Year 9 Scheme: Of Mice and Men - Context Study
<p>A 6-week scheme to teach ‘Of Mice and Men’ (novella) to a Year 9 English class.</p>
<p>In this scheme I’ve included:</p>
<li>a very basic SoL/SoW breakdown;</li>
<li>the lesson slides (some are very simple reading questions, as some of the chapters take a fair bit of time to read through, but these are interspersed with context-building lessons with more activities, e.g. paragraph analysis practice);</li>
<li>relevant worksheet tasks or activity sheets;</li>
<li>and assessment tasks: two practice analysis tasks, an analysis/essay task, and a creative writing/multimedia/speech task.<br />
You can use these tasks if you like, or adjust to suit your department’s requirements.</li>
<p>If you wanted to extend the unit by a further week, you could also watch the 1992 film directed by Gary Sinise and follow up with a comparison to the book (e.g. How faithful is the adaptation, and how important is it for this text in particular?).</p>