Exam Preparation - IGCSE History P1 (Depth Study: Russia)Quick View

Exam Preparation - IGCSE History P1 (Depth Study: Russia)

<p>This resource provides 3 lessons that you can simply scroll through!</p> <p>There are three pdf-lessons. They are tools to help you to guide your students, step-by-step, to answer 6-mark questions on the CIE IGCSE History Paper 1 exam paper. Each pdf-lesson has a 6-mark question, and explains in detail how it can be planned and answered. (The questions in this resource focus on the years before the 1917 revolutions.)</p> <p>Using the pdf-lessons (projecting them onto the whiteboard), you can lead your students to:</p> <ol> <li>brainstorm ideas</li> <li>organise the brainstormed information</li> <li>plan the answer</li> <li>write the essay</li> </ol> <p>Simply scroll through the pages to teach your students how to answer the 6-mark exam questions, using the examples provided! (There is enough material for 3x 60-minutes lessons.)</p> <p>Materials that come with this resource:</p> <ul> <li>Projectable pdf-lessons. (There are 3 pdf-lessons in this resource.)</li> <li>Printable table for planning Paper 1 6-mark questions.</li> <li>Advice on answering Paper 1 6-mark questions.</li> <li>Example answers to the 3 questions in this resource.</li> </ul>
Exam Preparation - IGCSE History P1 (League of Nations)Quick View

Exam Preparation - IGCSE History P1 (League of Nations)

<p>This resource provides 5 lessons that you can simply scroll through!</p> <p>There are five pdf-lessons. They are tools to help you to guide your students, step-by-step, to answer 6-mark questions on the CIE IGCSE History Paper 1 exam paper. Each pdf-lesson has a 6-mark question, and explains in detail how it can be planned and answered. (The questions in this resource focus on the League of Nations’ role in international relations in the 20th Century.)</p> <p>Using the pdf-lessons (projecting them onto the whiteboard), you can lead your students to:</p> <ol> <li>brainstorm ideas</li> <li>organise the brainstormed information</li> <li>plan the answer</li> <li>write the essay</li> </ol> <p>Simply scroll through the pages to teach your students how to answer the 6-mark exam questions, using the examples provided! (There is enough material for 5x 60-minutes lessons.)</p> <p>Materials that come with this resource:</p> <ul> <li>Projectable pdf-lessons. (There are 5 pdf-lessons in this resource.)</li> <li>Printable table for planning Paper 1 6-mark questions.</li> <li>Advice on answering Paper 1 6-mark questions.</li> <li>Example answers to the 5 questions in this resource.</li> </ul>
The Holocaust Homework BookletQuick View

The Holocaust Homework Booklet

<p>This booklet contains 5 homework tasks on the Holocaust. It is ideal for KS3 students learning about the treatment of Jewish people by Nazi Germany.</p>
Exploration Homework BookletQuick View

Exploration Homework Booklet

<p>This booklet contains 9 homework tasks on the Exploration. It is ideal for KS3 students learning about the Exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries.</p>
Slave Trade Homework BookletQuick View

Slave Trade Homework Booklet

<p>This booklet contains 5 homework tasks on Slave Trade. It is ideal for KS3 students learning about Britain and the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade.</p>
Project AustraliaQuick View

Project Australia

<p>This booklet introduces students to Australia, its animals and aboriginal art. It includes maps, worksheets, wordsearches and mazes. It is ideal for KS2 students learning about Australia.</p>
Aztecs WorkbookQuick View

Aztecs Workbook

<p>This booklet is useful as a workbook for KS3 students learning about the Aztects. There are information pages, sources, and questions to answer.</p>
A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.1 (with resources)Quick View

A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.1 (with resources)

<p>This lesson is suitable for KS3 English students, studying A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.</p> <p>Lesson Objectives include:</p> <ol> <li>to recap what we read in the first Chapter of our novel</li> <li>to be reminded of our focus for reading</li> <li>to learn how we can record this information</li> </ol> <p>The lesson comprises of the following activities:</p> <ul> <li>Make a bookmark for “A Monster Calls”. (download &amp; print)</li> <li>Reading &amp; discussion of plot, characters &amp; relationships</li> <li>Inference questions (&amp; solutions)</li> <li>Explanation of strategy for recording focus for reading… (With examples to download.)</li> <li>Extension Tasks (vocabulary list &amp; questions on the chapters involved)</li> </ul> <p>Hardly any preparation is needed for this lesson: Simply access the link provided and then scroll through the lesson with your class. Follow the instructions as you go along…</p> <p>Duration: there is sufficient material for a 60 minute lesson!</p> <p>Definitely also check out my other resources - in total, there are 32 of these unique lessons on A Monster Calls.</p>
A Monster Calls - Introductory Lesson (with resources)Quick View

A Monster Calls - Introductory Lesson (with resources)

<p>This lesson is suitable for KS3 English students, studying A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.</p> <p>Lesson Objectives include:</p> <ol> <li>to learn what is meant by literature</li> <li>to understand our focus for reading</li> <li>to read the first Chapter of our novel</li> </ol> <p>The lesson comprises of the following activities:</p> <ul> <li>What is Literature? (Explanation)</li> <li>Six Steps involved in studying a novel… (Explained)</li> <li>Focus for reading… (Explained - with short hand-out to download &amp; print, PLUS solution.)</li> <li>What is Inference? (Explanation) (PLUS a short video example.)</li> <li>Read Chapter 1. “A Monster Calls.”</li> </ul> <p>Hardly any preparation is needed for this lesson: Simply access the link provided and then scroll through the lesson with your class. Follow the instructions as you go along…</p> <p>Duration: there is sufficient material for a 60 minute lesson!</p> <p>Definitely also check out my other resources - in total, there are 32 of these unique lessons on A Monster Calls.</p>
A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.4 (with resources)Quick View

