iGCSE Business - 1,2,3,6,9,12 marker scenarios -Visual ExplainerQuick View

iGCSE Business - 1,2,3,6,9,12 marker scenarios -Visual Explainer

Please find a template for students to use. This includes a visual template as well as then an explanation, followed by exemplar answers with the suggested AO1, AO2, AO3 & AO4 grades attached. This is a template to be used to offer a framework and guidance to students. It is important to understand that the examples provided are a guideline and that sometimes the questions asked in the exam will not exactly fit, but it will provide students a great chance of achieving the highest grades. I hope this helps Teachers/Students involved in the iGCSE Business exams, or even those teachers/students working with other GCSE Business equivalents.
BTEC Unit 6 PP and Work sheets x 2 - Case study developmentQuick View

BTEC Unit 6 PP and Work sheets x 2 - Case study development

Please find attached the following… 1 - Worksheet 1 - this breaks down the Facchetti Business Case Study, and helps to students to break down different characteristics of Fabio, Katrina and Sunny, and their impact upon the business, via questions for the learner. 2 - Worksheet 2 - this has an additional column and is a worksheet that be used as a progression from worksheet 1. This focuses on the learner being able to map the A, B, C, D, E & F with the case study. 3 - The power-point supports Worksheet 1, and again is specific to the case study for January 2022. Hoping this helps all people on this site… Wishing everyone a great Christmas.
LIBF DeFS Unit 4 Mini Assessment PowerPoints & Supporting Question Sheets - 1|1, 2|3, 3|1 & 3|4 -Quick View

LIBF DeFS Unit 4 Mini Assessment PowerPoints & Supporting Question Sheets - 1|1, 2|3, 3|1 & 3|4 -

LIBF DeFS Unit 4 Mini Assessment PowerPoints & Supporting Question Sheets - 1|1, 2|3, 3|1 & 3|4 Hi all, please find x4 PowerPoints and x4 supporting Microsoft Worksheets attached for the above questions for the LIBF DeFS Mini Assessment for this term. The Powerpoints and the Microsoft work sheets are pragmatic (no frills) documents that will allow your students to collect all the information that they will need for when they eventually complete their mini assessment. Limited to the above questions, these set of documents will be ideal for a teacher who wants to direct their students to the above set of questions. Any feedback with regards to whether the documents are easy to use would be most appreciated. Kind Regards, Darren.
OCR RO64 LO2 Financial Scenario BookletQuick View

OCR RO64 LO2 Financial Scenario Booklet

This 9 page document outlines all the different scenarios for the OCR RO64 LO2 Financial component. To then enable the students to build their own scenarions adopting a modelling process. Covering Sales Revenue, Total Cost, Total Profit & Break Even, the work is structured in the following process for each of the above sections… Working Example Use working example to build your own scenario, therefore allowing students to greater own their understanding. Then… The work sheet concentrates on the mathematical layered questions, meaning students need to come up with financial questions that they will be able to answer financial questions that cover a range of different time frames. The students really engaged with this, it would be interesting to see how your students react to this booklet.
The UK Cost of Living Autumn Budget – November 2022Quick View

The UK Cost of Living Autumn Budget – November 2022

Please find here an ideal summary of the Autumn Budget for your students. This was developed for the whole school PSHE tutor component that we at the school develop. With an outline of what the Autumn Budget and Chancellor of the Exchequer is, and the possible underlying reasons behind the significance of this Autumn Budget - Covid/Inflation/ Ukraine war. This is an ideal resource to offer all of your students, and provides you the teacher a great framework to develop a PSHE session around. Enjoy!