Criminal Law - Murder RevisionQuick View

Criminal Law - Murder Revision

<p>This visual aid covers Murder Revision. Its all the learning content that students are required to learn and revise for an upcoming criminal law exam that covers Law on Homicide - Murder.</p> <p>This PP covers revision on Murder, the defintion, case law and the application of the law.</p>
AutomatismQuick View


<p>This is Criminal Law Defences<br /> Covers Content that students are required to learn on Automatism</p>
Law Making - Parliamentary and Delegated LegislationQuick View

Law Making - Parliamentary and Delegated Legislation

<p>This is a bundle with the introduction to Parliamentary law making along with Delegated legislation.<br /> It also covers Controls on delegated legislation.<br /> There is some activities mainly research activities for the students to engage with.</p>
Alternative Dispute ResolutionQuick View

Alternative Dispute Resolution

<p>This is an introduction to the four types of ADR. Arbitration, Mediation, Negoation and Conciliation. It covers points about each ADR, sets out actvities that can be planned around these.</p>
Statutory InterpretationQuick View

Statutory Interpretation

<p>This is a introduction to the rules of statutory interpretation.<br /> Literal Rule, Golden Rule, Mischief Rule and Purposive Approach.<br /> It explains the Key case law and the rules</p>
Legal ProfessionQuick View

Legal Profession

<p>This is an introduction to the legal profession. It sets out the qualifications and work of a Solicitor and Barrister. The visual aid consists of a starter activity for the students to guess the topic. It consists of knowledge and some research tasks for the students to engage in.</p>