Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions PresentationQuick View

Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions Presentation

This presentation covers what improper fractions are, what mixed numbers are, and how to convert from a mixed number to an improper fraction. Some questions are in the powerpoint, with answers provided. The questions in the powerpoint are not extensive, as this is a presentation on the topic.
Long Division Formal MethodQuick View

Long Division Formal Method

This powerpoint presents examples of long division using a formal method. The powerpoint is animated with colour matching numbers. The examples include 3 digit divided by 2 digit numbers, as well as a 4 digit divided by a 2 digit number. The final slide shows an example of a quicker method (bus stop).
Long Multiplication Treasure HuntQuick View

Long Multiplication Treasure Hunt

This treasure hunt is differentiated. The green cards contain 1 digit x 3 digit number multiplication. The amber cards contain 2 digit x 3 digit number multiplication. The red cards contain 2 digit x 4 digit multiplication. Pupils can start on any card, complete the question and then try to find the answer on another card.
Circle theorem lesson packQuick View

Circle theorem lesson pack

This is a sequence of 4 lessons I delivered on circle theorems. Many of the questions in the resource and PowerPoints were taken from other sources, so thanks to those people who uploaded those. The material in the PowerPoints should all build up pupils' skills in accordance with what theorems have been studied previously. Problem cards/questions contain all the circle theorems. Circle templates provided for pupils to conduct investigations and stick into book.
Miles to kilometres racetrack conversion taskQuick View

Miles to kilometres racetrack conversion task

This short tutorial and task present pupils with problems regarding miles to kilometres conversions and vice versa. The tutorial uses a method of calculating what 1 mile is equivalent to, and what 1 kilometre is equivalent to. The worksheet starts with easier questions with arrows to show a step, and later questions remove this support.
Comparing Fractions PresentationQuick View

Comparing Fractions Presentation

This tutorial is on comparing fractions. The PowerPoint starts with a system of finding the lowest common denominator through writing out multiples of the fractions' denominators. It goes through with process with a few examples, with every stage explained through animations. This is also merged with questions. This is to allow flexibility in presentation. Pupils may require more guidance, or they may be able to attempt the questions after a few examples. The comparison questions also allow for diagrams to be shown if a button is pressed.
Scale Drawing CarQuick View

Scale Drawing Car

This activity contains a car blueprint. Pupils have to measure certain parts of the scaled drawing, record their measurements, and then work out what the measurement would be in real life. Answers provided.
Top 20 Mathematics GCSE skills differentiated question sets (Revision) Quick View

Top 20 Mathematics GCSE skills differentiated question sets (Revision)

I created this resource for my exam class. The top 20 GCSE skills are decided from the most frequently occurring exam topics (up to 2014). <br /> <br /> Each topic card is in three levels (Easy, Medium and Hard). I would suggest printing these out onto card and writing your solutions on the reverse of each topic card so pupils can check their work. <br /> <br /> Hopefully these will come in useful for yourself and your students! <br />
Enlargements worksheetQuick View

Enlargements worksheet

This worksheet presents 8 questions to pupils, with grid paper. Pupils have to enlarge shapes (6 questions) with the final two questions being finding a scale factor.
Ordering and Comparing Decimals worksheetQuick View

Ordering and Comparing Decimals worksheet

This task presents pupils with 10 pupils' times from a race. Pupils have to say who won the race, and who lost the race. Pupils then have to order the decimals, finding out the positions of the different pupils.
Which are enlargements? Finding scale factor!Quick View

Which are enlargements? Finding scale factor!

This powerpoint presents 6 different questions. Each question contains a red shape, together with several blue shapes. Pupils have to work out which of the blue shapes are enlargements of the red shape. Powerpoint is animated, so answers are built into the presentation.
Simplifying fractions using common factorsQuick View

Simplifying fractions using common factors

The powerpoint explains a method of simplifying fractions through using common factors (the highest common factor). The powerpoint goes through the process a step at a time. (Stating what numbers are are finding the factors of, the common factors, and then the highest common factor). The questions on the worksheet are set out like the powerpoint. This allows pupils to work through questions in a structured way, like the powerpoint. Pupils can swap their questions to peer asses.
Ordering fraction activity and worksheetQuick View

Ordering fraction activity and worksheet

The powerpoint presents 5 fractions which pupils have to order from smallest to largest. They are animated and will go from smallest to largest with a click. The word document presents 3 questions to pupils, where they must order fractions as well as colouring in a grid to represent the fraction.
Bearing World MapQuick View

Bearing World Map

This world map features bearings questions. Pupils have to draw the path of a bearing, as well use accurate scale measurements. The scale is provided on the map. The map also features questions on reverse bearings, where planes are on a return journey. In order for the scale to be accurate, this map needs to be printed on A3 paper.
Area of triangle and parallelogram worksheetQuick View

Area of triangle and parallelogram worksheet

This worksheet presents 3 questions on area of triangle and 3 questions on area of parallelogram. Once pupils have completed the questions, they can match a parallelogram to a triangle. Each triangle will match to a parallelogram. This could also be a starting point to explaining that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters.
Long Multiplication - Formal Method TutorialQuick View

Long Multiplication - Formal Method Tutorial

<p>This tutorial is contains 3 example questions.</p> <p>The first 2 examples are 2 digit x 2 digit calculations, with the final being a 3 digit x 2 digit calculation.</p> <p>Each step is animated and works through the questions gradually.</p>
Divide Fractions by Whole Numbers Code BreakerQuick View

Divide Fractions by Whole Numbers Code Breaker

This is an activity which contains questions on dividing fractions by whole numbers. The answers link to a letter, and when all the questions have been completed the pupils will see a message, 'every answer is correct'. Could be used as a starter, or within a segment of the main part of the lesson.
Long Division Treasure HuntQuick View

Long Division Treasure Hunt

This treasure hunt is differentiated into 3 parts. Green cards - 3 digit divided by 1 digit Amber cards - 3 digit divided by 2 digit Red cards - 4 digit divided by 2 digit These cards can be placed around the room, with pupils completing a question and then searching for an answer. The three colours are provided in order to extend the task for those pupils who complete the green cards quickly/easily.