /> Can be used as cover, or revision.</p> <p>Please rate this resource if you find it helpful :)</p>