Year 6 Collection of Modelled Newspaper Report Examples BEOWULFQuick View

Year 6 Collection of Modelled Newspaper Report Examples BEOWULF

<p>This is a collection of three newspaper reports I wrote as modelled examples of how a Y6 Greater Depth child might write.<br /> They are based on the story of Beowulf, but could easily be used as examples for any newspaper report writing.<br /> My class found them extremely useful to help structure their writing and provide them with phrases and vocabulary to use.<br /> All features of newspaper reports are included within them.<br /> Most Y6 skills are demonstrated too, including switching between formal/informal language in quotes and change of tense at the end. Enjoy!</p>
Mothers' Day Assembly Powerpoint (Christian)Quick View

Mothers' Day Assembly Powerpoint (Christian)

A lovely Powerpoint file to use as an assembly for Mothers' Day with a Christian theme. It looks at the mothers in the Bible and what they did for their children. This is particularly suitable for KS2 and the children clearly enjoy the discussion that can be had around which skill or characteristic each mother from the Bible displayed. Children are then encouraged to consider how much their own mothers do for them.
Example Monologue/Soliloquy from Lady Macbeth (teacher written) DIFFERENTIATEDQuick View

Example Monologue/Soliloquy from Lady Macbeth (teacher written) DIFFERENTIATED

<p>An example monologue from the perspective of Lady Macbeth that I wrote for my class, after looking at a monologue by Macbeth’s character. The children used this as a guide for writing their own.<br /> Three differentiated levels - the HA version includes some Shakespearian language. The others are more modern, allowing LA children to access the content more easily.</p>
Task breakdown chart for autism/SEN/writingQuick View

Task breakdown chart for autism/SEN/writing

A visual resource to support children with SEN, autism or those who are reluctant writers. This chart can be edited and used to help children to work through each lesson without the need for constant reminders from staff. It should be laminated so that they can tick each task off with a whiteboard pen when completed.
Play Script Planning WorksheetsQuick View

Play Script Planning Worksheets

A set of three worksheets to help children to organise their ideas for planning a play script. One planning frame to that can be used in an open-ended way to help children to think about stage directions and also to encourage the use of adverbs. One planning sheet set out like a storyboard. Also includes an editable sheet with prompt questions for learning how to write a detailed character description.
NEW 2016 Year 2 SATs Style SPaG worksheets and activities - Sentence TypeQuick View

NEW 2016 Year 2 SATs Style SPaG worksheets and activities - Sentence Type

A set of activities and worksheets aimed at Year 2 for practising recognising sentence types - statement, command, exclamation or question. There are two activities: A sorting activity to begin with, and a follow-up activity for children to write different sentence types about pictures. There are also 2 worksheets that are in the same format as many of the new style SATs questions, so great for learning how to answer those style questions too! Would also be great as a reminder or further practice for those in KS2.
Selection of Worksheets for Missing Numbers with Multiplication and Division (Year 2+) INVERSEQuick View

Selection of Worksheets for Missing Numbers with Multiplication and Division (Year 2+) INVERSE

This is a selection of worksheets intended for three lessons teaching Greater Depth children in Year 2 or older children how to use the inverse to solve missing number problems in division number sentences, and practising choosing whether they need to use multiplication or still use division to solve it. There is an extension sheet for each lesson that involves balancing equations.
Correct the punctuation worksheets (Proper Nouns) Guy FawkesQuick View

Correct the punctuation worksheets (Proper Nouns) Guy Fawkes

A text written about Guy Fawkes with the punctuation missing. Chn to use green pen and correct the mistakes like the teacher! These sheets are brilliant for capital letters, particularly focusing on proper nouns as there are a lot of people and place names in it. There is also a selection of sentence types that the children could identify for an extension.
Sorting Proper Nouns differentiated worksheets (Year 2)Quick View

Sorting Proper Nouns differentiated worksheets (Year 2)

Two worksheets (differentiated) for children to sort nouns and proper nouns into a table. The words to sort are on a separate page so they can be cut up for practical learning.<br /> The LA sheet has capital letters, making it slightly easier to identify the proper nouns.<br /> Originally aimed at Year 2, but would suit any age range where necessary!
Maths Homework Activities KS1-KS2Quick View

Maths Homework Activities KS1-KS2

A collection of 15 homework activities for Maths (one of which is differentiated 3 ways). Originally written aimed at Year 3-4, these can easily be adapted to suit any age range!
Maths Mastery Missing Angles Around a Point activities KS2Quick View

Maths Mastery Missing Angles Around a Point activities KS2

<p>A selection of activites designed to encourage children to use the ‘what do you know?’, ‘what do you notice?’ mastery approach to understanding the problem. They are all questions that ask children to find a missing angles around a point that I used for my LA Year 6 class. These begin simply and then increase in their level of challenge.</p>
Maths Mastery Missing Angles around a point Slides KS2Quick View

Maths Mastery Missing Angles around a point Slides KS2

<p>An engaging Powerpoint presentation (with moving parts) which demonstrates the concept of missing angles around a point using pizza images. I used this with my LA Year 6 maths group. I also have the activities on the slides a for sale separately as a word doc so they can be printed and stuck in.</p>
Minibeast Hunt Tally TablesQuick View

Minibeast Hunt Tally Tables

Differentiated tables for children to complete on their search for minibeasts outdoors. This set allows them the opportunity to search different habitats separately so they can compare their findings. LA have it all pre-completed, MA empty but with grid lines, and HA can design their table themselves.
Maths Mastery missing angles on a straight line activityQuick View

Maths Mastery missing angles on a straight line activity

<p>A selection of questions designed to encourage children to use the ‘what do you know?’, ‘what do you notice?’ mastery approach to understanding the question. These are all missing angles on a straight line and start simply, increasing in their complexity towards the end.</p>
Maths Mastery Measuring Angles Anchor Activity KS2Quick View

Maths Mastery Measuring Angles Anchor Activity KS2

<p>An anchor designed to introduce measuring angles creatively to a LA Year 6 class. This uses the concept of pizza slices to get the children to reason about measuring angles using a mastery style approach. I also have more mastery resources for calculating angles for sale.</p>
Year 6 Teacher Modelled Story balanced dialogue description WITH SKILLS IDENTIFIEDQuick View

Year 6 Teacher Modelled Story balanced dialogue description WITH SKILLS IDENTIFIED

<p>I wrote this excerpt based on a trip I had to the opticians! It was intended to demonstrate to my class how using a real experience or person would allow them to describe in much more realistic detail. I have woven in the dialogue and description in a more well-balanced way and demonstrated a plethora of Year 6 skills within the text.<br /> The first page is a text the children could read or find features/skills in.<br /> The following pages are the same text, but with a selection of skills footnoted to make them clear. Useful for someone new to Year 6, a cover teacher, or NQT to support.</p>