A-Level Psychology AQA Summaries for every topic, essay plans for all
<p>I made these clear tables for psychology alevel which led me to acheiving an A* and one of the highest marks in the country<br />
Each table includes sections for AO1 and AO3 in every topic (i did attachment, memory, psychopathology, social influence, biopsychology, approaches, forensics, schizophrenia, issues + debates, gender and research methods - i didnt create the table for research methods in the same format as it doesnt have much AO3 but it still has all the key information) and subtopic, i have included information from many of the different textbooks, online websites and teacher powerpoints<br />
Buying this will save you so much time as i have already chosen all the best AO3 for each section and included an excess of examples meaning your AO3 will be more bulky than if you just use the textbook<br />
I have colour coded each of them to make them clear and easy to read, including key psychologists, arguments, words and critisms<br />
I memorised these by blurting them on my whiteboard and correcting them until i had memorised all of them</p>