A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.4 (with resources)

<p>This lesson is suitable for KS3 English students, studying A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.</p> <p>Lesson Objectives include:</p> <ol> <li>to consider the plot of Chapter 4</li> <li>to consider tone &amp; structure</li> <li>to consider Conor and Lily’s relationship</li> </ol> <p>The lesson comprises of the following activities:</p> <ul> <li>Reading &amp; discussion of plot, characters &amp; relationships</li> <li>Inference questions (&amp; solutions)</li> <li>Structure in Literature… (Explained)</li> <li>Conor and Lily… character relationship task (including a worksheet to download and print)</li> <li>Extension Tasks (vocabulary list &amp; questions on the chapters involved)</li> </ul> <p>Hardly any preparation is needed for this lesson: Simply access the link provided and then scroll through the lesson with your class. Follow the instructions as you go along…</p> <p>Duration: there is sufficient material for a 60 minute lesson!</p> <p>Definitely also check out my other resources - in total, there are 32 of these unique lessons on A Monster Calls.</p>
A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.3 (with resources)Quick View

A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.3 (with resources)

<p>This lesson is suitable for KS3 English students, studying A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.</p> <p>Lesson Objectives include:</p> <ol> <li>to consider the plot of Chapter 3</li> <li>to examine descriptive writing</li> <li>to consider Conor and Lily’s characters</li> </ol> <p>The lesson comprises of the following activities:</p> <ul> <li>Discuss / Recap previous chapter</li> <li>Inference questions (&amp; solutions)</li> <li>Descriptive Writing examples from the text…</li> <li>Answering a few questions… (With answers provided…)</li> <li>Making Character mind-maps for Conor &amp; Lily.</li> <li>Read Chapter 4. “Life Writing.”</li> </ul> <p>Hardly any preparation is needed for this lesson: Simply access the link provided and then scroll through the lesson with your class. Follow the instructions as you go along…</p> <p>Duration: there is sufficient material for a 60 minute lesson!</p> <p>Definitely also check out my other resources - in total, there are 32 of these unique lessons on A Monster Calls.</p>
A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.2 (with resources)Quick View

A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.2 (with resources)

<p>This lesson is suitable for KS3 English students, studying A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.</p> <p>Lesson Objectives include:</p> <ol> <li>to consider the plot of Chapter 2</li> <li>to consider the characters so far</li> <li>to record relevant information for Chapter 2</li> </ol> <p>The lesson comprises of the following activities:</p> <ul> <li>Reading &amp; discussion of plot, characters &amp; relationships</li> <li>Inference questions (&amp; solutions)</li> <li>Descriptive Writing examples from the text…</li> <li>Recording the focus for reading…by making brief notes on plot, characters and inferences</li> <li>Read the next chapter, “School.”</li> <li>Extension Tasks (vocabulary list &amp; questions on the chapters involved)</li> </ul> <p>Hardly any preparation is needed for this lesson: Simply access the link provided and then scroll through the lesson with your class. Follow the instructions as you go along…</p> <p>Duration: there is sufficient material for a 60 minute lesson!</p> <p>Definitely also check out my other resources - in total, there are 32 of these unique lessons on A Monster Calls.</p>
A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.8 & Ch.9 (with resources)Quick View

A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.8 & Ch.9 (with resources)

<p>This lesson is suitable for KS3 English students, studying A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.</p> <p>Lesson Objectives include:</p> <ol> <li>to identify different types of characters in a story</li> <li>to consider what may happen next</li> <li>to find out what happened in the rest of the First Tale</li> </ol> <p>The lesson comprises of the following activities:</p> <ul> <li>Reading &amp; discussion of plot, characters &amp; relationships</li> <li>Inference questions (&amp; solutions)</li> <li>Characters task (worksheet to download &amp; print, plus answers)</li> <li>Think Sheet…predict what may happen next (download &amp; print)</li> <li>5-line poems (worksheet to download &amp; print) (including example)</li> <li>Extension Tasks (vocabulary list &amp; questions on the chapters involved)</li> </ul> <p>Hardly any preparation is needed for this lesson: Simply access the link provided and then scroll through the lesson with your class. Follow the instructions as you go along…</p> <p>Duration: there is sufficient material for 2x 45 minutes lessons!</p> <p>Definitely also check out my other resources - in total, there are 32 of these unique lessons on A Monster Calls.</p>
A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.5 (with resources)Quick View

A Monster Calls - Lesson for Ch.5 (with resources)

<p>This lesson is suitable for KS3 English students, studying A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.</p> <p>Lesson Objectives include:</p> <ol> <li>to consider the plot of Chapter 5</li> <li>to learn more about the Yew tree</li> <li>to start exploring the symbolism of the Yew tree</li> </ol> <p>The lesson comprises of the following activities:</p> <ul> <li>Reading &amp; discussion of plot, characters &amp; relationships</li> <li>Inference questions (&amp; solutions)</li> <li>Relevant information about the monster’s names…</li> <li>Pair-Share questions about the monster…</li> <li>An explanation of “symbolism” in writing. (including a worksheet to download &amp; print, plus a solution)</li> <li>A Crossword Puzzle for Ch.5</li> <li>Extension Tasks (vocabulary list &amp; questions on the chapters involved)</li> </ul> <p>Hardly any preparation is needed for this lesson: Simply access the link provided and then scroll through the lesson with your class. Follow the instructions as you go along…</p> <p>Duration: there is sufficient material for a 60 minute lesson!</p> <p>Definitely also check out my other resources - in total, there are 32 of these unique lessons on A Monster Calls.</p>